
This UPS Driver Needs A Review Of The ABCs

This UPS Driver Needs A Review Of The ABCs

It’s not that the UPS delivery driver who brought George’s wife’s Avon order to their apartment is stupid. He just has a very poor understanding of how the alphabet works. That’s the only explanation for why he brought the package to vacant apartment A instead of George’s apartment C, and how the package later ended up re-routed to another woman in a different town. Clearly letters are just symbols without meaning. [More]

UPS To Launch Service That Gives Customers 4-Hour Delivery Window

UPS To Launch Service That Gives Customers 4-Hour Delivery Window

Basically admitting that its system of “driver doesn’t actually check to see if you’re home and either tosses package into the bushes or leaves a useless infonotice,” doesn’t quite work, UPS has announced the launch of a new system that would alert customers of a parcel’s impending delivery and give them a four-hour window for delivery, along with other options is that window doesn’t work for them. [More]

UPS Won't Leave Packages At My Apartment – What Can I Do?

Emmy and her partner shop online a lot, and they’re also not home much during the day. Historically this hasn’t been a problem: UPS leaves an InfoNotice on the door of their four-unit apartment building, then returns the next day and leaves the package. After a management change, the delivery policy to Emmy’s neighborhood changed, too: they would have to fetch their packages from the depot ten miles away or have all packages delivered to Emmy’s work. They don’t like either option, but what else can they do? [More]

UPS Drives To Your House Specifically To Not Deliver Packages

UPS Drives To Your House Specifically To Not Deliver Packages

The UPS driver servicing Valerie’s neighborhood has a very shaky understanding of what his or her job actually entails. Every time that a package is Valerie-bound, on the very first delivery attempt the driver slaps a final notice on the door and returns the packages to the sender. (She didn’t mention whether they even bother to ring the doorbell.) Local management doesn’t seem to care, UPS corporate doesn’t seem to care, and Valerie can’t even avoid ordering things through UPS, since her baby registry is with a company that only uses them to ship. [More]

My UPS Driver Is Either An Unfrozen Caveman Or Animal From The Muppets

My UPS Driver Is Either An Unfrozen Caveman Or Animal From The Muppets

Consumerist reader Morgan doesn’t quite know how to feel about the words her UPS driver chose to describe her. [More]

The Experience Of Not Receiving A Package From UPS, In Comic Form

The Experience Of Not Receiving A Package From UPS, In Comic Form

Popular geeky comic xkcd turned this week to the topic of package delivery. Specifically, UPS package deliveries. More specifically, UPS delivery notifications that appear out of nowhere when you were home and totally would have run to the door if anyone had bothered to ring the doorbell. [More]

UPS Appears To Have Stomped On This Package, Then Left It In The Rain

UPS Appears To Have Stomped On This Package, Then Left It In The Rain

You can’t blame Ju for being disappointed in the condition of the package that UPS left for him. They didn’t just abandon it on his doorstep on a rainy day. They also appear to have drop-kicked it and had a few elephants stomp on it for good measure.

My UPS Package Was Delivered, Just Not To Me

My UPS Package Was Delivered, Just Not To Me

UPS claims that it has done its job: Adam’s package, a gift that his wife got for him from Gamestop, was “delivered.” And it was. Just not to him. Or to his house. Or, as far as he can determine, to anyone in his neighborhood. See, he was home, and a large brown truck is hard to miss. [More]

Why I Will Never Ship With UPS Again

Why I Will Never Ship With UPS Again

Reader Tyler shares the list of reasons he will never use UPS again on purpose. A shot-putted package, $1,000 of computer parts left outside the wrong house with no signature, customer service shenanigans and finally, a smooshed box. That’s it! He’s had it! Brown is no longer welcome in Tyler Town. [More]

