garbage bags

How Cheaper Garbage Bags Can End Up Costing You More

How Cheaper Garbage Bags Can End Up Costing You More

Shoppers tangle with decisions of cost vs. quality all the time, but in the case of garbage bags, the blog The Simple Dollar argues, quality and thriftiness go hand in hand.

How To: Make A Plastic Bag Keeper

How To: Make A Plastic Bag Keeper

As you get them, shove bags in the top hole; as you need them, pull them out of the bottom hole. (I fit 15 medium-sized bags in my bottle.) Having the plastic bags at hand-my keeper will be hanging by my back door-should encourage reusing them. Plus, they look a lot neater packed in that bottle.

Nifty! We think we’ll put ours under the bathroom sink because we use our Target bags as bathroom garbage bags. —MEGHANN MARCO