There’s a contract dispute afoot in the Nutmeg State. Cable company Optimum has been unable to reach a retransmission agreement with the Hartford CBS affiliate, and as a result, thousands of Connecticut residents are left without access to the news and shows they’re paying for but can’t watch. It’s an irritatingly common story, but this time there’s a wrinkle: The cable company is still directing its customers to watch the network… they just want subscribers to do it online, instead. [More]

LG Unveils Super-Thin “Wallpaper” TV
People have been mounting TVs on the wall for nearly two decades, but LG has thrown down the gauntlet to the competition with a super-thin flexible panel TV that the company says sits nearly flush with the wall. [More]

Amazon To Start Selling Actual FireTV TVs, Make Alexa Do More Things
CES — the annual Consumer Electronics Show — is about to light up Las Vegas for the rest of the week. So ’tis the season for tech news to come rolling on in from far and wide. Today’s big announcements come courtesy of Amazon, which wants to put its Fire interface and AI assistant Alexa basically everywhere. [More]

24+ Hours Of Thanksgiving Movies & TV You Can Stream Instead Of Talking To Your Family
The turkey has been cleared, the pie has been devoured, and the dishes are done, man. And now, your father-in-law wants to talk politics. Your options include feigning a disaster in another room, straight up ignoring him, or faking a pressing bathroom break. Or, you could turn on a Thanksgiving-themed movie or TV show and have everyone gather ’round, shut up and watch it together. [More]

Live Sports May Be Next Big Thing For Amazon Prime
Amazon Prime members could soon be getting more bang for their buck when it comes to entertainment, as the e-commerce giant is rumored to be in talks with major sports leagues and television networks to offer live-streaming of sporting events. [More]

Samsung Patent Describes Holographic TV Technology
Don’t want to wear a headset to get up close and personal with your TV content? Samsung has a vision for the future that includes holographic technology that beams a 3-D picture to viewers without anyone putting on special glasses. [More]

Apple’s ‘TV’ (Not Just Apple TV) Wants To Be Your One-Stop Streaming Shop
Today at a major press event, Apple announced TV. Not Apple TV, which already exists; nor iTV, which would be in line with their decade-old scheme but is a trademark held by someone else for something else entirely. No, neither of those, which would be less confusing. Just… TV. [More]

Why Are Fewer People Watching The NFL So Far This Season?
Maybe it’s the lack of Tom Brady. Maybe it’s the election season. Maybe everyone’s out apple-picking instead of at home watching football. Maybe it’s because you’ve already cratered in your office fantasy football league because you invested too heavily in the Carolina Panthers? (Why are you looking at me like that?) Whatever the cause, fewer people seem to be watching pro football in 2016. [More]

People Aren’t Watching Live TV As Much, But They’re Still Watching A Lot Of TV
In case you hadn’t noticed, Americans watch TV a bit differently today than they did 50 years ago. But just even though many people aren’t sitting down to view programs live as they air — or even soon after on a DVR — they’re still getting their fill of TV content. [More]

We’re All Watching Digital Video, But Most Of Us Aren’t Buying Any
When you just want to watch something, you probably look for it first on Netflix or Amazon. When you really treasure something and want to make it part of your library, you might buy the disc. But when do you buy a digital copy of a TV episode or a movie? Basically never, right? Yeah, and that’s the problem for the whole industry, because you’re not alone. [More]

TV Networks Giving You More On-Demand Options To Combat Netflix, Cord-Cutting
Broadcast TV networks are freely available over the air, so you might think that they wouldn’t care too much about the growing number of people ditching cable in favor of streaming services. After all, viewers can still get the network shows and local news for the price of a decent antenna. Then you realize that networks are raking in billions of dollars each year from pay-TV providers and you see they have an incentive to try to keep you from cutting the cord. [More]

10 Fictional Brands Hollywood Loves To Use In Movies & TV
We’ve all had that moment where a character on TV or in a movie picks up a generically branded beer, or pulls out a package of cigarettes emblazoned with a logo that looks nothing like anything offered in the real world. [More]

Comcast Would Rather Be More Like Tesla Than Netflix
While it remains to be seen what Comcast’s Next Big Thing will be — though it probably won’t be a streaming TV product — there’s one thing the company knows for sure: it doesn’t want to be anything like those Netflix guys. [More]

NFL Network, RedZone Return To Dish Network After Prolonged Dispute
After a few months in the dark, Dish customers will get NFL Network and NFL RedZone back in their channel lineup in time to watch their favorite teams toss around the ol’ pig skin come football season. [More]

10 Questionable Movie & TV Tie-Ins That No One Asked For
No cultural phenomenon would be a complete success without its own line of merchandise attached to it, and it makes sense: fans of popular TV shows, comic books, and movies will often seek out products that tie-in with those franchises, providing a great way for a lot of people to make a bunch of money. But when it comes to some infamous product tie-ins, we’ve got to wonder if it all that effort was worth it. [More]

Verizon Kind Of Wants To Be Your New Netflix, But With More Ads
If it feels like the media and technology worlds of late are constantly going through this weird, ebbing, flowing, overlapping process, well, you’re not wrong. Jumping into the fray most recently is Verizon, which not only has its own streaming service but also now wants to sell you on original content… that it can, of course, stuff with advertising for your eyeballs. [More]

Man Tries The ‘Seinfeld’ Michigan Bottle Deposit Scam In Real Life, Fails
Fans of classic ’90s TV and wacky schemes may remember an episode of the show Seinfeld where a character hauls soda bottles from New York to Michigan to redeem them for the deposits. There, the redemption rate is 10 cents per item, while it’s only five in New York. By collecting bottles and cans in New York and redeeming them in Michigan, they could cash in. Now a man from Michigan is accused of trying that scheme in real life. [More]

Apple Getting Into TV With Reality Competition Show About App Developers
If hours spent staring at your iPhone/Apple Watch/iPad/Mac isn’t giving you enough from Apple, the technology giant has a new offering in the works, with its first TV show, a reality competition featuring app developers duking it out for featured placement in the App Store. So it’s like Game of Thrones, just with more branding, a bunch of people wielding tech instead of swords, and no brutal battles to the death (we think). [More]