Paper Company Plans Campaign To Encourage Kids To Print Things Out
If John Williams, the CEO of Domtar Corp., has his way, kids all across North America will be asking for printers this holiday season. Somehow I doubt he’ll have his way, but here’s his plan: his company is about to launch a “Put It On Paper” campaign via print, Facebook and YouTube that will encourage people to print out things like emails and web pages.
Williams is especially peeved about the idea that printing isn’t environmentally friendly. In a recent presentation he said, “You should feel comfortable to use it appropriately and you shouldn’t be feeling there is some environmental negative when you use it. People do not have to feel guilty about using paper to print.”
What “Put It On Paper” won’t address is the cost of unnecessary printing–the paper, the electricity, and most of all the ink. Maybe Domtar’s next campaign could be targeted at printer manufacturers, and called “Hey You’re Killing Our Business!”
“Domtar: Print those e-mails to your heart’s content “ [The Globe and Mail via Techdirt]
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