time warner cable

Two Big Reasons The Comcast And Time Warner Cable Deal Is Bad For Consumers

Two Big Reasons The Comcast And Time Warner Cable Deal Is Bad For Consumers

Yesterday, Comcast and Time Warner Cable announced a $45 billion merger deal. Consumer advocacy groups (and consumers) were less than thrilled about Comcast’s big news, and ardently called on the FCC and the Justice Department to alter or prevent the buyout. [More]

Comcast & Time Warner Cable: A Wedding That Should Be Called Off Before It’s Too Late

Comcast & Time Warner Cable: A Wedding That Should Be Called Off Before It’s Too Late

The streets covered in snow and ice aren’t the only changed landscape many of us woke up to this morning. As we learned overnight, Comcast has reached a $45 billion dollar deal to purchase Time Warner Cable. [More]

Comcast Agrees To Buy Time Warner Cable For $45 Billion

Comcast Agrees To Buy Time Warner Cable For $45 Billion

A month after Time Warner Cable laughed off Charter’s $37 billion merger offer, the cable company has reached a $45 billion deal with Comcast that would make its nearly 15 million customers permanent citizens of Kabletown. [More]

(design boner)

Time Warner Cable Apologizes For Super Bowl Outage With $5 Gift Cards

Soon, Time Warner Cable customers will enter a bold new era of being required to rent a set-top box in order to watch television. That day is not yet here, and some people still plug a coaxial cable right into the back of their standard definition TV sets. In the Los Angeles area, analog customers missed about an hour of this year’s Super Bowl, including the halftime show, and will get $5 for their trouble. [More]


Time Warner Cable Customers Lose Signal During Super Bowl

“Whatever you are passionate about, Time Warner Cable invents ways for you to enjoy it even better,” Time Warner Cable declares in commercials that run for its subscribers. Unless you’re passionate about professional football, live near Los Angeles and you’re a Time Warner customer still using a standard-definition TV. Then you had to scramble for an antenna during the second quarter of the game. [LA Times] [More]

Time Warner Cable Will Try To Not Suck As Much In L.A. & NYC

Time Warner Cable Will Try To Not Suck As Much In L.A. & NYC

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, if you want to get a Manhattan resident’s blood boiling, your best bet is to mention Time Warner Cable. In addition to the horrid billing and customer service problems experienced by TWC customers all over the country, New York customers will claim they are plagued by frequent and unexplained outages and bouts of cripplingly slow download speeds. From what we gather, things aren’t much better for TWC customers in L.A. [More]


What If The Cable Guy In Porn Was From Time Warner Cable?

Before you do any kind of clicking away on the video below, please be aware that the content we’re about to laugh over is totally NSFW by way of some heavy breathing, sexytime noises, bad language and because while there’s no nudity, it looks like the setup for a real porno instead of just a comedy video. So really, NSFW, watch it with headphones on and maybe where no one can see your screen. [More]

(Jameson Sempey)

You Might Hate Time Warner Cable, But Would We All Be Worse Off Without It?

While Comcast might have more customers who hate it, we’d be willing to bet that Time Warner Cable is loathed by a higher percentage of its customers. Ask just about any cable-subscribing customer in NYC about the company and prepare to listen to numerous tales of screw-ups, outages, and bad billing. So some are greeting with open arms the news of TWC’s possible sale to one of its competitors. But would the disappearance of TWC just end up costing all of us in the long run? [More]

Time Warner Cable Techs Should Know They Will Be Photographed If They Fall Asleep On Job

Time Warner Cable Techs Should Know They Will Be Photographed If They Fall Asleep On Job

Being a cable installer can be an exhausting job, with a day that is often overflowing with appointments you probably can’t make it to on time, figured out by some far-away computer that doesn’t care if you’re tired. Not to mention the fact that you’ll probably be put on hold for just as long as the customers who try to call in. With all that said, you still need to realize that if you’re going to fall asleep on a customer’s couch, your photo will probably end up on the Internet. [More]

