The initial comment deadline in the FCC’s proceeding to kill off the 2015 Open Internet Rule — that’s net neutrality, to most of us — has now come and gone. More than 8.9 million comments have already come in since May, blowing away the 4 million comment record set by the last time net neutrality came before the Commission in 2014. [More]
all of this has happened before…

British Airways Finally Flying Again After Major Holiday Weekend Systems Outage
Tens of thousands of travelers whose holiday weekend plans included a trans-Atlantic hop or a jaunt around Europe probably met with some unpleasantness this weekend, as an IT problem led to British Airways cancelling hundreds of flights and leaving more than 75,000 passengers in the lurch. [More]

American Apparel Files For Bankruptcy (Yes, Again)
The writing has been on the wall for a while, and it seems the inevitable has finally come to pass: troubled apparel retailer American Apparel this morning filed for bankruptcy in a Delaware court. Yes, again. [More]

News Sites Consider Moving Their Content Inside Facebook (Because That Worked So Well In The AOL Era)
There’s news in the world of news today, as some major sites are on the cusp of a new publishing deal with Facebook. The deal would actively keep their content inside of Facebook, rather than having links on everyone’s love-to-hate-it social network lead back out to other companies’ respective websites. But there is one specific lesson this deal highlights: even on the internet, you can’t escape the cycles of history. Somehow, everything old will be new again. [More]

Third Time’s The Charm? House To Take Another Stab At Terrible CISPA Internet Bill
Not unlike a mummy, the reanimated corpse of a bad bill that just doesn’t know when to stay dead is once again coming to the floor of a Congress near you this week. Tomorrow, the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act — better known as CISPA — is once again going to be introduced before the House of Representatives. [More]