In a memo to be circulated today, Federal Communications Chairman Julius Genachowski is expected to tell his fellow commissioners that he wants Comcast to agree to certain conditions before approving the cable giant’s takeover of NBC. Among them: a guarantee that competitors will be able to get access to NBC programs at fair rates, and an assurance that the company won’t throttle streaming services such as Netflix. [More]
to xfinity and beyond

Comcast Wants Me To Return Modem They Never Owned
Meet Consumerist reader Jerry. He’s in the middle of moving and has shut off his Comcast internet service as he prepares to vacate his current abode. And while Comcast has made the nice offer of coming out to pick up his modem free of charge, there’s a hitch — It’s his modem, not theirs. [More]

Comcast Wants Me To Cut Down Their Cable Myself
We’re sure that with the snow and rain storms in recent months, service techs for all the cable companies have had their hands full with repairing service outages and reconnecting customers, but this is the first we’ve heard of a cable company just telling a customer to do their job for them. [More]