Time Warner Cable Rejects $37.3 Billion Offer From Charter, But Takeover Attempt Is Just Beginning

Time Warner Cable Rejects $37.3 Billion Offer From Charter, But Takeover Attempt Is Just Beginning

Yesterday, the backers of Charter Communications made a $37.3 billion offer to purchase Time Warner Cable. It was Charter’s third cash offer to TWC and it was quickly rejected by the larger cable company’s board as “grossly inadequate.” But that doesn’t mean this is the end of the road for Charter’s bid to merge with TWC. [More]

Consumerist’s Most Popular Stories From 2013

Consumerist’s Most Popular Stories From 2013

2013 ends in a few hours, and in the year since we last popped champagne corks and pretended to know the words to “Auld Lang Syne,” we’ve posted more than 5,000 stories to Consumerist, covering everything from Wall Street to Capitol Hill to the drive-thru lane. Some of these posts attracted a few more readers than others. [More]

A 13% Increase Is “Special Savings” If Time Warner Cable Says So

A 13% Increase Is “Special Savings” If Time Warner Cable Says So

Russ’s promotional rate for Time Warner cable ends today. His rate goes up by almost $50, which is sad news for him. Except Time Warner saved the day with some “special savings.” Are the savings really all that special? Russ sees it differently. He sees “special savings” wrapped up in a rate increase.  [More]

When TWC soon-to-be CEO Rob Marcus says "We are listening," does he mean that the company is snooping on customers or is he using the majestic plural to refer to himself?

Incoming Time Warner Cable CEO: Good Customer Service Is When The Customer Doesn’t Need To Call Us

Comcast CEO and King of Kabletown Brian Roberts may think that dealing with more than a billion customer interactions each year is an acceptable excuse for his company’s poor customer service reputation, but the guy about to take the reins at Time Warner Cable sees things a little differently (or at least that’s what he claims to believe). [More]

WRAL's demonstration of the problem. The top screen shows the over-the-air feed for the station. The bottom screen shows what happens when a Verizon customer gets a text message in the same room as the set-top box (see below for full clip).

Verizon LTE Phones & Time Warner Cable Set-Top Boxes Are Not Playing Nicely With Each Other

Some Time Warner Cable customers in Raleigh, NC, who also have Verizon Wireless phone service have noticed that whenever they get an e-mail, text, or otherwise use their phone, the TV signal can go squirrely on them. This is apparently what can happen when a cable company broadcasts channels on the same broadband spectrum used by wireless service. [More]

Odds Of Comcast/Time Warner Cable Merger Are Pretty Slim

Odds Of Comcast/Time Warner Cable Merger Are Pretty Slim

Given a shared history of treating subscribers like ATMs and of taking the “do the least” approach to customer service, it almost made sense last month when the merger rumor mill went into overdrive with reports that Comcast was looking to acquire Time Warner Cable. But the odds of this marriage being blessed by regulators seem pretty slim. [More]

Time Warner Cable Jumps On Discount HBO Bundle Bandwagon, But Price Is Misleading

Time Warner Cable Jumps On Discount HBO Bundle Bandwagon, But Price Is Misleading

A month after Comcast launched its Internet-Plus package, which is basically a plan for people who want Web access and just HBO, Time Warner Cable has quietly begun offering its own HBO-focused service aimed at slowing the rate of cord-cutting. [More]


Comcast And Charter Consider Buying Time Warner Cable. No, Really

There are many changes that could improve cable television and broadband internet service in the United States, but “more mergers” certainly isn’t one of them. That’s why we started screaming hysterically in the Consumerist offices today when we learned that Charter and Comcast are both weighing their options and thinking about acquiring Time Warner Cable. [More]

Hulu Looking To Partner Up With Cable, Wireless Providers

Hulu Looking To Partner Up With Cable, Wireless Providers

In a move that could stem the tide of cord-cutting while also broadening Hulu’s subscriber base, the streaming video service is reportedly in talks with Comcast, Time Warner Cable, and others to bring Hulu to cable customers through their set-top boxes. [More]