Working in the fast-food industry can be hard work for little pay, and now employees have to worry about their job security as well. Fast food remains popular, but one prominent CEO predicts that within the next decade, more work in fast food restaurants will be taken over by robots. [More]
yum brands

McDonald’s & Other Fast Food Giants Battling For Siberian Customers
When you picture Siberia, you probably imagine a vast, frozen landscape, tucked away in the coldest corner of the globe. You probably don’t picture the Golden Arches lighting up the frigid night, but now even Siberia has several McDonald’s locations — and it’s got plenty of competition for customers. [More]

Yum CEO Would Rather Pizza Hut Be More Convenient Than Have A Better Product
Pizza Hut has been fighting for a slice of the marketplace pie with a weapon that’s turning out to be rather ineffective namely, a complete menu revamp that added a bunch of new crusts, drizzles, toppings and doodads to their regular slate of pizzas. That whole idea of trying to compete with a better product is not the way to go, Yum Brands CEO Greg Creed says. Instead, Pizza Hut should focus on being more convenient than its rivals. [More]

Alcohol-Serving Taco Bell Will Abide By Hour Restrictions, Staff Security Guards
Don’t even think about getting a bit unruly at the soon-to-open boozy Taco Bell, because you’ll be under the watchful eye of a security guard. [More]

Taco Bell Confirms A Boozy Menu At Soon-To-Open Chicago Location
Nothing goes better with a chalupa than a nice glass of red wine. Okay, we don’t actually know that, but we do know that the pairing will certainly be an option at Taco Bell’s new Chicago location. [More]

Taco Bell Confirms It’s Testing Delivery Near College Campuses Because Obviously
When the folks at Taco Bell sat down to think about where they could find a population likely to want fast food Mexican fare delivered to their doorsteps, they likely didn’t have to work that one out for very long. After earlier reports that the chain might be testing delivery, Taco Bell confirms it’s trying things out in certain likely areas, namely college campuses. [More]

New Chicago Taco Bell Could Be Company’s First To Sell Alcohol
Want an ice-cold beer to wash down that Doritos Locos Taco? If city permits and licenses are to be believed, a new Taco Bell in Chicago’s Wicker Park neighborhood may be the first to let you live that dream. [More]

Pizza Hut Menu Additions Failing To Generate Additional Sales
A few months back, Pizza Hut announced a complete menu revamp, adding a bunch of new crusts, drizzles, toppings and whatnot to their regular slate of pizzas. We sampled 21 of these additions ahead of their release, though we weren’t exactly blown away, and it looks like we weren’t the only ones unmoved by the changes. [More]

Taco Bell Might Be Trying That Whole “Chips As A Taco Shell” Thing Again, This Time With Fritos
As the saying goes, when at first you succeed at feeding people taco fillings inside a shell made from a popular brand of chips, try it again and see if you can get more people to buy your food. At least, that must be a motto at Taco Bell, which could be following the success of the Doritos Locos line of taco fare with a new Fritos shell. [More]

Report: Yum! Brands Attempting Asian Food With Test Of Banh Mi Sandwich Shop
The company that’s gone south of the border to offer fare resembling Mexican food, and brought customers buckets of fried meat resembling chicken, is now taking a whack at selling Asian cuisine. Namely, those tasty little Vietnamese banh mi sandwiches many Americans have come to drool over as shops pop up across the country. Yup, Yum! Brands is reportedly testing its own version of banh mi. [More]

Yum! To America: Pay No Attention To Our New Chicken Restaurant, It’s Not For You
On the one hand, it’s kind of odd that Yum! Brands, parent corporation to one chicken establishment already with KFC, quietly opened up a new chicken shop in Arlington, Texas with little to no ado. On the other hand, the company says it pulled the sneak-opening of Super Chix because it’s not like you’ll be able to eat there elsewhere in the country anytime soon, if ever. [More]

Redundant Currency Symbol Menace Spreads To Canada
We’re sorry, Canada. We share a dominant language and many aspects of our culture, but we didn’t mean to export the horror of redundant currency symbols. That’s the grammar abomination where someone uses both the symbol and word for a currency in the same sentence: for example, “$15 dollars.” After our rant on the subject earlier this week, reader Daniel pointed out its appearance in a current Pizza Hut promo in Canada. [More]

Prisoner Sues Taco Bell For Allegedly Stealing His Idea For Doritos Locos Tacos
We’ve all had that moment: You’re watching TV late at night and see a commercial for a product that you swear, and will tell anyone who asks (or doesn’t), that you came up with first. They stole it! You might scream at the TV, startling the cat. One man currently incarcerated in a super-max federal prison in Colorado is taking his outrage a step further, and suing Taco Bell for allegedly swiping his idea for Doritos Locos Tacos. [More]

China Investigating Yum Brands Because If The Meat Label Says Mutton, It Should Be Mutton
UPDATE: Yum says its Little Sheep hotpot restaurants in China aren’t part of the tainted mutton scandal. A spokeswoman says in part: “There is no evidence, none whatsoever, of any adulterated product anywhere in our system.” That being said, the company is going to make extra sure of that, out of an “abundance of caution.” [More]
Yum Brands CEO Wants To Hug The World, Feed Them Pizza Hut, Taco Bell & KFC
If the CEO of Yum Brands has anything to say about it, the definition of world cuisine will be comprised of Pizza Hut, Taco Bell and KFC. It’s great that he wants to feed everyone, but is fast-food really the way to do it? [More]

Yum Sells Off Long John Silver's And A&W To Franchisee Groups
After nine months on the market, Yum! Brands has finally announced it has found buyers for its Long John Silver’s and A&W restaurant chains. [More]

Should Fast Food Restaurants Be Allowed To Accept Food Stamps?
Only three states — Arizona, Michigan, and California — currently allow fast food restaurants to take payments from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (better known as “food stamps”), but Yum! Brands, parent company of KFC and Taco Bell, is currently leading a push in its home state of Kentucky to open that option up to state residents there. [More]

Taco Bell Releases New Statement On Class Action: We're 88% Beef!
Earlier this week a class action lawsuit was filed against Taco Bell, alleging that their beef is actually only 36% meat and the rest is “extenders” and other non-meat substances. Taco Bell’s President and Chief Concept Officer Greg Creed has released a new and more in-depth statement that goes into detail about the percentage of ingredients in the recipe, like how it contains 88% USDA-inspected quality beef. [More]