time warner cable

EECB To Time Warner Cable Gets Collections Agency Off My Back

EECB To Time Warner Cable Gets Collections Agency Off My Back

For several months, Consumerist reader Jeff has been stuck in billing hell with Time Warner Cable as TWC has been trying to invoice him for $450 worth of equipment he never leased in the first place. After being assured several times that he didn’t have to pay that part of the invoice, he — of course — ended up receiving a notice from a collections agency. [More]

TWC Ends Chat When You Ask Them To Honor To On-Time Guarantee

TWC Ends Chat When You Ask Them To Honor To On-Time Guarantee

In New York City you are entitled to a free month of service if the cable guy doesn’t show up on time. It’s part of the franchise agreement the cable companies have with the city. But here’s a chat transcript showing what happens when a informed consumer tries to claim their credit from Time Warner Cable… [More]

Cable Companies Finally Realizing They Might Have Priced Themselves Into A Corner

Cable Companies Finally Realizing They Might Have Priced Themselves Into A Corner

What has cable company executives losing sleep at night? It’s certainly not thoughts on how to improve customer service or billing. But it’s also not Netflix, Hulu, BitTorrent or any other obvious customer siphon. No, cable suits confess, it’s actually the fact that a growing number of Americans find themselves too poor to pay to watch TV. [More]

Bank Of America Tops List Of Companies With Craptastic Customer Service

Bank Of America Tops List Of Companies With Craptastic Customer Service

Bank of America may have lost this year’s Worst Company In America tournament by the narrowest of margins, but the results of a new customer service satisfaction survey put BofA at the head of the class when it comes to irking consumers. [More]

Eugene Mirman Reads His Letter To Time Warner Cable

Eugene Mirman Reads His Letter To Time Warner Cable

This is a video of comedian Eugene Mirman doing a dramatic reading of his complaint letter to Time Warner Cable that he paid for to have published as a full-page ad in a couple of local papers in Brooklyn. In the preamble, he helps to explain why, as several of you pointed out, the letter came off as rambling and discursive, as opposed to the more straight-shooting approach we usually advocate here. “I could write them an angry letter and someone would get it and think I was crazy,” he tells the audience. “I didn’t want that. I wanted them to know I was crazy.” [More]

TWC Responds To Comedian Eugene Mirman's Complaint Letter

TWC Responds To Comedian Eugene Mirman's Complaint Letter

Time Warner Cable has responded to the complaint letter published by their customer, comedian Eugene Mirman, as a full page ad in several papers. [More]

Customer Takes Out Ad In Papers To Publish Complaint Letter To His Cable Company

Customer Takes Out Ad In Papers To Publish Complaint Letter To His Cable Company

A Time Warner Cable customer decided to express his frustration with the cable company in a unique way, by running his complaint letter as an ad in several papers. That man was Brooklyn comedian Eugene Mirman, who is also the voice of Gene Belcher on FOX’s Bob’s Burgers. Here is that letter: [More]

AT&T, Comcast Rank Last In Customer Satisfaction Surveys

AT&T, Comcast Rank Last In Customer Satisfaction Surveys

The folks at the American Customer Satisfaction Index have released their annual report on the various elements of the information sector. And it probably won’t come as a surprise to Consumerist readers that AT&T’s wireless division and Comcast each brought up the rear in their respective fields. [More]

Liveblogging A Time Warner Cable Installation On Yelp

Liveblogging A Time Warner Cable Installation On Yelp

Ted in Brooklyn wanted a visible public record of his interactions with Time Warner Cable. He decided to liveblog his experience, somewhere that people might actually see it. That place was a review on Time Warner Cable’s New York City Yelp page. He updated the page as events became more convoluted and Kafkaesque. There are a lot of updates. [More]

Worst Company In America Sweet 16: BP Vs. Time Warner Cable

Worst Company In America Sweet 16: BP Vs. Time Warner Cable

It’s the oiler versus the spoiler in today’s WCIA Sweet 16 match-up! [More]

Meet Your Worst Company In America Sweet 16!

