
Why Won't Sprint Let Me Download My Photos?

Why Won't Sprint Let Me Download My Photos?

Consumerist reader Miranda is apparently an avid photo bug, snapping over 2,800 pics on her Sprint phone over the last few years, all of which she’s uploaded to her Sprint Picture Mail account. But a recent update to the Picture Mail site makes it impossible for her to download her pics at once. Which wouldn’t be a problem if she weren’t trying to switch over to to T-Mobile. [More]

New Report Says AT&T's 3G Network Is Fastest

New Report Says AT&T's 3G Network Is Fastest

Here’s the latest in the “my phone is better than your phone” war. A new test of upload and download speeds on 3G networks in 13 cities has AT&T coming out on top by a large margin over Verizon, Sprint and T-Mobile. Someone cue the next round of Luke Wilson commercials… [More]

T-Mobile's Response To Poor Reception: "You're Welcome To Leave"

T-Mobile's Response To Poor Reception: "You're Welcome To Leave"

Matt writes that although he has been a loyal T-Mobile customer for a long time, the company is no longer interested in keeping his business. At least, that’s what it looks like. [More]

T-Mobile Offers $100 Refund To Customers Who Weren't Offered Original Nexus One Upgrade Price

T-Mobile Offers $100 Refund To Customers Who Weren't Offered Original Nexus One Upgrade Price

If you’re already a T-Mobile customer and you bought the new Google Nexus One phone recently, you know firsthand that you had to pay $100 more than new customers. Today T-Mobile announced that they’re dropping that heavily criticized price, and will be refunding $100 to customers who paid $379 for the phone before January 14th. [More]

Nexus One Users Getting The Runaround From T-Mobile, HTC

Nexus One Users Getting The Runaround From T-Mobile, HTC

So if your Nexus One isn’t working… Who do you call? We think the answer is Ghostbusters, because it’s sure as hell not Google — and according to InformationWeek, it is also not T-Mobile or HTC. [More]

Nexus One Users Say T-Mobile 3G Is Hard To Access

Nexus One Users Say T-Mobile 3G Is Hard To Access

Apparently quite a few Nexus One users are having a hard time getting their new phones to connect to T-Mo’s 3G network. Instead, according to InformationWeek, they are getting bounced down to the slower EDGE network. [More]

T-Mobile Changes Mind, Lets Family Off The Hook For Stolen Phone Charges

T-Mobile Changes Mind, Lets Family Off The Hook For Stolen Phone Charges

Yesterday I posted about Zeb, a special needs guy whose phone was stolen shortly before Christmas. Between then and when his family found out about the theft and reported it to T-Mobile, the thief had made $6,000 in international calls and texts–and T-Mobile wanted Zeb’s family to pay $1,500 of that.
Today I received word from Zeb’s dad that T-Mobile has changed its mind and won’t hold Zeb or his family responsible for the bogus charges. His email is below.

T-Mobile Wants Family To Pay $1500 In Bogus Charges On Phone Stolen From Special Needs Customer

T-Mobile Wants Family To Pay $1500 In Bogus Charges On Phone Stolen From Special Needs Customer

Jennifer wrote to us about the trouble a family in South Carolina is having over a huge T-Mobile bill: “Zeb, a special needs adult living with his parents, had his cell phone stolen just prior to Christmas. By the time the theft was discovered, $6000 in calls and text messages had been made to Honduras.” The good news is that T-Mobile hasn’t asked the family to pay the full $6,000. The bad news is that they do want them to pay a fourth of that. Update: T-Mobile has let the family off the hook. [More]

Nokia Breaks Customer's Phone, Wants Money To Fix It

Nokia Breaks Customer's Phone, Wants Money To Fix It

A couple of months ago, Nokia ruined the Wifi capabilities on Chris’s phone, and now he can’t get them to fix it. Well, actually they told him they will fix, but only if he pays for the “repair.” Ah, I see–this is a good secondary revenue strategy, Nokia. Sort of a protection racket! Well played! [More]

T-Mobile Surprise Porn Not An Isolated Incident

T-Mobile Surprise Porn Not An Isolated Incident

After we posted yesterday about a T-Mobile customer being greeted by pictures of topless women when he logged into his account to pay his bill, some of you asked, “What’s the problem?” Several readers’ stories answer that question. (Censored but not exactly tasteful pictures inside.) UPDATE: T-Mobile response inside.

Yesterday's T-Mobile Outage Affected 2 Million Users

Yesterday's T-Mobile Outage Affected 2 Million Users

Boy, T-Mo is on a roll lately. First they gave Perez Hilton fits by losing his Sidekick info, then, presumably in a misguided attempt to make up for it, they began showing boobs to one of our readers (they are still investigating), and now as an encore — a massive outage.

Reader: "Paid My T-Mobile Bill, Saw Some Boobs"

Reader: "Paid My T-Mobile Bill, Saw Some Boobs"

Reader Andrew has an interesting problem: whenever he logs onto T-Mobile’s website to pay his bill, T-Mobile flashes him.

Chart Compares Total Cost Of Ownership For Popular Smartphones

Chart Compares Total Cost Of Ownership For Popular Smartphones

You may think that buying an iPhone with AT&T service is an expensive commitment, and you’d be right. But as this chart from BillShrink shows, your total cost of ownership (TCO) for any of the latest smartphones is going to exceed 2 grand over a 24-month period. In fact, the highly-praised new Motorola Droid on Verizon works out to exactly the same TCO as the latest iPhone.

T-Mobile Posts Instructions On How To Restore Sidekick Data

T-Mobile Posts Instructions On How To Restore Sidekick Data

If you’ve been waiting impatiently to get your data back on your Sidekick, here’s your opportunity. IntoMobile reports that T-Mobile has posted data retrieval instructions on its website. They note that most but not necessarily all contacts should be there, but if you’re one of the unlucky few who lost all of your data, T-Mobile has a shiny $100 gift card for you.

Microsoft: We May Have Recovered Sidekick Users' Lost Data

Microsoft: We May Have Recovered Sidekick Users' Lost Data

Maybe those lawsuits over the Sidekick data outage were a little premature. Microsoft, parent company of Sidekick maker Danger Inc, reports that they have recovered most, if not all, of users’ lost data. Yay!

T-Mobile: We Won't Swap Out Your Sidekick For A Different Phone

T-Mobile: We Won't Swap Out Your Sidekick For A Different Phone

Amber is a pre-paid Sidekick owner who has been a T-Mobile customer for 7 years. After the recent T-Mobile data disaster, she doesn’t intend to get burned again. She wants to switch to a different phone, and she wants T-Mobile to buy back her Sidekick since they can’t deliver the data security they promised. Initially T-Mobile agreed, but then they pulled a Sidekick Data Outage on their promise and it disappeared forever.

First Sidekick Data Outage Lawsuits Filed

First Sidekick Data Outage Lawsuits Filed

After T-Mobile Sidekick users lost data access for the better part of a week, then lost the information stored on their phones, it should surprise no one that the lawsuits are already flying. Though it is surprising that none of them were filed by Perez Hilton.

T-Mobile Sidekick Data Outage Turns Into Epic Customer Data Fail

T-Mobile Sidekick Data Outage Turns Into Epic Customer Data Fail

This time last week, we thought of the T-Mobile Sidekick data outage as a mere inconvenient outage, but a temporary one. We grossly misunderstimated how badly T-Mobile and Danger/Microsoft could screw things up.