
Moving On The Cheap

Moving On The Cheap

The very best free boxes: boxes liquor is shipped in. Go to your local liquor store or restaurant with a bar area and ask them if they will give you boxes. Sometimes you can catch them before the store breaks them down for recycling and you don’t even have to tape them back together. These boxes are usually the perfect size for heavy items like books and glassware. They’re also stronger than other types of boxes, usually.

There are more tips at Curbly, but they’re all pretty basic. Let’s hear what the Consumerists have to say. What are your tips for a quick, cheap move. Our tip? Don’t use U-haul. Sell your children first.

Energy Saving Tips For Spring

Energy Saving Tips For Spring

Warm weather is coming and now is the time to think about saving energy before it’s so freaking hot that you just don’t care anymore. Here are some quick tips for cooling your home without spending any more money than is necessary:

Send Us Your Apartment Hunting/Negotiating Tips

Send Us Your Apartment Hunting/Negotiating Tips

It’s that time of year: With the budding trees comes a feeling of optimism coupled with intense cabin fever. The result? Apartment hunting.

Zen Finances: Achieving Peace Of Mind

Zen Finances: Achieving Peace Of Mind

We know we should do this. We try to do this. We never do! This is one we’re going to work on for next month.—MEGHANN MARCO

7 Confessions Of A Car Salesman: Kia

7 Confessions Of A Car Salesman: Kia

Carl spent some time selling Kias at a dealership in Colorado, and has written in with a few insights about Kia, selling cars, and some buying strategies for you. Some highlights:

How To: Make A Plastic Bag Keeper

How To: Make A Plastic Bag Keeper

As you get them, shove bags in the top hole; as you need them, pull them out of the bottom hole. (I fit 15 medium-sized bags in my bottle.) Having the plastic bags at hand-my keeper will be hanging by my back door-should encourage reusing them. Plus, they look a lot neater packed in that bottle.

Nifty! We think we’ll put ours under the bathroom sink because we use our Target bags as bathroom garbage bags. —MEGHANN MARCO

Grow A Pot of Herbs!

Grow A Pot of Herbs!

Fresh herbs are delicious, but they cost money. Money you’d be better off using for other things, because herbs can be grown in a pot and the Nintendo Wii cannot. You don’t even need a yard! The National Gardening Associations says “a simple container on a deck or patio can provide herbs all season, as you need them.”

18 Confessions Of 2 Former T-Mobile Reps

18 Confessions Of 2 Former T-Mobile Reps

Eighteen insider consumer tips from ex-Tmobile customer service representatives Christof and Anon. Oh no, we’re not done with that series. Not by a long shot.

Deodorize Your Clothes With Vodka!

Deodorize Your Clothes With Vodka!

Solution: Spritz garments with a small amount of vodka; hang them to dry in a well-ventilated area (spot-test first). Straight vodka kills bacteria, but it doesn’t leave a scent.

Great tip, because if we know you there was likely going to be some vodka on those clothes anyway. —MEGHANN MARCO

3 Steps To Take Before Buying A Home

3 Steps To Take Before Buying A Home

Look at you! You’re going to buy a house! Yay! Wait, what should you do to get ready? Bankrate has 3 Steps to Take Before Buying A Home. They are:

How To Take Your Case To Small Claims Court

How To Take Your Case To Small Claims Court

Small claims or conciliation court provides a way for individuals to settle their differences with the help of a neutral referee or judge. [More]

Howto: Find a Reputable Mover

Howto: Find a Reputable Mover

Moving sucks, even if you’re trading up. The un/packing, the organization of all your crap, the sound of packing tape being unrolled… I hate it all. I dread it like I dread root canal. At least the dentist gives you Novocaine.

Avoid Outsourced CSRs By Asking For Someone Who Works At AT&T

Avoid Outsourced CSRs By Asking For Someone Who Works At AT&T

The company is outsourcing customer service jobs on the sly, and have been for at least a few months. Not to India, because that would be obvious, but to Canada. Alberta- to be specific. The newbies are working with a company called Convergys. These people seem to be going through a real crash course, and seem to know only how to read the sample scripting our computer system spits out. We’ve been having problems with them screwing up orders left and right, misquoting (or not quoting) rates and fees, and generally mucking up everything they touch. The bad part for customers, aside from not knowing exactly what they’re going to be paying every time, is that it seems like they’re not as ready to credit accounts when it they need to. I’m not sure they have the authority to give more than a few bucks back, which doesn’t always cut it.

Consumerist Invites You To Join Whistleblowers Anonymous

Consumerist Invites You To Join Whistleblowers Anonymous

We know many of our readers work at the companies that we write about, and we’ve started a program specifically for you. It’s called Whistleblowers Anonymous and it can help you overcome your addiction to corporate douchebagism. Through Whistleblowers Anonymous you can help your customers, your fellow humans, and yourself.

Fight Back At Marketers By Surfing Anonymously

Fight Back At Marketers By Surfing Anonymously

Marketers just love to gather information about who is surfing the web and why. They’re not above tracking a user’s web history to learn about their interests and buying habits, but they can only do it if you let them.

Spring Cleaning Time!

Spring Cleaning Time!

DECLUTTER!!! As my Auntie always used to say, “Look one way and pitch the other”. Look, I know it’s hard to get rid of your beloved stuff, but trust me, it’s better this way. If it’s really nice stuff that someone might use, give it away on Freecycle. Do NOT save stuff for a yard sale, unless you’re having that yard sale immediately.

True words, people. True words. —MEGHANN MARCO

10 Things We've Learned From 'Confessions of A Wireless Sales Rep'

10 Things We've Learned From 'Confessions of A Wireless Sales Rep'

Over the past week, it’s been quite a learning experience here at The Consumerist. Former and current reps from all of the major wireless companies have written in, sharing their tips and tricks and confessing their sins. It’s been a fascinating look inside the daily life of a sales rep, but what have we learned?

8 Confessions of An Alltel Sales Rep

8 Confessions of An Alltel Sales Rep

Here in New York, we don’t really know much about Alltel. They seem like happy, fun people who live on that “farm” where all the city dogs go when they die. “Sorry, Becky. Spot went to live with a nice family at Alltel Wireless. He’ll be happy there.”