Target & UPS Try To Destroy My Dyson During Shipping

Target & UPS Try To Destroy My Dyson During Shipping

It’s a conspiracy! At least according to Consumerist reader Terrance, who says Target’s poor packing job combined with UPS paltry efforts to handle his Dyson with care resulted in a sham of an attempt to deliver his product intact. [More]

UPS Sends Yet Another Package Back To 2009

UPS Sends Yet Another Package Back To 2009

For me, half of the fun in ordering things online is watching the package find its way to me through the shipping service’s online tracking system. The UPS package that Dean is waiting for won’t provide him with that pleasure, though, because it has apparently been sent back to 2009 for delivery. Well, that, or UPS continues to recycle its tracking numbers. [More]

Brian Regan Doesn't Know How To Use UPS

Brian Regan Doesn't Know How To Use UPS

Comedian Brian Regan talks about how he’s really bad at using UPS. If you’ve ever wondered why UPS operators sound like they’re both bored and on the verge of killing you, it’s because of jackasses like this who call up and give fake information because they’re too lazy/stupid to figure out how to perform basic measurements. Is it really that hard to weigh yourself on a scale, then weigh yourself on a scale holding the box, then subtract your weight from the you + box weight? But once you get past the basic “customer is a moron” premise, the bit is pretty funny. [More]

Don't UPS Drivers Realize Customers Have Security Cameras?

Don't UPS Drivers Realize Customers Have Security Cameras?

A California man knew he wouldn’t be home when UPS was slated to make a delivery so he left a note for the driver saying the package could be delivered to his next door neighbor’s house. What he didn’t know was that UPS thinks “deliver” means “throw it over a fence and onto the neighbor’s porch from 10 to 12 feet away.” [More]

Giant UPS Ink Crash Turns Highway Technicolor

Giant UPS Ink Crash Turns Highway Technicolor

A stretch of Massachusetts highway has been drenched in the colors of the rainbow after a UPS truck carrying industrial printer cartridges rolled and spewed out its beautiful cargo. No one was hurt, but Skittles really needs to reign in these guerrilla marketing campaigns. [More]

At UPS, 'Improper Packaging' Means 'Someone Cut Open Your Package'

At UPS, 'Improper Packaging' Means 'Someone Cut Open Your Package'

Michelle sold her engagement ring to a friend, and shipped it from a UPS Store in the Midwest. The ring was valuable, so she purchased $200 worth of shipping insurance on the ring and sent it on its way to New England. When the box arrived, it had been cut open and the ring removed. Michelle’s insurance claim was denied because the item was “improperly packaged.” [More]

The Home Theater System, The Day Off Work, And The Lying UPS Guy

The Home Theater System, The Day Off Work, And The Lying UPS Guy

Jonathan was waiting for UPS to deliver an important and expensive package to his house. He even took a day off work, in order to make sure that he didn’t miss the delivery. The UPS site said that the package would arrive by 7:00 PM, but that time came and went. Not only did the package not show up, the driver pretended that he had tried to deliver the package, and logged it in the system as such. Nice try: Jonathan was at home, with his door open at the time. [More]

In The UPS Time Zone, End Of Business Day Is

In The UPS Time Zone, End Of Business Day Is Midnight

When you order something for “next day” delivery, what constitutes a day? Travis wrote that his very important package didn’t arrive that day. Normally not an issue, but he had taken a vacation day from work to wait for it. UPS told him that the package absolutely would show up by the end of the business day, where “end of the business day” is defined as “midnight.” Not only does Travis find this a strange way to define “business day,” but the package didn’t show up then, either. [More]

Verizon Refuses To Believe That They Have Your Router And

Verizon Refuses To Believe That They Have Your Router And DVR

Andre has had issues with a Verizon equipment return spanning almost an entire year. Verizon claims that they never received the FiOS equipment that he sent back in March of last year. Andre sent the equipment back, and has the UPS tracking information to prove it. Verizon doesn’t think that he did, and has sent a collection agency after him for the $1800 he supposedly owes. [More]