After giving employees more than six months to recover from this spring’s Unicorn Frappuccino, Starbucks has another limited-time novelty beverage that’s made more for Instagram than for human consumption. Yet the good news (perhaps?) for many of the chain’s employees is that supplies for the drink have already run out in many locations. Darn. [More]

Starbucks Baristas Probably Aren’t Sad That The Zombie Frappuccino Is Already Running Out

Zombie Circuit City Pushes Back Relaunch Again
For those in our audience who don’t remember, Circuit City was once a large and thriving chain of electronics stores. It filed for bankruptcy and liquidated in 2009, then returned as an online-only brand just a few months later. When the new owner liquidated in turn, the new owners made a shocking announcement: they planned to revive the brand as a retail chain of brick and mortar stores. Now the opening of those stores has been pushed back again. [More]

Lyft Can Send You Free Zombies On Demand For Halloween
Companies that send vehicles on demand also enjoy giving people the ability to summon other things with the power of their smartphones, like when Uber let people in select cities summon puppies and kittens or free fruit deliveries when the company was suspended from giving rides in Germany. Lyft’s Halloween publicity stunt is less cuddly and more spooky: they’ll send you zombies on demand if you order one. [More]

Kansas To Officially Declare October “Zombie Preparedness Month”
You might know to aim for the brain and that if one bites you, you’re a goner — but how else could you possibly prepare for the inevitable zombie apocalypse? Kansas wants its residents to be ready for that — or really, any kind of large scale disaster — and is declaring October “Zombie Preparedness Month” to spread the word. [More]

Even Die-hard Zombie Fans Might Balk At ‘Walking Dead’ Beer Made With Real Brains
You’ve got your Daryl Dixon replica crossbow and your escape routes all planned out in case of a zombie invasion that is definitely going to happen, but how deep do your zombie-loving affections actually run? Deep enough to delve into uncharted beer waters with a drink made from actual braaaaaaains? [More]

What Can ‘The Walking Dead’ Teach Us About Public Health Crises?
There are many things fans of The Walking Dead can learn about a potential zombie apocalypse: Crossbows are awesome when Daryl is wielding one, never trust someone who just goes by “The Governor” and zombies are always snacking. But more perhaps important than studying the way Rick tenses his eyes just so, there are vital lessons about public health to be had from the popular post-apocalyptic show. [More]

Great, Now There’s An Actual Zombie Drug Eating Its Way Through Human Flesh
Now that that whole bath salts craze has died down, we’d expect the zombification of our population to sputter out as well. But kids these days, well they keep finding new ways to freak everyone out. Namely a new designer drug that’s eating its way through human flesh and turning people into stumbling, incoherent zombies. Sigh. [More]

As Our Lives And The Economy Got Worse, We Really Liked Playing Zombie
Think our current cultural fixation on zombies is just part of the zeitgeist? A Clemson University literature professor says that it’s not that simple. Focusing on the zombie walks occurring in many cities, she points out that people have become more interested in playing zombie over the last decade as we feel powerless, penniless, and disenfranchised. [CBS Charlotte] [More]

Do People Go Gun Shopping With Zombies In Mind?
Between “The Walking Dead” and “Warm Bodies,” there’s a lot of zombie-related entertainment in the zeitgeist right now. But do people have a possible zombie apocalypse in mind when they’re looking for firearms to defend themselves in an emergency? Maybe. Sort of. Not really. [More]

Gamer Backlash Against ‘The War Z’ Prompts Makers To Pull It From Steam Store
Selling something that isn’t perfect can be okay in some situations. An apple? Just cut the bruise out. Shirt missing a button? Ask for a discount and sew one on. But when it comes to technology and video games, if your product isn’t up to snuff, those playing the games are going to be very unhappy. The distributors of zombie survival game The War Z learned that this week and ended up pulling it from game site Steam. [More]

Here Is Your Chance To Buy A Chicken McNugget That Looks Like A Zombie
When you look down at your fast food meal, you don’t expect to see the terrifying, misshapen face of a zombie staring back at you. But that’s what happened to a McDonald’s customer in New Jersey, who could have just gobbled the offending nugget and never thought of it again. No, this nugget is bound for greater things. They’re selling it on eBay. The bidding currently stands at $2.75. [More]

Hardware Store Takes The Zombie Preparedness Route To Boost Sales
Nothing like the undead to put some life into your business… or at least, that’s the tack a hardware store in Omaha is taking by marketing their goods as items ideal for Zombie Preparedness. [More]

Funeral Home Patrons Find 'Walking Dead' Billboard Offensive For Some Reason
Remarkably, no one at ClearChannel Advertising seems to have realized that it might be a bad idea to post a giant ad for a zombie-themed television program on the exterior wall of a funeral parlor. That’s precisely what happened in the town of Consett in England. The advert for post-apocalyptic drama The Walking Dead has now been taken down, and the company responsible has apologized, but how on earth did this happen in the first place? [More]

Sears Finally Runs Out Of Living Customers, Reaches Out To Zombies
In an encouraging step, Sears has made its merchandise and web shopping experience more accessible to a marginalized population that most retailers ignore: zombies. They’ve even translated the site into Zombian. As they put it, “Zerger bargarz zambah barg!” Yes. [More]

Want To Be A Zombie In Harrisburg? That'll Be $450.00
Some economist eggheads might believe that the recession is over, but try telling that to the zombies of Harrisburg, PA, who had to move their march of the undead after the city tried to squeeze them for some fees. [More]

Christmas Creep Cartoon From Hallmark (Yes, Hallmark)
Hallmark’s Shoebox Greetings has a blog. This week, the blog published a delightful cartoon on the subject of Christmas creep.