First, a comic, and now, a derivative parody video.
Comcast, The Bedazzler
Comcast hopes that you will be distracted by these new ads and forget about how much their customer support sucks. What they should really do is capitalize on the sleeping tech fiasco. Do a campaign about how Comcast techs are your buddy. They’re so friendly, you want to hang out with them and play Halo2 and smoke weed and pass out on the sofa together. That tech shouldn’t have been fired, he should have been made company spokesman. Four spots here, found via Adfreak, with hipster mermen, hipster loggers whose jobs have been taken by robots, hipster Das Boot (sucks), and hipster Japanese game show. Whether being cross-bred with sheep and eating skittles or attending officially PRB sanctioned concerts, hipsters are the roxor.
An Evening Phone Call with British Telecom
When you get an unwanted phone call from a telemarketer, we don’t really recommend letting one exasperated hand slowly run down your insanely jactitating visage right before your knuckles all pop and you tear your own face clear off. Nor do we recommend threatening to pull the telemarketer inside out by his rectum. That is not responsible consumerism.

Sleepy Comcast Tech Fired
Plenty of rock a bye babies and sweet dreams await Brian’s Comcast tech, now that he has no job to get up for. The Comcast rep who fell asleep on a customer’s couch while lamely attempting to fix his router has been fired, Comcast said. Brian grabbed a camera and uploaded the proceedings to YouTube, where it got 200,00+ hits and ended up on Countdown on MSNBC. That was Tuesday.
AOL Canceler on Today Show
Vincent Ferrari showed up on the Today Show for a little morning chat with Matt Lauer. Props to NBC for playing a huge chunk of the conversation, which we haven’t seen done in other media outlets. Of course, they do cut out the part in the call where Vincent says, “you’re annoying the shit out of me” but that’s the breaks of prime time. Matt seems amused and befuddled at Vincent’s affair, guess the networks have decided to sympathise with the little guy on this one.
Comcast Tech Falls Asleep on Customer’s Couch
Brian had a Comcast tech come to his house to replace a router, one of two broken ones they provided. The operation shouldn’t have taken but a moment. Instead the tech was on hold with Comcast for 90 minutes. And he fell asleep. Brian made a video documenting the affair.
HazMat Protesters Drop Mad Science
Here’s another version of the DRM protest involving hazmat suits and the San Fran Apple store. It’s got less Talking Heads, more people speaking about (or, heads talking…) about why DRM is bad. If you don’t know why it is, watch. If you do and would like to have your beliefs affirmed, watch. If you like sweaty geeks, watch. All we know is DRM prevented us from easily transmogrifying our sister into the next Grandmaster Flash, so now we’re totally mad against it, even more than we were madly before.
Carl’s Jr. Follows Up Sexy Paris Hilton Ad
What does this half naked fat man washing his car have to do with Carl’s Jr. hamburgers? We didn’t hear any of you asking that same question when it was Paris Hilton getting water sprayed in slow motion all over her ass to advertise the Carl’s Jr. Spicy BBQ Burger…
Folger’s Ghouls Tell You To Sleep When You’re Dead
Hallucinogenic Aryan hippies nightmarishly prance about the bleary-eyed and fatigued, screaming “YOU CAN SLEEP WHEN YOU ARE DEAD!” Which will be just as soon as one of these electric kool-aid acid ghouls manages to touch you.
Unfortunately Placed Ad, Isn’t
There’s a clip going around showing a ad right before ABC Tech Watch goes into a report about users being at risk for credit card fraud. Ostensibly, hilarity ensues. However, the gaffe isn’t as egregious as one might think; the Tech Watch report actually ran the ad within the show, as shown by the tell-tale ABC logo superimposed on the bottom right. During commercial breaks, that logo disappears.
Become Millionaire With Waterfall Like Tom Vu
Tom Vu knows three little words that will make you rich and put a geyser in your front lawn. But he won’t give up the ghost that easily, you gotta get in your little car and drive on down to his seminar. Be sure to run over any losers you meet along the way.
Video of iPod Nike Shoe in Action
Here’s an ad explaining how the crazy hooking up an iPod nano to your Nike running shoe works. Pretty f’n cool. It seems like your nano will speak to you and tell you how far you’ve run, how far you have to go, how long you ran, etc. You can then redock your nano and track all your progress on the computer.
This is Not News: Bayer Knowingly Sold AIDS Infected Drugs
We were shocked yesterday to see this clip accusing Bayer of selling medicine they knew was infected with AIDS, but maybe we should’ve been shocked back in the mid 80’s.
Panexa: The Best and Worst Drug Ever
Stay Free magazine ran an amusing back page goof ad for “Panexa” and also made a website. Now there’s a promotional video.
Carbon Dioxide is Our Friend
Would you believe that some heartless politicians are trying to take our greenhouse effect carbon dioxide away from us? This film by the “Competitive Enterprise Institute” shows us the Washington fatcats diabolical plans to deprive us of nature’s invisible little helper.
Transvestite Consumerist Skewers Shoe Culture
If you’re at work, watch out for F-Bombs, but finally an introspective video montage of women’s shoe culture, exposed by the insight and authority that only a transvestite can bring to the subject.