Back in 2005, a Korean company introduced a tiny cube-shaped MP3 player that had more features than the then-dominant iPod Shuffle. The adorable MobiBLU included a voice recorder and an FM tuner, and was a Walmart exclusive item in the United States that came with free Walmart music store downloads. While those songs self-destructed back in 2008, the devices haven’t gone anywhere. You can find them on Walmart’s shelves, often at full price. [More]

Raiders Of The Lost Walmart Find Ancient iPod Case, Rare Full-Price MobiBLU
It was almost three years ago that one of the Raiders of the Lost Walmart excavated their first MobiBLU, a mini MP3 player that was the hottest entertainment technology available from Walmart in 2005. Somehow, the devices are still on the shelves at Walmart, sometimes at the original full price, never drawing any interest from paying customers: only from the camera lenses of our brave retail archaeologists. [More]

10-Year-Old MP3 Players Fail To Fly Off Walmart Shelves At $80
When will the MobiBLU, the world’s smallest full-featured MP3 player in 2005, finally sell out? Maybe never. The devices are doomed to roam Walmart aisles for years to come, reminding everyone that Walmart once had its own music downloads store, and that for some reason the retailer’s much-praised inventory control systems can’t understand how to get rid of decade-old gadgets. [More]

MobiBlu MP3 Player Looks Forward To Spending 10th Birthday On Walmart Shelf
In the field of retail archaeology, some items are more common than others. For example, the Raiders of the Lost Walmart have excavated examples of the MobiBLU, a tiny MP3 player that dates back to around 2005, from the electronics departments of many Walmart stores almost a decade later. They have hilariously high prices, ranging from $109.73 to $60. We’ve been tracking this item since May of 2013, yet Walmart can’t mark it down to a more appropriate price of maybe five bucks.

Our Favorite Hot MP3 Player From 2005 Still On Walmart Shelves
In our recurring Raiders of the Lost Walmart series, we’ve become slightly obsessed with the MobiBLU MP3 player. That’s the tiny, cube-shaped music device that hit stores in 2005 and, for some reason, is still on the shelves at a comically high price. Every time a reader submits a new one, we wonder how this is even possible. [More]

Raiders Of The Lost Walmart Remain Lost In 2011
The Raiders of the Lost Walmart search the retail landscape without ceasing for the finest and least valuable retail antiquities. What items have they found recently that you should absolutely not ever buy? [More]

Walmart Marks Ancient MP3 Player Down To Slightly Less Hilarious Price
We have great news for fans of obsolete technology! If you’ve been waiting to get hold of an MP3 player that’s old enough to receive its First Communion, you don’t have to pay Walmart’s high price of $109.72 for one. No, the glorious MobiBlu is now on clearance for only $60. [More]

Raiders Of The Lost Walmart Find MP3 Player From 2005 Marked Down To Only $100
Exploring the clearance section of his local Walmart, Eric made a rare and fascinating discovery. Well, as we’ve learned on this site, not all that rare, but it is pretty fascinating to see an electronic gadget that’s around eight years old sitting on the shelf, marked down on “clearance” to a comically high price. [More]