Of all the industries to be rocked by scandal, you probably never expected that Big Tuna would be a hotbed of conspiracy. And yet, another fishy exec has agreed to plead guilty to his part in a price-fixing scheme that resulted in American shoppers paying more at the store. [More]

Tuna Sold At Restaurants In Three States Recalled Over Potential Hepatitis A Contamination
Update: The Food and Drug Administration has updated the list of restaurants affected by the recall after determining that they were shipped the frozen tuna. The below list has been updated.
If you’re a fan of yellowfin tuna, you might want to skip ordering it the next time you’re dining out, at least if you live in Texas, Oklahoma, or California, as the product may be contaminated with hepatitis A and has been linked to two recalls. [More]

Bumble Bee Agrees To Plead Guilty To Tuna Fish Price-Fixing, Pay $25 Million Fine
Bumble Bee Foods, one of the nation’s largest producers of canned tuna, has agreed to plead guilty to federal criminal charges that it conspired with competing companies to fix the price of this common pantry seafood item. [More]

Bumble Bee Senior VP Of Sales To Plead Guilty In Tuna Price-Fixing Scheme
“Far-reaching price-fixing conspiracy” and “canned tuna” are not concepts that you might normally connect with each other. It turns out, though, that the U.S. Department of Justice is conducting a multi-year investigation into price-fixing and other wrongdoing in the packaged seafood industry, which is a real thing that is happening. [More]

H-E-B Adds Hill Country Fare Tuna To Growing Recall List
Just days after Bumble Bee Tuna and Chicken of the Sea recalled hundreds of thousands of cans of tuna that may have been contaminated with unwelcome pathogens, Texas grocery store H-E-B announced its own recall of 10,752 cans of tuna for similar reasons. [More]

Hey, Where’s My Check Or Coupons From That Starkist Tuna Lawsuit?
With canned tuna in the news due to a recent recall of Bumble Bee and Chicken of the Sea tuna, a few readers remembered the can under-filling class action that they filed claims in last year. One reader pointed out that it’s been a few months: shouldn’t the checks and free tuna vouchers be coming soon? Well… no. Not yet. [More]

Spoiled Tuna Recall Expands To Include 107,000 Cans Of Chicken Of The Sea
Only hours after Bumble Bee announced a recall of more than 31,000 cases of canned tuna that may be spoiled, we’ve learned that 107,000 cans of Chicken of the Sea are being recalled for the same reason. [More]

UPDATE: Bumble Bee, Chicken Of The Sea Tuna Recalled Because Cans Shouldn’t Be Spoiled Before You Buy Them
UPDATE: Hours after Bumble Bee announced the recall of thousands of cases of canned tuna, another popular brand of canned tuna has been recalled for the same reason. [More]

Chicken Of The Sea, Bumble Bee Abandon Plan To Unite As One Giant Can Of Tuna After DOJ Objects
Chicken of the Sea and Bumble Bee will be leaving their underwater wedding separately despite going steady since 2014: the two tuna companies won’t be merging into one giant can of fish after the U.S. Justice Department put the kibosh on their planned union. [More]

Don’t Forget: Starkist Tuna Lawsuit Deadline Is Friday, November 20
While there’s a new tuna class action on the dock filed against the grocery chain Safeway, don’t forget that the class action against tuna giant Starkist was also settled earlier this year, with millions of dollars and millions of vouchers for free tuna set aside as a settlement. [More]

Lawsuit Claims Safeway Deliberately Sold Under-Filled Tuna Cans
The amount of tuna packaged into small circular containers is once again at the center of a consumer lawsuit. This time the $5 million complaint revolves around allegedly under-filled cans of Safeway-branded tuna. [More]

CDC Links Salmonella Outbreak Reported in 9 States To Sushi Made With Raw Tuna
Raw seafood might be delicious, but there’s always that chance that it could make you sick: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that while it hasn’t conclusively determined the cause of a recent salmonella outbreak that’s spread to nine states and infected up to 53 people, it could be linked to sushi made with raw tuna. [More]

Bumble Bee Foods, Two Employees Charged In Worker’s 2012 Death
Two-and-a half years after a worker at a Bumble Bee Foods cannery died inside a pressure cooker at the factory, official charges have been filed against the company and two of its employees f. [More]

Bumble Bee And Chicken Of The Sea Plan Merger Into Giant Can Of Tuna
Great news if you can’t tell the difference Chicken of the Sea and Bumble Bee, two of the major tuna brands that you’re likely to see on the shelf at your local grocery store. Pending regulator approval, the two brands will combine into one as the owner of Chicken of the Sea, Thai Union Frozen Products PCL, recently announced that it plans to acquire Bumble Bee [More]

Additional Lots Of Bumble Bee & Chicken Of The Sea Tuna Recalled
The tuna recall train keeps rolling on, with Bumble Bee expanding its earlier recall of some Chunk White Albacore and Chunk Light Tuna products over concerns about improperly sealed cans. The entire list of recalled Bumble Bee products is available at FDA.gov. Details on an expanded similar Chicken of the Sea recall can be found here. [More]

Chicken Of The Sea Tuna Also Recalled For Possibly Faulty Can Seals
One day after Bumble Bee announced a recall on some of its canned tuna products because the cans’ seals might not be up to snuff, the makers of Chicken of the Sea tuna have issued a similar recall. See all the recall details at FDA.gov. [More]

Bumble Bee Recalls Cans Of Tuna Because They Might Not Have Been Sealed Properly
When you buy canned tuna, you’re generally working under the assumption that the can has been sealed properly. But the folks at Bumble Bee say that may not be the case for some of its Chunk White Albacore and Chunk Light Tuna products. [More]