time warner cable

Time Warner CSR Agrees Their "Soul Being Sucked Away"

Time Warner CSR Agrees Their "Soul Being Sucked Away"

Rachel shares an interesting transcript of a chat she had with Time Warner. She was complaining about how Time Warner automatically raises its rates every year, and, in the end, got the CSR to confirm that they felt their soul was “being sucked away” from having to explain this policy so many times. [More]

Oops, My Time Warner Installer Accidentally Upsold Me!

Oops, My Time Warner Installer Accidentally Upsold Me!

Alex has a Time Warner DVR, but never asked for one. He tells Consumerist that the installer brought one to his home and connected it to the main TV instead of a cable box, but without installing DVR service. Because Alex and his roommate never asked for it. He’d be inclined to write this off as a simple error on the installer’s part, but he knows three other households in different parts of New York state that have had strangely forgetful cable installers. [More]

The Time Warner Cable Tech Will Show Up On Time… If You Pay $190/Month

The Time Warner Cable Tech Will Show Up On Time… If You Pay $190/Month

Tired of waiting for the cable guy (or gal) to not show up during the vague four-hour block you’d been given when you made the appointment? Thankfully Time Warner Cable is about to start a premium service that will let the cable tech blow off a more specific appointment for just $189.95 a month. [More]

TWC Offers New Cheaper Cable Package

TWC Offers New Cheaper Cable Package

Time Warner is offering a new tier of cable package called “Essentials” with fewer channels and a lower price. [More]

TWC: Saying "Upgrade" Connects You To Live Person. "Downgrade" Disconnects Call.

TWC: Saying "Upgrade" Connects You To Live Person. "Downgrade" Disconnects Call.

A Raleigh, North Carolina woman is complaining that when you call Time Warner Cable the automated voice response tree is a little haywire. When you say “upgrade” it connects you to a live operator. But when you say “downgrade,” it disconnects your call. Funny how that works. [More]

Comcast Offers You $25 To Take Phone Survey, Gives You
Number For Time Warner Cable

Comcast Offers You $25 To Take Phone Survey, Gives You Number For Time Warner Cable

Consumerist reader and Comcast/Xfinity subscriber Amy recently received a promo in the mail from the folks at Kabletown asking her to take a quick survey, for which they would send her a $25 check. One hitch — the number on the mailer sent her to a Time Warner Cable operator. [More]

Time Warner Cable Customers To Finally Get ESPN3 Access Next

Time Warner Cable Customers To Finally Get ESPN3 Access Next Monday

It’s been more than a month since Time Warner Cable and Disney ironed out their differences and announced that customers of the cable company would be getting access to ESPN’s online portal ESPN3. Now we finally have a date — Oct. 25. [More]

Man Gets Time Warner Bill Lowered More Than He Even Thought He Could

Man Gets Time Warner Bill Lowered More Than He Even Thought He Could

Nathan was paying $48.99 for Time Warner Cable internet and saw they were advertising the same service at $43.99. It wasn’t very hard to find, they put it right on his bill! When he called up to ask to get the same rate, they told him he could only get it if he bundled it with cable TV. So he hung up and called back again, using a different Time Warner Cable number. [More]

Time Warner Cable Reaches Deal With Disney, Customers To Get ESPN 3 Access

Time Warner Cable Reaches Deal With Disney, Customers To Get ESPN 3 Access

On the last day of the NFL pre-season, football fans are rejoicing — or at least the ones who subscribe to Time Warner Cable. The company has finally reached an agreement with Walt Disney Co. that will keep Disney-owned channels like ESPN from being blacked out during the first week of the the NCAA and NFL seasons. And TWC customers will now have access to ESPN’s online video portal ESPN3. [More]

Time Warner Cable & Disney To Kiss And Make Up Before Football Season Starts

Time Warner Cable & Disney To Kiss And Make Up Before Football Season Starts

With only days to go before the NCAA and NFL football seasons kick off, many Time Warner Cable customers have been worried that their cable provider wouldn’t be able to hash out an agreement with Walt Disney Co. and that they’d be without ESPN when they needed it most. But it looks like that crisis will be averted and the companies will work out their differences soon. [More]

Heart Attack Patient Has No Phone Going On A Week, Time
Warner Botches Repairs

Heart Attack Patient Has No Phone Going On A Week, Time Warner Botches Repairs

Thomas is on the 7th day without Time Warner Cable phone service, which is a bit of a problem since his mother just had a heart attack. They’ve promised multiple times to come out and fix it, and either broken those promised appointments or only partially fixed the issue. [More]

Time Warner Cable And The $12,000 Installation Fee

Time Warner Cable And The $12,000 Installation Fee

Time Warner Cable wants to charge $12,000 to install cable and internet for a customer in the remote town of Lee, MA. The town’s Board of Selectmen, however, are having none of it. They say that Time Warner Cable in in breach of their contract, which requires them to install cable in any house that already has electricity and telephone service. [More]

Time-Warner Cable Tells Soldier He's Getting A Refund, Then Threatens To Ding His Credit Score

Time-Warner Cable Tells Soldier He's Getting A Refund, Then Threatens To Ding His Credit Score

Consumerist reader Bill is in the U.S. Army and has been calling Fort Bragg, NC, his home when he wasn’t in Iraq. Recently, he was given orders to relocate out west, which meant it was time to pack up the family and — among other things — transfer his cable service. Unfortunately, since Time-Warner Cable doesn’t service his new location, he had to cancel. But what started out as a simple solution that would net him a $64 refund quickly degraded into cancellation fees and threats of inflicting pain on his credit score. [More]

Cable Companies Could Save Money By Flagging Certain Customers "Not An Idiot"

Cable Companies Could Save Money By Flagging Certain Customers "Not An Idiot"

Cable companies could be saving lots of money and pissing off fewer people if they implemented special “this guy is not an idiot” flags on their tech savvy customer’s accounts, argues the NeedCoffee blog. [More]

Hurt Locker Lawyers: Time Warner Cable Hearts Pirates

Hurt Locker Lawyers: Time Warner Cable Hearts Pirates

If you’re one of the 5,000 “John or Jane Does” accused of illegally downloading copies of The Hurt Locker, and your ISP is Time Warner Cable, you may be safely airlifted out of the battle zone. According to the law firm representing Hurt Locker producer Voltage Pictures, TWC is “a good ISP for copyright infringers” because it won’t hand over the names of its customers as quickly as the lawyers would like. [More]

Email Addresses For 3 TWC Execs

Email Addresses For 3 TWC Execs

Not that Time Warner Cable would execute anything less than superb customer service, but just in case the unthinkable happens, Marcus has tracked down some e-mail addresses to some Time Warner Cable higher-ups. Clip and save for your next Executive Email Carpet Bombing run. [More]

Worst Company In America Elite 8: Bank Of America VS Time Warner Cable

Worst Company In America Elite 8: Bank Of America VS Time Warner Cable

Things are really starting to heat up. Bank of America has already breezed through match-ups with Citibank and Walmart, and now only Time Warner Cable with their “metered broadband” stands between the mortgage giant and the Final Four. [More]

Worst Company In America 2010 Sweet 16: Time Warner Cable VS HP

Worst Company In America 2010 Sweet 16: Time Warner Cable VS HP

Oh no, the computer doesn’t work! Again! Is the internet out? Or is the laptop on fire? It’s a battle of service vs hardware…. to the death! [More]