In 2015, Frontier announced it would be acquiring Verizon’s old-school, copper-wire landline networks in California, Florida, and Texas for a cool $10.54 billion. The transition took place in early 2016, but some subscribers say that 18 months later, they’re still having trouble with the handoff. [More]

Frontier Still Overbilling Some Customers More Than A Year After Aquiring Them From Verizon

Verizon Now Says That All Yahoo Accounts Were Probably Compromised By Massive Hack
Last year, Yahoo revealed that some 1.5 billion accounts — representing about 1 billion users — had been compromised by a data breach going back years. Now that Yahoo’s new parent company Verizon has had a chance to investigate it turns out that the number of accounts compromised by the hack was… well, every single one of them. [More]

Ad Watchdog: T-Mobile Can’t Support Claims It Has “Fastest” Network
An independent ad-industry watchdog is recommending that T-Mobile stop making claims that its 4G LTE network is the fastest, or that its network is “newer” than Verizon. [More]

Verizon Says Some Cut-Off Rural Customers Can Stay, But They Must Ditch Unlimited Data Plans
Verizon recently notified around 8,500 rural wireless customers — accounting for nearly 20,000 phone numbers — that their service was going to be cut off for good on Oct. 17 because they spent too much time roaming off the Verizon network. Following the negative public reaction to this news, Verizon has decided to give these customers more time to find another wireless carrier or switch over to a Verizon plan with data caps. [More]

Verizon Wireless Cuts Off Thousands Of Rural Accounts For Roaming Too Much
If you live in rural America, the odds are you do quite a bit of roaming on your cellphone. Even if your home or business is in an area covered by a major national carrier, you likely have to regularly travel to, from, and through places where other providers pick up the slack. This means that rural customers who use their smartphones frequently can cost their carrier as they use gigabytes of data on other company’s networks. This cost has apparently become too much for Verizon, which is once again cutting off a block of rural customers, giving them only a few weeks’ notice to take their business elsewhere. [More]

Verizon Gives Up, Decides It Doesn’t Want To Buy Comcast Or Charter After All
Ever since an openly business-friendly administration stepped into the White House, analysts and investors have been pushing for Verizon to merge with a cable/internet giant like Comcast or Charter. And the telecom titan’s CEO has even indicated his interest in a corporate marriage of convenience with a massive cable or media company. But now the company says it has no immediate plans to wed. [More]

Here’s The Stuff You Really Want To Know About Apple’s New iPhone 8 And iPhone X
It’s been rumored for months, and recently leaked in detail but finally, confirmation day has come: Apple announced new iPhones and a slew of other stuff today at an event in Cupertino.

Verizon Unable To Shake Off Lawsuits Over Yahoo Data Breach
There’s some bad legal news for Verizon, new owner of the internet services and content portions of Yahoo. A federal judge in San Jose denied Verizon’s motion to dismiss lawsuits from Yahoo users whose accounts were part of a series of breaches that affected an unprecedented number of users. [More]

Verizon Changing Up Unlimited Data Plans Again, Begins Throttling Video For All Users
Verizon hopped (back) on the unlimited data train in February, joining all of its national competition in doing so. But six months later, as the dust has settled, those plans are getting some tweaks — and every Verizon Wireless customer is getting their video throttled as a result. [More]

Verizon Suspends Customer’s Service On Her 84th Birthday
It might be hard to remember, but before Facebook existed, people would call each other on the phone to wish them a happy birthday. A woman who lives near Boston and was turning 84 waited for friends and family to call her, but the calls never came. [More]

Verizon Wireless Customers In New York Are Receiving Surprise Checks: Here’s Why
If you’re a current or former Verizon Wireless customer in New York state, you may get a check in the mail soon from Verizon. It’s a refund of taxes paid on your wireless bill in the past, as far back as 2008. [More]

Verizon’s Streaming Service May Be Delayed For Lack Of Content
Verizon recently hinted that it would dive into the streaming video fray with a new service that could launch as soon as this summer. But Big V’s entry into this business may be delayed, as the company has reportedly had trouble landing content deals. [More]

Here’s What Comcast, Verizon, Netflix, And Everyone Else Has To Say About Net Neutrality
The initial comment deadline in the FCC’s proceeding to kill off the 2015 Open Internet Rule — that’s net neutrality, to most of us — has now come and gone. More than 8.9 million comments have already come in since May, blowing away the 4 million comment record set by the last time net neutrality came before the Commission in 2014. [More]

No, AT&T, Comcast, And Verizon Are Not Suddenly In Favor Of Net Neutrality
Today’s net neutrality day of action has brought out all the usual suspects in favor of keeping the internet free and accessible, but a few unexpected names have shown up today, too. Along with companies like Google, Netflix, Twitter, Facebook, and Amazon, we’re suddenly seeing AT&T, Comcast, and a couple of telecom lobbying groups out in front, claiming they love net neutrality. But is it true?
Spoiler: Nope. [More]

Why Is Verizon Charging $3/Month For Call-Blocking Service That Others Offer For Free?
Verizon Wireless now offers a service that is intended to help users block phone spam and robocalls. It appears to be quite similar to a service launched in late 2016 by AT&T or the anti-scam features introduced by T-Mobile earlier this year. But while those services are both free to use, Verizon customers will have to pay $2.99/month for this option. [More]

Ad Watchdog: Saying Google Pixel Is Available ‘Exclusively’ From Verizon Was Misleading
If you see an ad that says a product is available “exclusively” from only one vendor, what does that mean? Would you take it to mean that the retailer is the only place where you can buy that product? That’s what ads for the Google Pixel smartphone seemed to say about the phone’s relationship to Verizon, but it wan’t so. [More]

Report: Charter Said No To Verizon Buyout Offer Because It Wasn’t Enough Money
For months, Verizon’s own leaders have been stoking the rumor mill with comments about just how ready the wireless giant is to acquire someone, anyone they currently compete with. It seems that wasn’t just talk, but that Verizon actually tried to make a play on Charter before being rebuffed earlier this year. [More]

You Still Hate Your Cable Company As Much As Ever, But Think Your Mobile Carrier’s All Right
Every year, a major customer satisfaction survey comes out with an updated look at how the country’s cable, phone, and pay-TV companies are doing. And every year, it turns out the answer is still: really badly. But while many cable companies continue to suck, one trend is clear — the more competition there is, the higher the satisfaction scores tend to be. [More]