While Facebook is, by far, the dominant “social” networking site, it’s rarely used for professional networking. Instead, people go to places like Microsoft’s LinkedIn when it comes time to look for a job or just put their resumés out there. But in Facebook’s quest to be all things to all users, it is testing new features that mimic much of what you’d see on LinkedIn. [More]
social networks

Twitter Rolls Back Update After “Accidentally” Removing ‘@’ From Replies
If you noticed something a little funny on Twitter recently, you aren’t alone: the company confirmed that it “accidentally” pushed an update that briefly killed off the @ symbol in front of usernames. [More]

Twitter To Live-Stream Some MLB, NHL Games
Want to take your favorite Major League Baseball or National Hockey League team with you wherever you go? Twitter is hoping to make that a reality by live-streaming select games soon. [More]

Want Your Group To Make Friends With A Group Of Strangers? Tinder Social Can Help
If you’ve ever looked around at your three friends and thought, “This just isn’t enough. We need some new blood,” then Tinder Social may be for you. [More]

MySpace Still Exists, Parent Company Sells Social Network’s Remains To Time Inc.
Prepare to transport yourself back to 2003, kids, before Facebook, when a profile meant a list of your Top 5 friends and a flashy, custom design, and MySpace ruled the social media realm (Friendster, sit down). Apparently, it still exists today, and Time Inc. now owns what’s left of it. [More]

British Facebook User Legally Changes Her Name To Get Back Into Account… And Is Still Locked Out
Unlike other social media networks like Twitter, where you can be anyone you like as long as you’re not trying to impersonate, say, the Queen of England, on Facebook, users are required to use their real names on the site. One British woman made a big change to her identity in order to regain access to her account, only to be kept waiting to find out her fate. [More]

Facebook Will Actually Let People Decide What They Want To See In The News Feed
Customization can be a wonderful thing. In the case of your Facebook News Feed, it might mean the difference between confronting a daily onslaught of adorable baby photos and actually getting content you want to view. The social network added a new feature today that will allow users to designate a group of accounts that will automatically appear at the top of their News Feed. [More]

Facebook Testing In-App Search Engine Powered By Users’ Posts
For those moments when it’s just too much work to copy a link on your phone’s web browser, open up the Facebook app and hit “paste,” the social network is now testing out an “add link” option that uses an in-app search engine. [More]

Facebook Messenger Adds Video Calling, Because Why Not
Over the past several months, Facebook has retooled its messenger app to do a lot more than just send one-liners to your friends – from allowing real-time customer service chats to a payment feature. The company’s latest update to the app aims to take conversations to the next level with video calling. [More]

Anyone Over The Age Of 99 Has To Lie About Their Age To Join Facebook
A woman in Minnesota who turns 114 years old today (Happy birthday!) had to lie about her age recently. No, not because she wanted to appear younger, and not because she doesn’t want to admit she was born before every home had a telephone and flying hunks of metal called airplanes got people from here to there. She was trying to sign up for Facebook, which only allows for users 99 and younger. [More]

Myspace Wants You Remember The Good Times You Had Before You Forgot You Had A Myspace Account
Do you remember if you still have a Myspace account? You know, that social media site with all the blinged out backgrounds and angsty blogs, the friend network that time forgot? Myspace is still alive, and it’s out there thinking about how much fun you two used to have, how much fun you could still have, if only you remembered it existed. [More]

Path Texts And Calls Everyone In User’s Address Book About Nonexistent Photos At 6 A.M.
UPDATE: After seeing this story on Consumerist, a rep for Path wrote me — on my personal e-mail address suggesting I check out Stephen’s updated post and give Path a try for myself… In spite of the fact that Stephen still maintains that he never opted into sharing his address book nor did he have any pictures to share. Thanks, but I’d rather not bother my friends and family with texts at all hours of the morning. [More]

Facebook Might Introduce Hashtags & Twitter Is Like, “Welcome To Five Years Ago”
If the rumors are true and Facebook starts using hashtags, Twitter might get a bit peeved. On one hand, it’s just another symbol sitting there on the keyboard, but on the other, it’s been pretty widely known as strictly Twitter territory. A new report says Facebook wants to get in on the hashtag action, which could elevate the already frosty relationship between the two social networks to ice cold. [More]

Maybe You Didn’t Know It Existed In The First Place But Apple Is Killing Its “Ping” Social Network
Joining the social network graveyard as of yesterday, Apple announced it would be shuttering its Ping venture. What? You’d never heard of an iTunes music social network called Ping? Welcome to the club, and now it’s too late to join if you were fancying the idea of signing up for yet another site on which to share every detail of your life. [More]

Now You Don't Need An Invite To Obsess Over Braided Hairstyles & DIY Wedding Ideas On Pinterest
Have you been simply raging with jealousy that all of your friends are going nuts pinning cool handmade jewelry, tricks to baking your own tortilla chips (upside down muffin tins!) or how to make a cake that looks like a pair of shoes? Good news for you then, because Pinterest says it’s doing away with the invite-only process and has started open registration. [More]

Facebook Works To Stop Porn Flood
Some Facebook users reportedly suffered a deluge of pornographic and violent images earlier this week due to a hacker-spawned exploit, but the social network says it has the problem under control. The images that flooded accounts’ news feeds allegedly consisted of hardcore porn with celebrity faces pasted in, as well as disturbing images, one of which featured an abused dog. The problem continued for as long as 48 hours before Facebook got a handle on it. [More]

Facebook Refines Privacy Settings, Seemingly In Response To Google+
Facebook has taken steps to make it easier to pinpoint which people can see things you post. Rather than forcing you to juggle settings on your profile, the site displays the groups who can view each individual post in a drop-down menu next to it. The move seems geared to match a similar setup on Google+. [More]

Facebook Adds Miramax Films To Stable Of Movie Streaming Rentals
Facebook is lining up deals with movie studios to put their films online for streaming rental, making agreements with Universal last week and Miramax this week. Using special apps for the services, you pay 30 Facebook credits — $3 per film — and have a 48-hour window to watch the movies. [More]