You may remember last week’s story of the Walmart employee in Michigan who was fired after he intervened to stop an assault against a customer in the parking lot. The retailer subsequently decided to offer him the chance to return to work, but he’s not biting. [More]

Craving A New iPad? Walmart Adds Tablets To Trade-In Program
Less than two months after announcing a smartphone trade-in program, Walmart is taking yesterday’s announcement of the new iPad Air and upgraded iPad Mini as a good reason to add tablets to the offer. [More]

Walmart Hunter Gets Probation For Shooting Deer In Parking Lot
Because it is very not legal to go hunting for deer (or any animal, really) in the crowded parking lot of a Walmart, the man who shot one last March has had his hat handed to him by way of probation. The Indiana man avoided trial on charges of reckless endangerment, killing or taking big game unlawfully, failing to have a hunting license, discharging a weapon across a highway, discharging a weapon in a safety zone and using a motor vehicle to hunt illegally. [Tribune-Live] [More]

Walmart Doesn’t Seem To Fully Understand Its New BOGO Policy In Florida
Recently, Walmart decided to wage war against Publix and other supermarkets in Florida by deciding to honor buy-one-get-one free deals from competing stores in the state, even if the Walmart base price for the product is already cheaper. Problem is, not everyone at the nation’s largest retailer is aware of this latest development. [More] Ships 50 Small Boxes Of Crayons In 50 Large Cardboard Boxes
Members of the Stupid Shipping Gang have invaded, where an order of 50 boxes of Crayola crayons shipped not in one or two larger cardboard boxes, but each in its own cardboard box. [More]

6-Foot Alligator Stops At Walmart For A Few Things, Freaks Everyone Out
It must be hard out there to be an alligator: You’re on your way home from a tough day at the swamp, yawning with exhaustion and you see a Walmart. “Great!” your gator brain things. “I do need to pick up a few things for dinner and some light bulbs.” But it’s not that easy when you’re a six-foot reptile that tends to scare the pants off any humans you meet. [More]

Walmart Worker Claims He Was Fired For Trying To Stop Assault In Parking Lot
UPDATE: Consumerist spoke over the phone with a Walmart spokeswoman who says that after taking a step back and taking another look at the situation, the company has offered the worker his job back. [More]

Police: Man Filmed Girls’ Butts With Hidden Camera On Walmart Cart
A Pennsylvania man who has been charged with possession of child pornography allegedly had a very, very creepy habit during his shopping trips to the local Walmart: following underage girls around the store with a hidden camera fixed on their rear ends. Authorities found the videos on his computer as part of a separate online investigation. [More]

Walmart Blames Xerox (Who Blames Walmart) For Unlimited EBT Shopping Spree
Over the weekend in Louisiana, some food stamp recipients realized that their EBT cards were suddenly showing up as having no limit, resulting in empty shelves and overflowing shopping carts as people tried to buy as much stuff as possible with their cards before the glitch was fixed. Now, Walmart and Xerox are playing the blame game over who’s at fault. [More]

Our Favorite Hot MP3 Player From 2005 Still On Walmart Shelves
In our recurring Raiders of the Lost Walmart series, we’ve become slightly obsessed with the MobiBLU MP3 player. That’s the tiny, cube-shaped music device that hit stores in 2005 and, for some reason, is still on the shelves at a comically high price. Every time a reader submits a new one, we wonder how this is even possible. [More]

Target To Offer Prepaid Wireless Service Starting Sunday
While competition in the postpaid wireless world has dwindled down to only a handful of players, the prepaid market appears to be getting more competitive. Target becomes the latest entrant into the prepaid horse race with the launch of its “Brightspot” service starting this weekend. [More]

Shoppers Find $100 Bills Hidden Throughout Portland Grocery Stores
Buying some coffee at the grocery store? How about an extra $100 with that? Or perhaps you need cookies? Here’s $100 for your excellent dessert decision. Lucky shoppers in Portland grocery stores this week might’ve thought there was a band of money fairies roving the area, stuffing hundred-dollar bills into items on the shelves, but of course, it was a publicity stunt. At least, at first. [More]

Walmart Will Spend The Next Three Months Getting Rid Of Its Leftover Paula Deen Items
When retailers like Walmart dropped Paula Deen in the midst of the controversy surrounding her use of racially-charged language, it’s not like there was a ginormous magnet that could snag all her products from shelves and whisk them away like magic. Because while Walmart announced back in June that it wouldn’t place any new orders for her branded merchandise, it still has a bunch to get rid of already in stock. [More]

Meanwhile, Here’s Walmart’s Costume Offering For School-Age Boys
I don’t know about these kids today, but I don’t imagine this blood-soaked white coat and creepy would have gone over well at my elementary school’s Halloween costume parade. Yet the “demented doctor” is among Walmart’s offering for boys, advertised for kids as young as 7. [More]

Walmart Pulls “Naughty Leopard” Costume From Shelves, Will Research What Leopards Look Like
Since we posted a picture of a little girl’s costume that was labeled “Naughty Leopard,” the story has spread worldwide, irking feminists and horrifying parents everywhere. Now we’ve learned that Walmart plans to pull the costumes from shelves. [More]

Hanes Throws In 2 Undershirts For Free, Charges More For Them
Here’s a puzzle: if a company adds more of an item to a package and advertises that you “get X items” or get X ounces free,” don’t they have to keep the price the same? Well, no. I suppose not. Reader Scott found this fascinating example of fuzzy math on various packs of undershirts at Walmart. [More]

Walmart Finally Listens To Stocking Complaints, Gives Some Workers More Hours
Hey, remember six months ago when we told you about Walmart stores nationwide not having enough employees to keep their shelves stocked? Yes, running your store chronically understaffed saves money, but Bloomberg reported that the empty shelves were driving Walmart customers to places where they could actually buy stuff, and same-store sales were falling. Walmart says that it plans to give some workers more hours in order to increase its workforce and maybe increase sales. [More]

Walmart Offers All Of The Hottest Technology From 2006 At Slightly Discounted Prices
The retail archaeologists known as the Raiders of the Lost Walmart tirelessly search the world’s retail outlets for the finest and longest-buried antiquities. What ancient wonders did they turn up this week? Why, it’s a cache of seven-year-old digital cameras and ancient MP3 players offered at only slight markdowns. [More]