After refusing to fold to pressure from German regulators and consumer safety advocates to change the name of its semi-autonomous driving feature Autopilot, the electric carmaker is changing something — its official name, dropping the “Motors” and becoming simply “Tesla.” [More]
tesla motors

Tesla Announces Supercharger Pricing Scheme For New Customers
Last fall, Tesla announced that it would soon be pulling the plug on the totally free use of its Supercharger stations, giving prospective Tesla buyers until Jan. 15 to place an order that would lock in this free access. With that deadline looming, the company has finally revealed vague details on what latecomers should expect to pay for fast-charging their pricey electric vehicles. [More]

Tesla Powering Up New Battery-Making Gigafactory
Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s battery-making dreams are finally coming true with the start of operations at the company’s Gigafactory in Reno, NV. [More]

Tesla Suing Michigan After State Officials Reject Company’s Bid To Open Dealership
After Michigan denied Tesla Motors’ application for licenses to sell directly to consumers, the company has filed a lawsuit against the state, challenging a law that says automakers can only sell through franchised dealerships. [More]

Tesla Claims Man With Pals In Big Oil Tried To Impersonate Elon Musk
It sounds like an obvious plot in a movie: a man working for Big Oil tries to steal secrets from an electric car company by impersonating its CEO to steal financial secrets! Except it really happened, according to a new lawsuit from Tesla Motors that claims someone pretended to be Elon Musk in a bid to get juicy inside information. [More]

Elon Musk: Tesla Model S Can Be Used Like A Boat For “Short Periods Of Time”
It’s a car, it’s a boat… it’s a Tesla? Should Model S owners ever find themselves in a suddenly wet situation, Tesla CEO says not to worry — the cars can basically turn into a boat for a little bit when you need them to. [More]

Tesla Will Probably Charge Model 3 Owners For Using Supercharging Stations
While current Tesla owners can drive up to any one of the Supercharging stations in the company’s network, plug in, and fill up on electricity for free, future owners of Model 3 cars probably won’t be able to enjoy that same service without paying for it. [More]

Tesla Owners Can Try Pricey Autopilot Feature Free For One Month
If you own a Tesla Model S or Model X but didn’t feel like forking over $2,500 for the company’s new Autopilot software, you’re in luck: Tesla drivers can now get a free taste of what a more autonomous future could be like with a monthlong trial of the feature. [More]

Tesla Updates Self-Parking Software After Consumer Reports Raises Concerns
When Tesla announced last month that it would push out a software upgrade to allow Model S owners to park their electric car in a garage or perpendicular spaces without anyone behind the wheel, it was seen as yet another step toward a fully autonomous vehicle. That was until researchers found the new “Summon” mode contained a small safety issue. [More]

Tesla Announces Software Upgrade That Allows A Car To Park Itself
As carmakers continue to push for fully autonomous vehicles that will take the hassle out of driving, Tesla Motors is taking another step in that direction with a software upgrade that will allow Model S owners to park them in a garage or perpendicular spaces without anyone behind the wheel. [More]

Tesla’s Autopilot Mode Means You Can Take Your Hands Off The Wheel… Briefly
While the word “autopilot” might conjure up images of sitting back with your feet up on the dashboard, hands behind your head as your car drives itself along, we’re still far from that reality. But Tesla says that a new software update for the Model S will allow drivers to let the car do some of the driving, though you’ll still need to put your hands on the wheel now and then. [More]

Elon Musk: Tesla Will Be Taking Orders For The Cheaper Model 3 By March
Have a hankering for a Tesla electric car but don’t have anywhere in the neighborhood of $127,000? If you don’t need insanity mode or the other high-priced options included in the Model S P85D or even the regular Model S at around $69,000, Tesla CEO Elon Musk says he’s got a deal for you — well, in March, that is, when the company starts taking preorders for its cheaper Model 3 car. [More]

Not Convinced The Robot Uprising Is Inevitable? Watch This Charger Prototype For Tesla Cars Find Its Target
You know, we’re a little surprised by you, Elon Musk. As a guy who’s said we’re right to be worried about artificial intelligence enslaving the human race, Terminator style, you’d think you wouldn’t go ahead and invent a robot charger that can find its own way to a nearby Tesla and plug in. What’s the next target, our brains?!? [More]

Tesla Not Giving Up On Bringing Direct Car Sales To Connecticut
After a bill to bring direct car sales to Connecticut died, Tesla Motors says it’s not going to give up on a the idea of opening retail stores in the state. [More]

Massachusetts Court Throws Out Lawsuit Trying To Block Tesla From Selling Fancy Cars Directly To Consumers
High-tech electric car company Tesla has spent the year fighting with a huge number of states over their preferred business model: the company sells vehicles directly to consumers, instead of going through the traditional dealer route. Tesla has been wildly successful selling their cars this way. So successful, in fact, that dealers in many states are fighting hard to claim Tesla’s model is illegal under state law — or getting state law changed to make sure it’s illegal. Dealers in Massachusetts trying their own variation on that maneuver, however, have just had their case tossed out of court, allowing Tesla to continue operations in that state. [More]

White House Responds To Petition Asking For Direct-To-Consumer Tesla Sales In All 50 States
While the White House will respond to any We The People petition over 100,000 signatures, that doesn’t mean that the answer is always going to be something petitioners want to hear. And in the case of the 138,469 who wanted the administration to prevent sales from banning direct-to-consumer auto sales from companies like Tesla, that reply is pretty much, “Can’t do it, that’s Congress’ thing.” [More]

Tesla Investigating Why A Stolen Model S Split In Half After High-Speed Chase, Collision
It’s not every day that a car splits in half, and it’s definitely not an event carmakers want to have happen. That’s why Tesla is now pledging to fully investigate how a stolen Model S split in half at the end of a high-speed chase and collision with a light pole. [More]

Elon Musk Cites ‘Terminator’ As A Reason To “Keep An Eye On” Artificial Intelligence
Worried about the always looming, definitely gonna happen robot revolution? You’re not the only one imagining the insufferable chains of slavery our robot overlords are going to slap on us someday. Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla Motors, is also worried robots are up to no good, so he’s keeping an eye on the artificial industry just in case. [More]