
Text Message Packages Hamstring Sprint Cancellations

Text Message Packages Hamstring Sprint Cancellations

An important caveat for those trying to cancel their Sprint service over the recent rate hike: If you’re on a text message plan, where you get say 1000 message for $10 or 300 messages for $5, this trick may not work for you, at least not at first blush.

Sprint Retention Department Phone Numbers

Here’s two extra phone numbers that may help you if you’re trying to cancel Sprint.

Defeat Sprint’s Rate Hike Cancellation Lies

Defeat Sprint’s Rate Hike Cancellation Lies

Sprint’s retention department is trying its darnedest to prevent customers from jumping out a window of opportunity that would let them cancel service without penalty.

Oct31 Deadline For Free Sprint Contract Killing

Image redacted.

Cingular Prude, Verizon — And Staff — Puts Out

Cingular Prude, Verizon — And Staff — Puts Out

Rick needed a replacement earbud gel on his Jabra Bluetooth headset. He’s a Cingular customer so he went into a Cingular store to buy one. They told him he would have to buy an entirely new headset.

Get AT&T DSL Month-to-Month

Get AT&T DSL Month-to-Month

In a move towards empowering consumer choice, AT&T DSL customers no longer have to be locked into 12 month contracts. AT&T now offers DSL on a month-to-month basis.

Cingular Spreads Pinnochio Porn

Cingular Spreads Pinnochio Porn

It started out innocently enough, a Florida mom trying to send her family members a picture of her daughter sporting new braces.

Unholy Marriage Betwixt AT&T and Bellsouth Nearing FCC Approval

Unholy Marriage Betwixt AT&T and Bellsouth Nearing FCC Approval

FCC Chairman Kevin Martin seems to be close to inking his rubber stamp for a merger between AT&T and Bellsouth, a move that would create the world’s largest telco company.

Cancel Cingular By “Moving” To Caliente

Cancel Cingular By “Moving” To Caliente

A reader reports he was able to get out of his Cingular contract by telling them he was moving to a remote area of NV.

Weekend Project: Sign Up For Do-Not-Call List

Weekend Project: Sign Up For Do-Not-Call List

Wave after wave of telemarketers assault your household like it was a Normandy beachhead. Bleary-eyed, you tell your coke-bottle glassed, coupon-clipping, twine-saving friend over a cup of coffee at Denny’s. He intones nasally, “You know, you could sign up for the Federal Do-Not-Call List. That way, scrupulous telemarketers won’t call you. And if any unscrupulous ones do, you have the basis for making an official complaint to the FCC.”

Cablevision Won’t Take No Answer For An Answer

This is the log of calls Brian has received from 516-393-0168.

Telecrapper 2000 Telemarketer Interception System

Sp3nc3 in the comments on another telemarketer foiling device pointed us towards the Telecrapper 2000. It’s an open source software that you can install on your computer to trap telemarketers in an endless loop on your computer and then record the results. Here’s an amusing Flash animation reenactment of the Telecrapper 2000 in action, found here..

Verizon Drops Baseless DSL Fee After FCC Pressure

Verizon Drops Baseless DSL Fee After FCC Pressure

Nine days after installing a new “supplier surcharge” fee to essentially replace one government regulators dropped, Verizon DSL decided to stop levying the fee. Verizon came under heat from customers and received a letter from the FCC asking it to explain its actions. BellSouth, which also received a FCC letter, announced it would drop a similar charge.

Pranking Solicitors Into Endless Telemarketing Loop

Creative Bastard blogger set up an extension on his phone line to route telemarketers to. It plays a loop of his voice being “highly interested” in the rep’s offer, with the goal being to keep the t-marketer on the line as long as possible.

Secret Verizon Level Probed Further

Secret Verizon Level Probed Further

In the comments, Matto points out the so-called “Verizon Vcast VIP” domain is registered to some guy in Cali.

Yet Another Secret Level of Verizon Service You Can’t Have

Yet Another Secret Level of Verizon Service You Can’t Have

George just can’t get a break. First he found out that in order to receive a mailer and get 100 free Anytime minutes from Verizon, he had to receive a mailer. In researching that matter, he found another secret door. VcastVIP. It too was locked.

What Is A Verizon “Merits” Customer?

What Is A Verizon “Merits” Customer?

As we know, it’s someone who eligible to get 100 Free Anytime minutes from this site, which is not a phishing site.

Consumer Pimps Car To Hate Tmobile

Consumer Pimps Car To Hate Tmobile

Wow, this person hates T-mobile so much they plastered it on the back of their car.