Before we get started, let’s all take out some grains of salt and cup them carefully during this entire experience. Ready? Okay: If you know who Kanye West is, you know he has a rather high opinion of himself. But despite the fact that he claims in the song “I Am a God” that he’s no mere mortal, that doesn’t mean he’s going to get his croissants faster than the laws of science will provide. This, according to a purported group of French bakers. [More]
the more you know

We’re So Glad Someone Thought To Chronicle The Evolution Of Concession Stand Nachos
There’s nothing quite like a concession stand container of nachos: its cup of orange, oozing, hot nacho cheese nuzzled up against the very tortilla utensils we use to scoop it up and deposit it into our eagerly awaiting mouths. But like so many foods and snacks out there, perhaps we’ve been taking this gooey goodness for granted. Thank goodness not everyone has been so remiss. [More]

Chicken Processing Plant Worker: I Will Never Eat Fast Food Nuggets Again
While there are plenty of people who would rather not imagine where their food comes from, many of us would like to know more about how, for example, a chicken goes from clucking and pecking to one of four shapes of Chicken McNugget. During a recent “Ask Me Anything” session on Reddit, a current employee of a Perdue chicken processing plant was glad to answer questions, as well as admit he or she will never eat chicken nuggets from a fast food joint ever again. [More]
McDonald's Location Introduces Digital Kiosk To Tell Customers Exactly What They're Eating
Sure, you’re eating at a fast food joint, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you want to go for broke and pack in as many calories as you can. For those health conscious diners at one McDonald’s location in North Texas, perusing the nutritional info for each menu on the item will be a lot easier with the digital kiosk the franchise owner has installed. [More]

Worst Company In America Nominees And Their NCAA Equivalents
If you’re not up on college basketball but happen to be a Worst Company in America bracketologist, it’s possible to use your WCIA knowledge to generate a rooting interest in the NCAA Tournament, as well as vice versa. [More]

No, Apple Won't Engrave Swear Words On Your iPod
RedOryx and her sister both ordered shiny new iPods directly from Apple, and they made an annoying discovery: you can have pretty much anything engraved on the back of your iPod…as long as it doesn’t include any swear words. [More]

Rejoice Penguins, Wells Fargo Has An ATM In Antarctica
Wells Fargo is the undisputed leader in Antarctic banking thanks to a pair of ATMs at McMurdo station. Despite the monopoly, the bank acts as a benevolent despot by allowing non-customers to draw cash without a surcharge. But who replenishes the stock of $20s? What happens when the ATMs break? Wells Fargo VP David Parker explained it all in a recent interview. [More]

Why Don't I Get The Cash Discount For Gas When I Pay With My Debit Card?
David writes that he recently had a confusing experience at a gas station, and he wanted some clarification. He’s used to receiving a cash discount when he pays with his debit card at gas stations, but came across a gas station owner who wouldn’t give a cash discount for anything but actual greenbacks. Are this gas station’s policies illegal, David wonders? [More]

Life Insurance Myths Debunked
Canadian finance blog Financial Highway is running a a financial mythbuster series, and the latest entry tackles life insurance. [More]

Credit Score Myths Debunked
Ray at Financial Highway goes Mythbusters on credit scores, revealing 7 myths about the financial benchmarks. [More]

Time To Formulate Your Black Friday Safety Strategies
Looking ahead to Black Friday, America’s annual equivalent of soccer hooliganism, Bargain Babe Julia Scott enlists the help of fellow blogger Suzanne O’Connor to compile some safety tips to keep in mind when you brave the ravenous deal-hunting crowds.

Testing Stuck Accelerator Survival Strategies
The recent recall of millions of Toyotas due to their floor mats’ unfortunate tendency to trap the cars’ accelerators, a flaw which has caused at least one confirmed horrific fatal accident, has caused people to wonder: if this happened to me, what would I do? Equipped with several different makes of cars and a test track, our colleagues at Consumer Reports Cars decided to play Mythbusters and put different stuck-accelerator survival strategies to the test.

What's The Difference Between A HELOC And A Second Mortgage?
Guest posting on the personal finance blog Budgets Are Sexy, Robert Sommers explains the difference between home equity lines of credit and home equity loans, which are also known as second mortgages.

Airport Payphone Charges $20 For 1-Minute Local Call
Billy discovered how it can pay to read Consumerist. He was charged $20 for a pay phone call from an airport, but remembered our post last year about the NCIC credit card system’s exorbitant charges.

Practice Good Hygiene Or Be Shamed By The White House
We at Consumerist understand the importance of washing your hands and practicing good hygiene. We’re also big fans of publicly humiliating people who endanger us with their gross germs. That’s why we love this video of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius stopping a press briefing and scolding MSNBC reporter Chuck Todd for sneezing into his hand, instead of his elbow.

Vandals Stick It To Business That Cheat On Credit Card Rules
When businesses sign up to allow credit card use, they sign merchant agreements that say they won’t force customers make minimum purchases or, in some states, charge additional fees to credit card customers. As we’ve reported before, businesses don’t always hold up their end of the agreement.

How Toothpaste Got Its Stripes
If you always assumed striped toothpaste was the work of a magic devil, assume again. It turns out it’s the work of a little extended pipe inside the tube that merges the different colored substances onto the toothpaste highway and straight onto your brush. That mechanical trick is half a century old, however; modern varieties sometimes just come that way, as this frozen toothpaste photo that’s been around for a while demonstrates.