For years now, TV networks have used their online presence to promote their series with extra digital content, like deleted clips, and behind-the-scenes glimpses. ABC is now expanding on that tactic by creating seven original shows that will only be available on its website or one of its mobile or connected TV apps. [More]

Google Chrome Browser Now Comes With Chromecast Feature Built In
Before now, if Chromecast users wanted to send whatever was displayed on their internet browser to a TV, you’d have to have the Chromecast extension installed in Google Chrome. That’s changing now, as Google has baked the casting feature right into the newest version of Chrome. [More]

Comcast Hopes Fans Of The Olympics Will Like Its Voice-Controlled Remote So Much They Won’t Cut The Cord
Faced with a future where people can watch as much content as they want without a cable subscription, Comcast is getting ready to launch a product during the Rio Olympics it hopes will keep customers from pulling out those scissors and cutting the cord. [More]

Google Adding Live TV Listings To Search Results
Although your binge-watching brain might not remember a time when television shows and movies were anything but on-demand, live TV is still around. Soon, if you want to find out what’s on and when, Google search results will include listings for live TV. [More]

Man Hops On A Plane To Turn Himself In On Charge Of Stealing A TV 27 Years Ago
There are responsible citizens, and then there’s a guy from Florida who flew to Connecticut to voluntarily turn himself in after he received a warrant for his arrest on charges that he stole a TV in 1989. [More]

New Frontier Customers Get Bad First Impression After Verizon Sale And Switchover
Back in February, Frontier Communications and Verizon announced a massive deal where Verizon sold broadband, cable TV, and voice markets in California, Texas, and Florida to Frontier. Millions of customers came along with the sale, and they were supposed to be switched from Verizon to Frontier on April 1. Considering how well the switch went, that wasn’t a good date to choose. [More]

HBO, CNN Concerned Time Warner Cable/Charter Merger Will Harm Streaming
The proposed merger of Charter, Time Warner Cable, and Bright House would create the second-largest cable company behind Comcast, at a time when it’s possible to access most of the content that was once exclusive to cable TV through streaming services. Yet the company that brings you HBO and CNN is concerned that a larger, stronger Charter might work to hold back progress in streaming video, the main competition for its cable service. Time Warner filed its concerns with the Federal Communications Commission. [More]

Thief Dons Walmart Smock, Steals Four Flat Screen TVs
In September, an alleged thief posing as a Walmart employee walked into a Dallas-area store, grabbed four big screen TVs, and simply walked out the way he came. That theft apparently worked so well, another shoplifter pulled the same stunt in Virginia. [More]

Two-Thirds Of TV Viewers Say They Get Frustrated Trying To Find Something Worth Watching
If you’ve wasted minutes of your life scouring the hundreds of available TV listings for something — anything — to watch, you’re not alone. A new survey shows that the large majority of TV watchers (especially those with families) are frustrated by the difficulty of locating something you might enjoy. [More]

Amazon Reportedly In Talks To Create Live Pay-TV Service
Amazon already offers users a variety of ways to get on-demand television programing: Amazon Prime Video allows Prime subscription members the ability to download or stream a number of shows and movies for free. Now, the company is reportedly in talks to expand its video offerings with a live online pay-TV service. [More]

Police: Women Steal TV From Walmart, Change Clothes And Steal Another One
Earlier this month, a man masquerading as a Walmart employee walked in the door, grabbed four big screen TVs and simply walked back out the way he came. While that was no doubt a brazen shoplifting incident, two women may have topped him over the weekend: police say the women swiped one TV from a local store, changed their clothing and then stole another TV — from the same store.

NASA TV Will Soon Bring Outer Space To Your Living Room In Ultra-HD 4K
Who needs to sit outside and gaze at the stars when you can get a more detailed view of space happenings from your television or smartphone? If you’re looking for a different kind of space-escape than simply staring at the stars and old video footage, then NASA’s new channel might be for you – that is if you have the right TV. [More]

Fox Offers Viewers Choice: Watch Traditional Commercials, Or Watch Just One Ad
If you had the choice to watch just one commercial before a program begins, then watch the rest uninterrupted, would you consider it? Fox is beginning an experiment with that idea this week. Viewers of Gordon Ramsay’s kiddie cooking contest, MasterChef Junior, will have the choice to watch one minute-long interactive ad before the show begins, or regular old ad breaks during the program. [More]

FCC Proposes Rules To Reduce TV Blackouts, Potentially (But Probably Not) Lower Prices
The FCC has proposed a kind of arcane-sounding rule change that on the surface might not seem to affect consumers very much. But if all goes well, the rule will prove to be the kind of upstream change that prevents all the you-know-what from flowing on downhill to everyone else, and makes one of the most annoying things about cable TV into ancient history. [More]

Yes, Amazon Really Did Sell A $115 40-Inch TV During Prime Day
When promoting their Prime Day deal festival ahead of time, Amazon made sure customers were aware of one potential deal: the Everything Store planned to sell a 40-inch, 1080p LED LCD TV for $115. That’s a great deal, especially for people who aren’t into smart TVs. Yet while many shoppers stayed glued to their screens watching for hot electronics deals like these, the TVs disappeared within mere seconds. [More]

Some Marriott Hotels Will Offer Guests Access To Netflix On Room TVs
Because not everyone wants to watch programming on a laptop or tablet while they’re away from home, Marriott Hotels has partnered with Netflix to offer access to the streaming service on room TVs to guests staying at certain Marriott locations. [More]