Do you own a VHS copy of Speed, that 1994 insta-classic starring one vacant-eyed Keanu Reeves and a young Sandy Bullock? There’s a guy in Idaho who’d like it, because he only has about 550 VHS copies as it stands and he’d really like to own um, all of them, before he dies. Eventually. [More]
need for speed

Man’s Eventual, Inevitable Death Only Obstacle In His Quest To Own Every VHS Copy Of ‘Speed’

Your Home Wi-Fi Could Get A Lot Faster In The Near Future
I sit, and I stare at the Internet connectivity thingy on my computer. “Why aren’t you working faster, Wi-Fi? Why are there only four bars, now five, now four and yet you still won’t work?” Many Wi-Fi users are accustomed to the woes of the slow connection but hark! There could be relief in sight. [More]

Burning Rubber Will Be A Lot Easier With Texas' New High Speed Limit Of 85 MPH
Everything is bigger in Texas (or so the saying goes, I’ve never measured a thing in that state so I can’t vouch) and now that includes big ol’ speed limits. Or rather, very high ones, at a new fastest speed for the nation — 85 miles per hour. It’s all for a new stretch of a toll road running 41 miles from Austin to Seguin. [More]