If you’ve never been to Other Music in New York you may not appreciate this as much but OM is an awesome lil music store at East 4th and Lafayette. Contrary to what this video might have you believe, the people are actually super friendly and helpful. There is a certain elitist air but that’s because they know their shit and they know they know it.
Boingle Bucket: 70’s Toy Commercial Montage
We saw over at Boing Boing this great montage of 70’s toy commercials. Bing Bang Boing looks particularly awesome… a Rube Goldberg game made entirely of masturbatory paraphernalia. “It’s down the Bingle Flinger, past the Hum Drums, up the Banglevator, through the Flicker Tickler, and into the Boingle Bucket!” Getting your balls in the Boingle Bucket is the last step before you win by reaching the ‘Big O’ square, we assume.
Apple Store Opening Revealed
Here’s everything we missed by staying home from the Apple Store opening on Friday.
Fast Food Nation Trailer Served on a Toasted Bun
A dramatization of Fast Food Nation, the NYT bestseller expose of the inside sluice gate of the expedited meal industry, is due out this fall and the trailer looks pretty tasty.
80’s Chevy Cavalier: Live It!
Live today’s Chevrolet with Cavalier! Plus, an interior that comforts your very soul.
The Adicolors of the Rainbow
The first two minutes are a touch slow but then the panda and the fish start playing russian roulette.
Net Neutrality as Told By Gun Wielding Halo Maniacs
Here’s a funny window into the issue of net neutrality, depicted by characters from the shoot-em-up smash hit, Halo, spotted here.
Axe Stretches Imagination Until It Snaps Back
if you’ve ever wanted your underwear so stretchy it looks like you might have a giant penis, this axe ad, and presumably, these knickers, are for you.
New Mac Ads Preach to the Converted
For something that’s supposed to be so hip, macs are definitely taking a very classic turn in these latest “pc vs mac” spots.
Rich Little Big Crazy For Little Debbies
What a delicious Little Debbie commercial starring Rich Little who was famous in his day for his celebrity impersonations.
Wes Anderson’s American Express Ad
The ad by Wes Anderson starring Jason Schwartzman is pretty fantastic, and almost too post-modern for its own good.
What’s Net Neutrality?
There’s been a lot of buzz lately about “net neutrality,” which is basically how your ISP might have a financial incentive to make Google or YouTube or any site it pleases slower or even block it. This is a pretty important issue and if the failure by the US House is any indication, one that’s in danger of being won by the bad guys.
Stunning MTV HD Ad Something to Crow About
Stunning work from the wunderlab that is the Psyop motion graphics studio.
Jack White’s Coke Ad, #2
Turns out there’s actually TWO versions of the awesome new Coca-Cola ad featuring a track by White Stripes’ Jack White. This one is cool because all the extras move at the end. The commercial is directed by Nagi Noda, based on the technique she pioneered in the Japanese music video Sentimental Journey.
Jack White’s Coke Ad
Some applaud how different this ad is from your typical Coke commercial. Stylistically, this is true but really it just puts a pretty new dress on a classic ad trope. Therein, the product is passed from random person to random person, spreading joy and smiles along the way.

I’m a Blogger But What I Really Want to Do is Direct
We just got fancy YouTube Director privileges. This gives us the ability to upload videos any length up to 100MB. Sweet.
German Burger King: Nation of Aryans, Idiots
There’s two requirements for making an ad in Germany. One: near-graphic sex. Two: the sex is thwarted by the promise of an inane consumer item.