Later this week, the three sitting members of the Federal Communications Commission are expected to vote 2-1 in favor of officially beginning the process of killing net neutrality. The lone neutrality defender on the FCC stands little chance of swaying her colleagues, leading some to speculate that she could slow down the repeal effort by removing herself from the equation altogether. [More]
timing is everything

Chicago O’Hare Airport Workers’ Strike Won’t Happen Over Thanksgiving
If you were worried that strike at one of the nation’s busiest hub airports would complicate complicate your holiday travel plans, you’ll likely be relieved to know that the employees’ walkout won’t happen until after the Thanksgiving travel period. [More]

Hundreds Of O’Hare Airport Workers Vote To Strike Just In Time For Thanksgiving
Planning on flying into, out of, or through Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport for the Thanksgiving holiday? You should be prepared for some disruptions in travel, after hundreds of airport workers voted to go on strike over wages. [More]

One Year Too Late, EA Finally Rolls Out Offline Play For SimCity
Part of the reason that video game goliath Electronic Arts won its second Worst Company In America title in 2013 was its disastrous launch of the highly awaited new SimCity game, a title that forced users to be online in order to play (but for which the company failed to provide enough server support, meaning no one could play because everyone was trying to play). Now, a full year and another WCIA nomination later, EA is finally letting users play the game without going online. [More]

Black Friday Eve Not The Optimal Time For An Emergency Trip To Walmart
Stuff always breaks at the worst possible time, doesn’t it? That was Josh’s experience over Thanksgiving weekend. The household he visited over the holiday weekend had a plumbing emergency on Thursday. With no plumbers available for obvious reasons, they dug up the lawn and attempted a DIY repair. It went well until they made a trip to the only hardware store in town that was open: Walmart. [More]

How To Win At The Airport Pick-Up Game
Picking someone up at the airport is a true show of care and dedication, because it’s such a hassle with so much potential to cause frustration. Here are some tips to make the selfless act a bit easier: [More]

Products You Shouldn't Buy During The Holidays
Marketers and retailers want you to think that now is the time to spend, because you won’t find better deals at any other time of the year. While that may be true for some products, you’re best off waiting to buy several big-ticket items. [More]

Travel When Others Don't To Save Big
It pays to be original when dreaming up your vacation plans, because if everyone else has the same idea as you, you’re sure to be paying the highest rates possible for travel, accommodations and attractions. [More]