Hurricane Harvey wreaked havoc across swaths of Texas and Louisiana, damaging billions of dollars’ worth of property in its path. That includes cars, many of which needed to be replaced, resulting in a bittersweet sales boost for a number of automakers. [More]
car sales

Volkswagen Dealers To Receive $1.85M Each In “Dieselgate” Settlement
The final pieces of Volkswagen’s efforts to put the “Dieselgate” scandal behind it are beginning to fall into place, as a judge approved yet another billion-dollar settlement from the carmaker, this time relating to compensating dealers affected by the carmaker’s decision to equip more than 500,000 vehicles equipped with “defeat devices” used to skirt emission standards. [More]

Tesla Suing Michigan After State Officials Reject Company’s Bid To Open Dealership
After Michigan denied Tesla Motors’ application for licenses to sell directly to consumers, the company has filed a lawsuit against the state, challenging a law that says automakers can only sell through franchised dealerships. [More]

“Buy Here, Pay Here” Dealer To Return $700K To Consumers Over Deceptive Lending Practices
Federal regulators continued their crackdown on not-so-upfront “buy-here, pay-here” auto dealers today, ordering a Colorado-based dealer to pay nearly $1 million in restitution and fines for operating an abusive financing scheme. [More]

Low Gas Prices Make People Less Interested In Hybrid Cars
It should come as no surprise to people with any common sense that fuel-conserving hybrid cars were very popular when gas prices were high last decade, but aren’t as popular now that gas prices are closer to $2 per gallon than $4. The premium that customers must pay for a hybrid vehicle offsets the fuel savings nicely when gas prices are high, but takes longer to recoup when they fall. [More]

7 Reasons Wacky Used Car Salesman Cal Worthington Will Never Be Forgotten
For anyone growing up in California, it’s likely that you saw used-car impresario Cal Worthington and his dog Spot imploring shoppers to “Go see Cal.” And if you didn’t, your local salesman probably lifted a few tips from him. One of the most famous, wackiest of wacky car commercial salesmen, Worthington passed away on Sunday at age 92, prompting an outpouring of nostalgic tributes. Whether or not you ever went to see Cal, here are seven reasons never to forget him. [More]

Should I Trade In My Car Or Sell It Myself?
When buying a new car, should you trade your old one in or see how much you can get on the open market? The conventional wisdom is that you get more money on your own, but meeting with buyers and doing paperwork is a hassle you may not want to bother with. Also consider the tax advantages in some states if you trade in at the same dealer where you buy your new car. [Consumer Reports] [More]

Car Sales Rise To Highest Levels Since Japan Disaster
Japan’s March tsunami and earthquake sent automobile production and sales into a tailspin that the industry has only recently started to recover from. Analysts project U.S. car sales increased 9 percent this month from September 2010, lifting car sales from their lowest per capita levels since World War II. [More]

Predatory Car Sales Tricks To Watch Out For
Effective car salesmen have a sizable bag of tricks from which to draw when moving in for the kill. To avoid falling prey to the ruses, you need to know how to spot them. [More]

High Gas Prices Aren't Giving The Blues To Motown Car Makers
When gas hit $4 a gallon in 2008, Detroit’s Big Three auto makers took it on the chin as American demand for big, fuel-thirsty SUVs and trucks suddenly disappeared. But even with gas prices again hovering north of $4, American car companies are whistling a much happier tune–all the way to the bank. [More]

Car Sales Haven't Been This Crappy Since 1983
Americans only bought just under 1 million new cars last month, which is the weakest August since the 993,100 sold in 1983. This figure looks extra weak in comparison to last August, when the Cash for Clunkers program was in full force. Now, the business is quite different. [More]

Watch Out For Too-Good-To-Be-True Car Deals Online
The Better Busines Bureau warns against flim-flam folks who pretend to sell cars, posing with websites with syntax close to the names of reputable dealers. These guys aim to take you for a ride all right. [More]

7 Confessions Of A Car Salesman: Kia
Carl spent some time selling Kias at a dealership in Colorado, and has written in with a few insights about Kia, selling cars, and some buying strategies for you. Some highlights: