Today, a huge swath of the internet is taking a break from our regularly scheduled cat photos, *.gif memes, and political news to talk about something that affects the entire internet: net neutrality. [More]
speak up

How To Tell The FCC Just What You Think Of Its Plan To Break Net Neutrality
Do you like being able to access what you want on the internet without Comcast, Charter, AT&T, or some other ISP slowing it down, blocking it, or charging you extra? Well, bad news: The FCC has begun a process that will — unless things change dramatically in the coming months — repeal rules intended to protect internet users from this sort of interference. Here’s the better news: You can tell them what you think about that. [More]

Congress Inches Closer To Outlawing “Gag Clauses” That Block Customers From Writing Negative Reviews
The House of Representatives will soon get to vote on a bill that would make it illegal for a company to use so-called “non-disparagement” or “gag” clauses in their contracts and user agreements to prevent customers from writing or saying anything negative about that company. [More]

Now’s Your Chance: FCC Public Comment Period For Comcast/TWC Merger Ends Monday
Comcast and Time Warner Cable announced their intention to merge into wedded corporate bliss back in the middle of February. Now, six months later, the process is still rolling along. Monday — August 25 — is the deadline for members of the public to leave comments with the FCC about the merger. Got thoughts? You have three days left to make them heard. [More]

Today’s Your Last Chance: FCC Public Comment Period For Net Neutrality Ends Tomorrow
The FCC’s public comment period on their proposed net neutrality rule — the one with the fast lanes, that everyone, even Congress, thinks is a terrible idea — is running out. The deadline is tomorrow, July 15. For anyone who hasn’t yet left a comment but keeps thinking it, now’s the time. [More]

You Have Until August 25 To Tell The FCC Your Thoughts About The Comcast-Time Warner Cable Merger
It’s been five months since Comcast and Time Warner Cable first announced their intention to merge, but the regulatory gauntlet they need to get through first is just now ramping up. Earlier this week, the FCC announced the team doing the review, and now they’ve announced their timeline for taking comments on the matter. [More]

How To Tell The FCC Exactly What You Think About The Proposed Net Neutrality Rule
Earlier today, the FCC voted to move forward with their new proposed net neutrality rules. While somewhat tempered from the original rumored proposal, the proposed rule is still far-sweeping and controversial. The FCC is expecting a whole heap of opinions to come pouring in on the issue, now that the official comment period is open. [More]

Why You Should Ask For A Refund If The Wi-Fi Doesn’t Work On Your Next United Flight
You’re sitting pretty, surfing away on the World Wide Web at 35,000 feet when the wireless Internet on your United flight stops working. And a few minutes later, it’s still not working. But even if the service for the entire plane is out for a while, United crew members won’t make a plane-wide announcement about it, so you’re on your own to ask for a refund. [More]

Tell The FAA What You Think About Using Electronics During Take Off
We’ve mentioned this before, but if you’d like to keep playing Fruit Ninja (or whatever people are doing now) while you ascend into the heavens, you’ll probably want to take note of these instructions for letting the FAA know your feelings about electronics use during take off. [More]

Don't Like Facebook's Privacy Policy? Vote On The Latest Changes
Even though 13 million of you have never touched your Facebook privacy settings, there are a whole lot of people who have not only fiddled with those settings, but have actively protested recent changes in the social network’s privacy policy. That’s why Facebook is now asking its one billion users to vote on their latest round of proposed revisions to that privacy policy. [More]
3 Million Comments And Counting: The Final Public Comment Period On Net Neutrality Ends Tonight
The chance for the public — individuals, consumer advocates, and businesses alike — to have their say on the FCC’s proposed net neutrality rule is finally coming to an end. In the four months of the various comment periods being open, the FCC has received over 3 million comments so far, with more pouring in by the minute. But the finish line is near: the deadline on the reply period ends, for real, at midnight tonight. [More]