Over the last couple of years we’ve all finally gotten used to 4G LTE being the mobile standard our phones use… so of course, the next network tech is already in development. The wireless companies’ plans for expanding LTE networks sound simple: piggyback off spectrum that’s sitting right there, available for anyone to use, so the metaphorical pipes can be bigger. Except that could cause big problems for basically all the wireless tech we already use. [More]
Wireless Companies Have A Plan To Make Your Mobile Data Faster And Better… But It Might Break WiFi

Google Confirms Plans For Wireless Service
A new major player could be coming to the world of wireless service providers. Google confirmed plans to launch its own wireless service in the next several months, albeit in a limited capacity. [More]

Coffee Rankings Are Personal, But In Wi-Fi Starbucks Beats McDonald’s And Panera Hands-Down
Heading out for some breakfast and a cup of coffee? Excellent. For quality food and drink, your choices are wide, wide open. But if what you really want is some sweet free Wi-Fi, you may want to skip that chocolate chip bagel from Panera and head across the street to Starbucks for a frappuccino instead. [More]

Why You Should Ask For A Refund If The Wi-Fi Doesn’t Work On Your Next United Flight
You’re sitting pretty, surfing away on the World Wide Web at 35,000 feet when the wireless Internet on your United flight stops working. And a few minutes later, it’s still not working. But even if the service for the entire plane is out for a while, United crew members won’t make a plane-wide announcement about it, so you’re on your own to ask for a refund. [More]

Teens’ Science Experiment: Plants Don’t Grow Well Near Wi-Fi Routers
The science experiments from youth I remember usually involved a big piece of poster board outlining the steps of the scientific process and some kind of illustration showing how you tried to grow beans to see if music had any effect on them. But no neuroscientist ever said he wanted to repeat my experiment. Teens in Denmark claim Wi-Fi routers are no good if you want your plants to grow, and their experiment is getting lots of interest. [More]

You Need A Wi-Fi Egg Tray, Or Maybe Nobody Does
Eggs keep for a long time when refrigerated, especially if kept toward the back of the shelf, but how do you keep track of when your eggs are going to expire? Sure, you could look at the packaging and expiration dates printed on the carton. Whatever, Grandma. Why would you want to do that when there’s a wi-fi enabled egg tray? [More]

Google Loses Appeal Over Street View Cars Snooping On Home Wi-Fi Connections
Google lost its appeal in federal court yesterday over whether or not its Street View cars invaded people’s privacy by collecting info through their home Wi-Fi systems as it drove through their neighborhoods. [More]

Starbucks Dumps AT&T And Picks Google To Be Its New Wi-Fi Partner
Because business relationships are totally exactly like high school releationships, we’re pretty sure Starbucks had the following conversation when dumping AT&T: “It’s not about you. It’s about me. Well and also, actually, it’s about you because see, Google says it’ll give me faster Wi-Fi speeds, so… I need that T-shirt of mine back and the Journey CD I loaned you.” [More]

Your Home Wi-Fi Could Get A Lot Faster In The Near Future
I sit, and I stare at the Internet connectivity thingy on my computer. “Why aren’t you working faster, Wi-Fi? Why are there only four bars, now five, now four and yet you still won’t work?” Many Wi-Fi users are accustomed to the woes of the slow connection but hark! There could be relief in sight. [More]

Boeing Using Potatoes As Stand-Ins For Human Passengers To Test Wi-Fi Signals
Potato, potato. Either way you say it (or slice it, then fry it up real nice), Boeing is using sacks of the starchy stuff to test airplane Wi-Fi signals. Apparently the human body and sacks of potatoes have enough in common that the company can figure out how signals will bounce around onboard using the food as stand-ins. [More]

Comcast Offers Up Its Wi-Fi Hot Spots For Free To Anyone In States Impacted By Sandy
The spirit of goodwill toward our fellow humans in the wake of Superstorm Sandy continues to spread to big businesses. First AT&T and T-Mobile took a cue from the acts of generous individuals in helping out our neighbors by offering to share their networks for customers in the path of the storm, and now Comcast has announced it’ll offer up free WiFi to those in need in storm-ravaged states. [More]

The FAA Rethinking That Whole Ban On Smartphone Usage In Flight Thing, Finally
There are two camps of people on flights — those who listen to the flight attendants when they’re told to turn off all electronic devices during takeoff and landing, and those who think the rule is hogwash and refuse to disconnect from the wireless world until they’re forced to. That second group is probably pleased as punch to hear then, that the Federal Aviation Administration is taking another gander at its rules about smartphones and other electronics, while still firmly to its ban on in-flight phone calls. [More]

NYC Morphing Practically Unused Pay Phone Kiosks Into Wi-Fi Hotspots
When New York City’s Mayor Mike Bloomberg isn’t too busy on his crusade to downsize sugary drinks or rebrand super tiny studio apartments as “micro-units” it turns out he’s been working on a way to turn the city’s practically unused pay phone kiosks into something useful — Wi-Fi hotspots. [More]

Which Hotels Have Decent Wi-Fi?
If you want to pay out the nose for Wi-Fi, stay in a W hotel, says HotelChatter. The site has released its 6th annual report on Wi-Fi in U.S. hotels, and the W Hotel chain is named as the worst with no free lobby access and $15/day room rates. Other hotels that suck when it comes to wireless: DoubleTree, Four Seasons, Marriott, and Mandarin Oriental. [More]

Reduce Your Chances Of Laptop Theft By Turning Off Wi-Fi
A security company says that one easy way to find recently closed laptops hidden in cars or bags is to search for Wi-Fi radios, because some laptops can take half an hour or more before going into sleep mode. You need a specialized scanner to do sniff out Wi-Fi radios, but NetworkWorld.com says you can get one for about $50. The security company, Credant Technologies, says a group of lottery scammers in Jamaica were using stolen laptops that they found in this way. The solution: disable your Wi-Fi before you close the lid on your laptop. [More]

WiFi Taking Flight At Southwest Later This Year
Southwest Airlines plans to add WiFi in the second quarter of this year, the Chicago Tribune reports: [More]

AT&T CSR Recommends I Use Skype Rather Than Rely On Network
While in Brooklyn, Simon suffered dropped calls on his iPhone 3G S and complained to AT&T on its Facebook page. He heard back from customer service with some reasonable yet embarrassing advice. He forwarded us the email: [More]

McDonald's To Offer Free Wifi
What goes better with greasy fries and corn syrupy sodas than delicate electronic equipment? McDonald’s announced today that they plan to roll out free wi-fi in their outlets that currently offer it for a fee. The goal is to make their restaurants more amenable to people hanging out, and gobble up more of Starbucks’ share of the latte-sipping market. [More]