Ten years ago today, Apple introduced a product that was designed to serve as not only a music player, but a phone that could go on the internet — the iPhone. In the decade since, the company has surfed some huge news waves, sometimes riding high, and other times, totally wiping out. [More]
steve jobs

Steve Jobs Called The Competition With Google’s Android System A “Holy War”
How devoted was the late Steve Jobs to the company he co-founded? Devoted enough for him to liken Apple’s competition with Google’s Android operating system to a “holy war,” according to emails unearthed by Samsung’s lawyers as part of the Korean company’s legal fight against Apple. [More]

Apple Reveals Statue Of Melted T-1000 To Honor The Late Steve Jobs
You might’ve thought that the late Steve Jobs was the CEO and founder of Apple, which sure, he was. But if a new statue the company has unveiled to honor him has anything to say about it, he was a T-1000 from the future and somehow melted on his way back to our time, ostensibly looking for John Connor. [More]

Steve Jobs, John Lennon And Dora The Explorer On The List For Future Postage Stamps
Business titans of our time, brilliant musicians that changed the world forever, and a curious toddler with a talking backpack and wide, creepily blinking eyes. What do Steve Jobs, John Lennon and Dora the Explorer have in common? They’re all going to end up on U.S. postage stamps. [More]
According To Taiwanese Commercial, Steve Jobs Is In Heaven Playing With Android Phones
Since we don’t really know what happens to us when we pass on, a Taiwanese commercial is taking advantage of the unknown and picturing heaven as a place where Steve Jobs can finally play with Android phones to his heart’s content. Which is very likely, considering he called them “sh#!” while he was alive. [More]

Apple Doesn't Want You To Own An Eerily Lifelike Steve Jobs Action Figure
As much as you might be yearning to snuggle up at night with an action figure version of Steve Jobs that is creepily akin to the real person, Apple doesn’t want Jobs fans to get their hands on any such dolls. They’re reportedly planning to sue the makers of a new extremely lifelike figure of the late CEO. [More]

Minnesota Company Maybe Never Sold Steve Jobs Those Turtlenecks
The case of Steve Jobs’ iconic mock black turtlenecks keeps getting curiouser and curiouser. After a post on their web site mourning Jobs’ demise while offering to give $20 of every $175 turtleneck of a certain style sold to fight cancer, it now seems the Apple icon might not even have worn garments from the company. [More]

Everyone Wants One Of Those $175 Steve Jobs Mock Turtlenecks
When one thinks of Steve Jobs, the image of the great Apple innovator in a black, long-sleeved mock turtleneck probably comes to mind. In a sign of the man’s impact on, well, everyone, sales of that same shirt more than doubled in the day after his death. [More]

Steve Jobs Surprises No One By Having His Name On 313 Patents
As if you didn’t know, it takes a lot of hard work and ingenuity to design products the whole world has fits of joy over. Also, you better own those ideas if you’re going to sell them! So it’s not surprising that Steve Jobs, Apple CEO from 1887 until he stepped down this week, has his name on 313 patents. [More]

Steve Jobs Stepping Down As Apple CEO
Steve Jobs, the co-founder, CEO and public face of Apple, announced on Wednesday that he is leaving his position atop the computer and personal electronics giant. [More]

Apple Announces iPad 2
Apple guru Steve Jobs received a standing ovation at the company’s latest press conference. As expected, the company announced the new generation of its popular tablet computer, the iPad. [More]

Steve Jobs Calls In Sick
Apple CEO and pancreatic cancer survivor Steve Jobs announced he’s taking a medical leave of absence. He’ll retain his title and remain involved in major decisions, but the COO will take over day-to-day operations. [More]

eBay Yanks $2,500 Steve Jobs Action Figure After Apple Complaint
If you were hoping to get your hands on one of the few Steve Jobs action figures to make it out of China, you’re too late. After Apple successfully stopped manufacturer M.I.C. Gadget from selling the dolls, a few were smuggled out and made it onto eBay, where they were going for $2,500. But Apple has blocked further sales, citing a California law that requires merchants to get an individual’s permission before selling products based on their likeness. [More]

Free iPhone 4 Cases Available Now
Looks like Apple’s Tim Cook meant it when he told shareholders that most programs submitted to the company’s App Store are approved within a week. Just seven days after CEO Steve Jobs promised to put together a program to allow iPhone 4 customers to get a free case, the iPhone 4 Case Program app is now available for download. (Yeah, Apple probably could have come up with a better name for the app, but what do you want for free?)

Apple Engineers Sleeping At Work To Fix Antenna Problem
When Steve Jobs says Apple, Inc. is going to “work our butts off” to solve the antenna problems on the iPhone 4, what he really means is… engineer slumber party! Bloomberg reports that Apple has moved cots into the engineering department, and cars have been in the parking lot overnight as the employees work on a fix. [More]

How Steve Jobs Blew $10 Billion
So, you bought a house right before the property bubble burst? Got out of gold a year ago? Invested in Pets.com back in the 90s? Well, guess what? No matter how many dumb investment decisions you’ve made, they likely pale next to a little mistake Steve Jobs made a few years ago, which cost him about $10 billion. Ain’t schadenfreude grand? [More]

Steve Jobs E-mail Generator Lets You Create Your Own Zen Platitudes
Jealous of all of those Apple fans who are getting random email messages from CEO Steve Jobs? Now there’s no reason to wait around for him to contact you. Just use the Steve Jobs E-Mail Reply Generator, and you too can be the proud owner of a terse, Steve-esque one-liner like “No,” “Nope” and “If you want porn, get an Android phone.” [More]

Steve Jobs Tells You Why Your iWhatevers Don't Have Flash
Steve Jobs has penned an open letter explaining why Apple doesn’t allow Flash on iPhones and all that. The reason? Flash is the past, HTML5 is the future. The letter comes after an Adobe evangelist told Apple to “go screw” itself. [More]