
Bringing Back the Crock-Pot

Bringing Back the Crock-Pot

If your mom cooked everything in a crock-pot and as a result the idea of slow cooked food gives you nightmares, you’re excused from this post. Go make something on your George Foreman grill.

11 Confessions of a T-Mobile Sales Rep

11 Confessions of a T-Mobile Sales Rep

T-Mobile doesn’t want to be left out of the fun! One of their sales reps has generously and selflessly written down his innermost thoughts and sent them to the Consumerist for your personal edification. Bask in the glory of Confessions of a T-Mobile Sales Rep…

HOW TO: Get Your First Credit Card

HOW TO: Get Your First Credit Card

Hello. I read the consumerist every day and since I turn 18 later on this month I wanted to ask how do I start a credit score or getting credit or a loan to start my credit score?

6 Confessions Of A Former Sprint Sales Rep

6 Confessions Of A Former Sprint Sales Rep

Sprint has joined the ranks of cell phone providers whose former (and current) sales reps are beating down the Consumerist’s door, eager to tell all. Let us move without delay to the confessions of a former Sprint sales rep:

7 Confessions of a Cingular Sales Rep

7 Confessions of a Cingular Sales Rep

The need for cell phone sales reps to cleanse themselves in the healing waters of the Consumerist is nearing an all-time high. Reps from all over the cell phone universe are flooding the tip line, a tidal wave of lost souls begging for redemption… Ok, not really, but a guy who works at Cingular just wrote us with some tips for the readers. Why should Verizon have all the damn fun?

8 Confessions Of A Former Verizon Sales Rep

8 Confessions Of A Former Verizon Sales Rep

7 Confessions of a Cingular Sales Rep

Once Again, We Beseech You To Haggle With Comcast

Once Again, We Beseech You To Haggle With Comcast

• Know what the competitors charge. Print out competing packages to have at the ready. Also make sure to compare apples to apples. For example, basic cable is significantly cheaper than digital cable.

20 Online Furniture Buying Tips From An Industry Insider

20 Online Furniture Buying Tips From An Industry Insider

A tipster from one of the top three online furniture retailers advice for shoppers spills his guts. His top advice for consumers looking to shop for furniture online: don’t.

Save $988 A Year By Packing Your Lunch

Lifehacker points us to Clever Dude, where example menus have been given (by a registered dietitian) and numbers have been crunched. The result? Pack your lunch, save $988 a year. The bad news? Includes peanut butter sandwiches twice a week, and we personally hate peanut butter with a passion. In fact, we don’t really care for cold sandwiches at all. That being said, if you do like sandwiches, this can be an excellent way for you to save a little money and avoid the dreaded pit of fast food…or the Whole Foods hot bar. It calls to you…resist.—MEGHANN MARCO

HOW TO: Give Your TV "Ambilight" Using Cheap Lights From IKEA

HOW TO: Give Your TV "Ambilight" Using Cheap Lights From IKEA

I love those Philips Amiblight HDTVs – you know, the ones with the rear backlight that projects colours onto the wall behind the TV? Not only does it look pretty, but if you’re gaming or watching a film in low-light conditions then the backlight reduces eye strain.

Comparison Shopping Actually Saves

Comparison Shopping Actually Saves

We intrinsically know comparison shopping saves money, but according to the Chicago Tribune, we don’t compare enough. Though we all think we compare prices, “research shows consumers, time and again, are most likely to buy from the first merchant they visit.”

“Prices for identical goods vary, and unless you actually do some comparison shopping, you’re not going to know that,” Lichtenstein said. “Consumers say, `Well, I may be paying a little bit more, but I don’t have time to shop around.’ But if they knew the degree to which prices may vary, they would find it’s well worth it.”

Our grandmother knows the price of grapes in every supermarket in at least five states. The Trib has helpful reminders to become more like her.

  • Don’t overvalue your time: small savings add up over time to make a big difference.
  • Take advantage of the internet: if you know what you’re looking for, plug it into “Froogle, MySimon, Shopzilla, DealTime and”
  • Take a test: search for the last few expensive items you bought and see if you could have saved more.

If that doesn’t help, remember that comparison shopping is the bedrock of our wonderful capitalist economy. If you won’t compare for yourself, compare for your country. — CAREY GREENBERG-BERGER

Clean Your House Like A Professional

Clean Your House Like A Professional

It’s a really great post for people who feel overwhelmed when its time to start cleaning. We sometimes end up standing in the middle of the room wondering what the heck to do next. —MEGHANN MARCO

Seasonal Shopping: Skis, Chocolate, Winter Coats

Seasonal Shopping: Skis, Chocolate, Winter Coats

Winter is ending and it’s the season to stock up on seasonal items that stores need to get rid of: Winter coats, seasonal candy, skis, snowboards, mittens, hats, boots, big inflatable heart-shaped lawn ornaments, you name it. Look for free shipping online and hit your local drug store for the candy.

6 Steps To Credit Card Serenity

6 Steps To Credit Card Serenity

If you’re like a lot of people, your credit cards are a source of anxiety. It doesn’t have to be so. Bankrate has 6 steps to credit card serenity that, if followed, will help you feel less like yourself and more like an attractive person on a beach.

Are You Getting Screwed Out Of Overtime Pay?

Are You Getting Screwed Out Of Overtime Pay?

Attention people who have jobs: You may be getting screwed out of overtime pay. You’d better bet that Chuck Norris doesn’t put up with not getting paid his overtime pay. Bankrate has a simple questionnaire that helps you determine if you are eligible for overtime pay:

What To Do When The Internet Hates You

What To Do When The Internet Hates You

After facing the business end of an internet shitstorm this week, here’s tips for companies finding themselves in similar situations.

Easy Cheap DIY Home Cleaning Formulas

Another alternative is microfiber cloths which lift off dirt, grease and dust without the need for cleaning chemicals, because they are formulated to penetrate and trap dirt. There are a number of different brands. A good quality cloth can last for several years.

And there are tons more like this. We really had no idea you could use mayonnaise to remove a water ring on wood. Share your tricks with us in the comments.—MEGHANN MARCO

Your Doctor Might Want To Save You Some Money

As a physician, I want to offer my perspective on the “sticker shock” problem in the pharmacy. I am very conscious of the fact that my patients may not be able to afford medications I prescribe.