You’ve probably heard by now how Uber CEO and co-founder Travis Kalanick was caught on video berating one of his own drivers after that driver complained that he had lost money because of the company’s fickle pricing and policy changes. Now Kalanick is doing damage control, telling employees and users that he needs “leadership help” after the incident. [More]
caught on camera

Driver Ticketed After Police See Facebook Video Of Him Ignoring A Stop Sign
A man in Colorado recently received a traffic ticket for blowing through a Stop sign — not because a police officer witnessed the violation in person, but because the driver posted video of the incident on Facebook. [More]

Walmart Employee In Trouble Over Facebook Video Of Shoplifter Scuffle
We’ve told you before of Walmart employees who were fired for intervening in violent or potentially dangerous situations at the store, but here’s a story of a Walmart worker who’s in trouble for not stepping in. Of course, it doesn’t help that he posted video of the incident along with his wisecracking running commentary. [More]

Starbucks Is Really Sorry That This Employee Flipped Out On Customer (And That It Was Caught On Video)
There’s a widely held misconception that customer service used to be perfect “back when,” and every retail transaction was straight out of a 1960s sitcom. The fact is that customers and store employees have been going at each other since the first paleolithic entrepreneur tried to upsell his neighbor on a thrashing stick to go with his bludgeoning stone. But now we all get to see and hear about these retail rows and foodservice fisticuffs — and companies are often compelled to apologize for them — thanks to social media. [More]

Police Seek Man Caught On Security Camera Stealing Security Camera
Here’s the thing with surveillance cameras: the video that they capture usually goes somewhere. Somewhere else. We don’t know whether the men who were caught on camera removing the very camera that caught them thought that they were destroying the evidence by stealing the cameras, but removing a camera does provide a nice, up-close view of the person removing it. [More]

CCTV Footage Shows World’s Coolest Customer Calmly Walking Away After Truck Collides With Building
Imagine you’re just about to sit down and enjoy a snack at your local bakery when, mere feet away, a truck plows right through the front of the building. If you’re like me, you’d run screaming with a howl so high-pitched that dogs would cry for miles around. But not so for one customer of a bakery in Cincinnati. [More]

Let’s Play “Guess Why This Person Broke Into Restaurant While Wearing A Box On Their Head”
While it’s not exactly a case for Adrian Monk (or even Encyclopedia Brown), police in Bismarck, ND, do have a puzzler of a crime on their hands after someone broke into a restaurant after hours and appears to have done nothing but walked around the place with a cardboard box covering his/her head. [More]

USPS Driver Practices His Bowling With A Customer’s Package… From Inside A Minivan
By now, most of us know that our packages are not always handled with loving care, getting tossed around warehouses, onto trucks, onto planes, and back onto trucks, etc. But could USPS drivers please at least keep up the thin, delusional veil that they take even the slightest care when it comes to actually delivering a package to the customer’s door? [More]

Time Warner Cable Techs Should Know They Will Be Photographed If They Fall Asleep On Job
Being a cable installer can be an exhausting job, with a day that is often overflowing with appointments you probably can’t make it to on time, figured out by some far-away computer that doesn’t care if you’re tired. Not to mention the fact that you’ll probably be put on hold for just as long as the customers who try to call in. With all that said, you still need to realize that if you’re going to fall asleep on a customer’s couch, your photo will probably end up on the Internet. [More]

Driver Films Officer Ticketing His Car Even Though Minutes Are Left On Meter
Usually, when someone whips out a camera during a dispute, the other party is reluctant to be filmed. But a man in California who claims to have been ticketed for an expired parking meter — even though there was still time left — found a willing subject in the parking enforcement officer who wrote the ticket. [More]

Man Wearing Computer Vision System Says He Captured Images Of 3 Men Who Assaulted Him At French McDonald’s
While we’ve never seen someone wearing a computer vision system in person, we’ve had the chance to imagine what it would be like, with recent examples like Google’s planned goggles. One man who invented and wears such a device to help him see says he was assaulted by three men at a McDonald’s in Paris, and managed to capture photographs of those involved. He’s known on the web as the “father of wearable computing.” [More]

Man Pleads Guilty To Selling Booze To Underage Customer Even Though Video Footage Shows He Didn't
Earlier this month, an employee at a Brooklyn bodega was arrested for selling alcohol to a minor in an undercover sting operation. On the advice of his lawyer he entered a guilty plea and paid the $120 fine, but that was before he found out that there is in-store video footage that appears to vindicate him. [More]

Suspected ID Thief Helps Police By Posing For Sam's Club Photo
If you’re going to use someone else’s identity to go on a shopping spree, you might as well go hog-wild and hit some upscale stores. At the very least, don’t go shopping at a discount warehouse store where you’ll need to have your picture taken for your membership card. [More]

NYC Mayor: City Should Pay For Vehicle Crunched By Tow Truck
Here’s an update to yesterday’s story about that New York City tow truck caught on camera repeatedly smashing into a snowbound Ford Explorer. [More]