As the saying goes, when life hands you lemons, make lemonade. However, if life locks you in the beer cooler, don’t crack open a few cold ones — tempting though that may be — or you may find yourself charged with retail theft. [More]

Even If You’re Locked In A Store’s Beer Cooler, It’s Not Okay To Drink Whatever You Want

Foxconn Considering A $7 Billion Flat Panel Factory In The United States
Foxconn may not be a household name, but the odds are pretty good that you’re reading this post on a device that the company made or assembled under contract for companies like Acer, Dell, and Apple. The Taiwanese company does most of its manufacturing in mainland China, but is considering building a $7 billion factory somewhere in the United States. [More]

Big Retail Chains Keep Playing Chicken With Their Tax Bills
If a strategy used by a national chain retailer works in one city or state, they’re certain to try it on others. The dark store strategy that has helped retailers in some areas slash their property tax bills by sort-of-but-not-really threatening to close is spreading, and has now reached Wisconsin. [More]

Mystery Of Skittles Scattered On Road Destined For Cattle Feed Has Been Solved
Have you been wondering about the backstory behind the Skittles strewn across a highway in Wisconsin a few weeks ago? Skittles-maker Mars said that it was investigating the situation, and now we know the answer: a miscommunication meant that the candy was allegedly sold directly to a farmer. [More]

Skittles Scattered Across Highway Were Destined For Cattle Feed: Mars Investigating
Mars Inc. has a number of very distinct businesses under its sizable umbrella, covering everything from its well-known candy brands to pet food to veterinary clinics. But that doesn’t explain why a load of Skittles spilled all over a Wisconsin highway were on their way to become cattle feed. [More]

Government Accuses Walmart Of Illegally Firing Worker With Down Syndrome
The federal government has accused Walmart of violating the Americans with Disabilities Act by firing an employee with Down Syndrome who could not adjust to having her schedule changed after 15 years on the job. [More]

New Lands’ End CEO Will Pack Suitcases, Move To Wisconsin
After less than two years with mismatched CEO Federica Marchionne in charge, Lands’ End gave the former high fashion executive the (sensible, waterproof) boot back in September. [More]

McDonald’s Serving Deep Fried Cheese Curds In Wisconsin
We hear that Wisconsin is a pretty good place to live if you like cheese, but a new local offering from McDonald’s has made it an even better one. That’s because as a limited-time offering, the fast food chain is selling deep fried cheese curds in its restaurants across the Badger State. [More]

Of Course People In Wisconsin Are Getting Wedding Cakes Made Entirely Out Of Cheese
Usually, the topic of wedding trends makes me want to stab myself in the eye with a wire hanger dipped in hot tar, but when you introduce cheese into the picture, well, that’s another matter entirely. [More]

Hormel Must Pay Workers For The Time It Takes To Put On, Take Off Uniforms
Over the past several years, companies have come under scrutiny for a variety of practices that some see as wage theft, including not providing reimbursement for uniforms, requiring some work to be performed off the clocks, and mandating employees clock out for a break even if they don’t take one. Today, Wisconsin’s highest court found that Hormel Foods owes hundreds of workers back wages for failing to provide compensation for the time spent putting on and taking off required clothing and equipment. [More]

Some Jerks Stole $160,000 Worth Of Cheese In Two Separate Thefts In Wisconsin
UPDATE: Police have recovered $70,000 worth of that stolen cheese. [More]

Netflix “Making A Murderer” Documentary Inspires Viewers To Seek Justice… Through Yelp
Netflix recently premiered a 10-part true-crime documentary Making A Murderer, about controversial murder investigation in Wisconsin. Some viewers of the show have been so moved by what they’ve watched that they’re forming virtual picket lines on Yelp and other review sites. [More]

CFPB Launches Monthly Reports To Showcase Financial Difficulties In Specific Areas Of The U.S.
Have you ever wondered if people on the other side of the country run into the same difficulties dealing with financial institutions as you do? Well, wonder no more, as the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau announced today that it will provide a peek into the overall state of consumer complaints in the U.S. and how individuals in certain areas deal with companies providing financial products and services through a new monthly series. First up: Milwaukee, WI, and debt collection. [More]

Patient Faces Bankruptcy After Ambulance Takes Her To Out-Of-Network Hospital
Most of us know that it could cost us everything we own if we go to a hospital that isn’t covered by our insurance plan. But what if you’re unconscious and have no say in the matter? That’s the case for a Wisconsin woman who owes $50,000 to a hospital that claims she should just pay up and be happy she’s still alive. [More]

Wisconsin Sues Corinthian Colleges Over Everest’s Job-Placement, Graduation Rate Claims
Corinthian Colleges, the for-profit educator behind controversial school chains like Everest and WyoTech, is facing yet another lawsuit. This time, it’s from the state of Wisconsin, which alleges that Everest misrepresented important information, like graduation rates and job-placement stats, in order to lure students in. [More]

Wisconsinites Plunged Into Despair After A Swiss Emmentaler Nabs World’s Best Cheese Title
That headline is not a joke. Do I wish with my cheesiest of Wisconsin born and bred hearts that it was? Yes, because I can only imagine the depths of despair cheeseheads have been plunged into after a team of Swiss cheesemakers swooped in and grabbed the title of World Champion during this year’s competition on sacred dairy ground. Otherwise known as Madison, WI. [More]

McDonald’s Worker Will Have 29 Months Behind Bars To Regret Spitting In Cop’s Snack Wrap
In case any of you out there were considering depositing some saliva in a customer’s food today (or at any point in the future), remember that it’s not just gross, it’s illegal. And if you’re caught, you’ll lose your job and possibly your freedom. Just ask the former McDonald’s employee who will spend at least two years in jail for adding some secret sauce to a customer’s food. [More]