Meet Your Worst Company In America Sweet 16!

After eight days and 16 first round battles, the WCIA steel cage is littered with the bones of those companies not crappy enough to continue on in the tournament. But the thrill of victory is fleeting for the remaining combatants, all of whom must square off again if they hope of crowning themselves the Worst Company In America! [More]

Man Gets Lead On Laptop Thief Using Dropbox Program

Man Gets Lead On Laptop Thief Using Dropbox Program

Ryan believes he has a lead on who stole his laptop thanks to the Dropbox filesharing program that was installed on his computer. Turns out his laptop could be just up the street from him right now. But what does he do with the IP address he got from Dropbox? [More]

Time Warner Cable Has A Problem With Worst Company In America: We Used Their Old Logo

Time Warner Cable Has A Problem With Worst Company In America: We Used Their Old Logo

Someone at Time Warner Cable has a great sense of humor — or perhaps none at all — about being in this year’s Worst Company In America tournament. A rep for the company wrote to take issue, not about its inclusion, but with our use of an outdated logo. [More]

Worst Company In America Round One: Time Warner Cable Vs. Facebook

Worst Company In America Round One: Time Warner Cable Vs. Facebook

Only one of this afternoon’s combatants has been the subject of an Oscar-nominated movie. Apparently, two hours of customers sitting on the phone not being helped by Time Warner Cable customer service isn’t as thrilling as the story of a site that lets 500 million users share baby photos with friends and all their personal info with sketchy app developers. [More]

Free Calls To Japan From AT&T, Verizon, Comcast And TWC

Free Calls To Japan From AT&T, Verizon, Comcast And TWC

Several telecommunications providers are giving US customers free long-distance calls and texts to Japan. AT&T, Verizon, Comcast and TWC are all waiving charges. AT&T is giving 60 minutes of free talk time between the US and Japan until the end of the month. Verizon is offering $0.00/minute rates between the two countries until April 15. Comcast is giving away free calls to voice customers through April 11. Time Warner Cable is giving digital phone customers free calls to Japan through April 15. A helping hand for those looking to connect with a friend, colleague or loved one over in Japan. [More]

Time Warner Cable iPad App Is Great For TV On The Go… But Only In Your House

Time Warner Cable iPad App Is Great For TV On The Go… But Only In Your House

TV lovers, rejoice! The future of legal, licensed television watching is here, and it’s….incredibly locked down! Time Warner has introduced a beautiful new iPad app that lets you log in with your Time Warner Cable username and password and watch TV anywhere on your iPad. Well…as long as “anywhere” is “in your house, or on the wireless network of another Time Warner Cable customer, as long as you yourself have a cable package from Time Warner at home.” So much for mobile. [More]

80% Of AOL's Revenue Is Subscribers, 75% Of Whom Don't Need It

80% Of AOL's Revenue Is Subscribers, 75% Of Whom Don't Need It

A New Yorker profile this week details how 80% of AOL’s revenue comes from subscriptions, and, according to an ex-AOL exec, 75% of those users are people who subscribe to the dial-up service and don’t need. Basically we’re talking about folks who have another kind of ISP and don’t realize that you don’t need to pay AOL anymore if you’re just using it for email. The group can be further divided into two sub-groups, the old, and the lazy. Here’s a step-by-step process for canceling AOL and saving some cash while still keeping access to your AOL email account. [More]

Comcast, TWC, DirecTV And Samsung Enter Unholy Partnership Inside Your TV

Comcast, TWC, DirecTV And Samsung Enter Unholy Partnership Inside Your TV

Hate your cable set-top box? So does Samsung, apparently. They’ve cut deals with Comcast, Time Warner Cable and DirecTV to offer various features that will allow you to watch TV either without a box, or access your cable subscription through an app on the Samsung Galaxy Tab. [More]