Sure, we in the media like to focus on the people who punch each other over televisions at Walmart stores during the weekend after Thanksgiving. While the mega-retailer sold millions of TV sets this weekend, that wasn’t their top seller. What item did they move the most of over the long weekend? Towels. [More]

Here Are Some Videos Of People Who Spent Thanksgiving Fighting Over Discounted Junk
Can we pour one out for the memory of Thanksgiving, the once-loved holiday that took a shot to the gut yesterday when hordes of bargain-hunters chose to forego time with family and loved ones in favor of overhyped discounts on clearance items, and then died forever when the first punch was thrown, presumably minutes after the doors opened. For those of us who didn’t go shopping last night, here are some reminders why… [More]

Retailers Try To Win Over Employees Who Work This Thanksgiving
The Thanksgiving barrier has been breached by retailers, and the previously untouchable holiday is now just another day on which to have a big sale. In an attempt to win over employees who may not be too thrilled about having to eat Thanksgiving dinner at noon so they can make it to work on time, some stores are providing perks to workers who sacrifice their Turkey Day in the name of doorbuster deals. [More]

Walmart Workers Don’t Understand Store’s Return Policy, But Think They Do
In the retail shopping realm, there are few things worse than running up against an employee who is not only mistaken about his or her store’s policies, but insists that you are the one who does not understand the finer points of that retailer’s rules. [More]

Walmart Employees & Supporters Planning Black Friday Protests At 1,500 Stores
Just like last year, Walmart associates and other supporters in communities across the country are planning on protesting at a number of stores on Black Friday, about 1,500 locations this time around. At the heart of those campaigns are supporters’ concerns over 825,000 Walmart workers who are paid less than $25,000 a year, alleged illegal retaliation against workers and improved labor standards. [More]

Walmart Hasn’t Paid $7,000 Fine For 2008 Black Friday Trampling Death
We mentioned the other day that it’s been five years since the tragic Black Friday trampling death of a Walmart employee. In the years since, Walmart has spent millions of dollars trying to avoid the meager $7,000 fine from OSHA, and still has yet to pay it. [More]

Raiders Of The Lost Walmart Find Surprisingly Relevant Technology
The Raiders of the Lost Walmart seek out the finest and most hilarious pieces of archaic technology still on the shelves in the nation’s discount stores. Only sometimes, the items they find aren’t so ancient. Sometimes they seem laughably old to our tech-savvy readers, but have a real use to some customers. [More]

NLRB May Prosecute Walmart For Alleged Retaliation Against Protesting Workers
For the last few years, a number of Walmart workers have pushed the nation’s largest retailer for higher wages and the right to unionize. During this time, some employees have alleged that management has retaliated against workers who have protested the store or walked off the job temporarily to strike. Today, the General Counsel for the federal National Labor Relations Board issued a statement saying he has investigated these claims and may have to prosecute the company. [More]

Ohio Walmart Held An Employee Food Drive…For Less Fortunate Employees
It’s not unusual to have a food drive at work for the less fortunate during the holiday season. At one Walmart, donation bins appeared in an employees-only area, gathering food for people who are struggling to pay for a nice Thanksgiving dinner. The problem? Those struggling people are their Walmart colleagues. [More]

Walmart: 32 Factories In Bangladesh Failed Initial Safety Inspections, Most Fixed Problems
In the aftermath of the factory collapse that killed more than 1,100 and a fire in November killed 112 people, retailers pledged to ramp up safety efforts with any factories that produce clothing for stores here in the U.S. As part of that increased attention to keeping the workers who make your clothing safe while they try to earn a living, Walmart says it identified safety problems at 32 Bangladesh factories it does business with. [More]

Dallas Cowboys’ Dez Bryant Plays Santa, Buys PS4s For Local Walmart Shoppers
Last night, folks around the country lined up to get their hands on the new Sony PS4 gaming console when it was released at midnight. Among them was Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Dez Bryant, who got into the holiday spirit a bit early by footing the bill for several other shoppers’ consoles. [More]

Walmart To Workers: Sorry You Won’t Be Home On Thanksgiving, Here’s A Turkey Dinner
There’s nothing like a home-cooked meal, surrounded by loved ones with the warmth and satisfaction that comes from a full belly and companionship. Walmart thinks it can replace at least parts of that experience by giving employees a turkey dinner with mashed potatoes, rolls and pie for anyone working on Thanksgiving Day. [More]

You Won’t Be Enjoying Thanksgiving Dinner Because Retailers Can’t Wait For Black Friday
It’s time to face facts: Retailers are jumping on the Let’s Start Offering Big Sales On Thanksgiving Day bandwagon left and right, so you probably won’t be enjoying your dinner very much this year. Target, Toys ‘R’ Us and Kohl’s have all announced they’ll be open earlier than ever on Thanksgiving this year, and Walmart probably will too. [More]

Reminder: Legitimate Pricing Errors Are Not Bait And Switch
Once again, a retailer is making headlines with shoppers angry they aren’t getting the items they ordered at obviously erroneous prices. This time it’s, which experienced a major glitch yesterday, attaching incorrect prices to numerous items. So this is a good time to remind everyone that this is not a “bait and switch” and that retailers are generally not under any obligation to honor pricing errors. [More]

Mystery Solved: Mounds Easter Egg Ice Cream Is Really Old
A few weeks ago, we shared with you a Holiday Creep mystery. A reader discovered Easter-themed ice cream on the shelf at Walmart, making us wonder: was it still on the shelves from 2013, or just early for 2014? The way things are going in retail, we couldn’t be sure. We wrote to Walmart corporate, and they didn’t answer. Then we got a response from the freezer case. So to speak. [More]

Walmart Decides To Get This Black Friday Deal Thing Out Of The Way Now
Could it be? Is Walmart as entirely sick and tired of the whole Black Friday and its inevitable creep backward as we are? Well, it’s not clear if it’s ditching Black Friday deals altogether, but it is offering a bunch of them a month ahead of time, starting tonight at midnight. [More]

Walmart Throws Out $19,000 In Meat After Man Pokes Syringe Into Sausages
It’s a classic saying: One bad apple spoils the entire barrel, and a few syringe-poked packages of breakfast sausage causes Walmart to toss out the entire section of the meat department. [More]

Walmart Will No Longer Give You Its Goodies In A Box Every Month
Almost a year after Walmart launched its Goodies subscription snack program, the company is telling customers by email that it’ll be shutting the service down after this month’s delivery. [More]