
Mom Gives Birth To Baby In Walmart Parking Lot While Dad’s Inside Shopping

Mom Gives Birth To Baby In Walmart Parking Lot While Dad’s Inside Shopping

Either more exciting, crazy things happen in Florida every day or we just get to hear about them more often because it’s Florida: This week a baby was born in a car parked in the lot at Walmart while the father stepped inside to grab a few things.

Beer Thieves Drive Off With Walmart Manager In Back Of Truck

Beer Thieves Drive Off With Walmart Manager In Back Of Truck

When a Florida Walmart manager followed a couple of suspected beer thieves out into the parking lot, he probably wasn’t expecting he’d end up going on a 12-mile ride in the back of their truck, tossing beer cans toward passing cars in the hopes of getting someone’s attention. [More]

Raiders Of The Lost Walmart Shopping For Games For New PlayStation 2

Raiders Of The Lost Walmart Shopping For Games For New PlayStation 2

Sure, the PS4 is now on the market, but not everyone keeps up with the hottest and latest consoles. For those people, especially if they have no idea what year it is, Walmart offers copies of decade-old PS2 games at comically high prices. [More]

Is This Video Evidence That Walmart Grossly Over-Ordered For The Holidays?

Is This Video Evidence That Walmart Grossly Over-Ordered For The Holidays?

We’ve talked in the past about Walmart’s staffing and inventory issues, where some stores have empty shelves but full back rooms because there just aren’t enough employees around to deal with all the shelving. But a new video from an investment advisor firm claims to demonstrate that the nation’s largest retailer has so much leftover inventory from this holiday shopping season that it’s overflowing into the store. [More]

Another Christmas, Another Porn-Filled Nintendo DS Under The Tree

Another Christmas, Another Porn-Filled Nintendo DS Under The Tree

When you buy what is supposed to be a brand-new piece of electronics from the world’s largest retailer, it really shouldn’t come loaded with someone else’s content. And when the supposedly new device is a gift for your 8-year-old son, it certainly shouldn’t come pre-loaded with other people’s porn. [More]

(Brittany Loubier)

How Employers Use Charity To Make Barely-Legal Political Contributions

Though corporations can create and sponsor a political action committee, they aren’t allowed to donate directly to PACs using funds from their general treasuries; that’s straight-up against the law. Nor are companies allowed to pay or reimburse employees for donating to particular PACs. But there is a loophole in the law that allows large companies like Boeing, Coca-Cola, and Walmart to encourage workers to donate to particular political groups, and that loophole is all about charitable matching. [More]

Beyoncé Shows Up At Walmart, Takes America Christmas Shopping

Beyoncé Shows Up At Walmart, Takes America Christmas Shopping

Imagine that you’re going about your business at your local Walmart when you see…Beyoncé. Must be a cardboard cutout, or some kind of hologram technology, right? Not for the shoppers at one Boston-area Walmart this weekend where the superstar paid a surprise visit. [More]

Walmart Not Responsible For Morons Who Say Racist Things Over Store Intercom

Walmart Not Responsible For Morons Who Say Racist Things Over Store Intercom

You probably remember the 16-year-old idiot from New Jersey who in 2010 commandeered the public address system at his local Walmart to announce, “Attention Walmart customers: All black people must leave the store.” The teen’s subsequent arrest was not the end of the story, as at least one shopper has tried to sue Walmart for damages related to the incident. But a federal judge has ruled that Walmart should not be held responsible for the actions of the teen. [More]

7 Examples Why You Should Always Check Inside That iPad Box Before You Leave Walmart

7 Examples Why You Should Always Check Inside That iPad Box Before You Leave Walmart

As most regular readers of the site know, iPad boxes seem to be the perfect fit for scammers who buy the device, take it home, remove it from the box, seal it back up and return it for a refund… only to saddle some unsuspecting future customer with a box full of useless crud later. [More]

“Layaway Angel” Earns His Nickname By Paying $20K Worth Of Strangers’ Balances At Walmart

“Layaway Angel” Earns His Nickname By Paying $20K Worth Of Strangers’ Balances At Walmart

All it took for a stranger to plunk down $20,000 at a Florida Walmart was overhearing a customer saying she’d have to cancel her layaway purchases. The so-called “layaway angel” was at the store buying bikes for a charity event and decided right then to extend his generosity. [More]


Sheriff: Co-Worker Shot Up Walmart Employee Of The Month’s Car

At Walmart, the Employee of the Month award comes with no cash or prizes. The title is the honor. That honor was important enough at one Florida Walmart that a co-worker who didn’t get the honor shot at the car of the official Employee of the Month. [More]

Arizona Price-Matcher Was Banned From Walmart For Allegedly Threatening To Beat Up Employees

Arizona Price-Matcher Was Banned From Walmart For Allegedly Threatening To Beat Up Employees

You might remember the national story from earlier this week about a man who went to the media with his tale of woe about how he was banned from Walmart for life just for bringing other retailers’ ads to price match. We thought there might be more to the story, and there was. Gosh, there was. [More]

So bright.

Walmart Will Start Selling The iPhone 5c For $27 (With A 2-Year Contract) On Friday

Wait… this Friday isn’t even the day after Thanksgiving and already I’m sensing hordes of people seeking a big discount crashing through the doors at Walmart. And I know I didn’t get that time machine working yet, so the fact that Walmart is selling the iPhone 5c for $27 on Friday must be some kind of crazy freak sale. [More]

Walmart To Pay Out $25 Million Over Exploding Gas Cans

Walmart To Pay Out $25 Million Over Exploding Gas Cans

Even though Walmart does not manufacture plastic gasoline cans, it does sell more of the cans than any other retailer in the country and it has been named as a defendant in dozens of lawsuits regarding exploding cans. And so the retail giant has reportedly agreed to fork over $25 million to cover its portion of a $161 million settlement that would close the book on a number of unresolved claims. [More]

Toll-Free Number On Walmart Black Friday TV Voucher Forwarded To Wisconsin Spa

Toll-Free Number On Walmart Black Friday TV Voucher Forwarded To Wisconsin Spa

There might have been thousands of people who received vouchers from Walmart during Thanksgiving weekend that entitled them to order a television online at a certain price. For many of them, the voucher didn’t work, so they called the toll-free number on the voucher. For some reason that isn’t clear to anyone yet, this number was forwarded to a spa in Wisconsin. [More]

(Northwest dad)

Black Friday Eve Not The Optimal Time For An Emergency Trip To Walmart

Stuff always breaks at the worst possible time, doesn’t it? That was Josh’s experience over Thanksgiving weekend. The household he visited over the holiday weekend had a plumbing emergency on Thursday. With no plumbers available for obvious reasons, they dug up the lawn and attempted a DIY repair. It went well until they made a trip to the only hardware store in town that was open: Walmart. [More]

Fuzzy Math At Work: Dog Food, Towels, Bagels, Muffins

Fuzzy Math At Work: Dog Food, Towels, Bagels, Muffins

Fuzzy math: it’s not cuddly numbers, but what happens when you add up bulk pricing at a major retailer and things just don’t add up. Buying things in bulk is supposed to make things cheaper. Putting things on sale is supposed to make them cheaper, too. In the real world, that isn’t always the case. [More]

Laura Northrup

Toy Self-Checkout Prepares Children For Bleak Future Of Consumption Without Human Interaction

What kind of future are we preparing our children for? There’s no way to know, but reader Beth noticed a toy intended to prepare kids for a cold, robotic future: the My Very Own Shop N’ Pay Market, available at Walmart for $20. Yes, it’s a toy self-checkout. [More]