Did consumers learn nothing from the Great Recession? Okay, they learned several things, but putting away for a rainy day doesn’t appear to be one of them. [More]

Survey: Consumers Willing To Pay More If It Makes Them Feel All Warm And Gooey Inside
What do clean water, locally sourced labels and certified organic products have in common? Tough one, right? They are all thing consumer are willing to pay more money for in order to feel as if they’ve made a difference in the world. [More]

Fewer Americans Identify As Middle Class Following The Great Recession
Several years ago, during the Great Recession, Consumerist asked the question many of us were thinking: If everyone is broke, is there still a class system? The answer was, probably, yes. And today it remains the same, even though many Americans are realizing they no longer hold a spot in the middle class. [More]

Staples Offers $5 Check To Take Stupid Survey, Won’t Give Me $5
Guy received an invitation from Staples to take a survey. Surveys can be tedious and not very fun, but five bucks is five bucks. He followed the link and completed what he calls a “long, redundant, poorly designed survey.” He kept going because there was a check for him at the end. Then he reached the end, and learned that there would be no reward for him. [More]

Premium TV Losing Subscribers? HBO, Starz and Showtime Say Recent Survey Is Wrong
It didn’t seem like much of a surprise when a survey released earlier this week showed subscription video-on-demand services were on the rise and that premium TV subscriptions had declined. But the results were a surprise, at least to the three largest premium TV networks. [More]

Energy Drink Drinkers Concerned About Safety, Drink Them Anyway
You know when something’s probably bad for you, but you do it anyway? Energy shot and drink consumers certainly fall into that category now, according to one new bit of research, anyway. [More]

Survey: Which Airline Fees Are The Most Evil?
Between Spirit Airlines deciding to charge for carry-on bags and Ryanair installing pay toilets on their planes, it hasn’t been a good PR week for air travel. But not all airline surcharges are created equal, so we want to get your feedback on which extras — from food to headphones to legroom — get your blood boiling the most. [More]

Why Do You Buy Extended Warranties?
We all know that most extended warranties are wastes of money that generally go unused, so why do people buy them? According to a study in the Journal of Consumer Research, guilt-racked and nervous consumers are willing to shell out the extra cash to buy a little peace of mind…

The Results Are In: American Cars Come With Crappy Customer Satisfaction
The American Consumer Satisfaction Index released it’s Q2 results today and the news isn’t good for domestic car manufacturers. The folks at the ASCI say that customer satisfaction for the entire industry is at an all time high — but no American car companies are represented in the top four — and the bottom three in the industry are all American brands.

Take Our Survey For A Chance To Win A $300 Gift Card
It’s survey time again, folks. This time around the prize is a $300 gift card. As a wise man once said, “Pimpin’ ain’t easy but it’s necessary.”
What Do Women Most Want For Christmas? "Gift Cards"
Consumer Reports conducted a survey to determine the consumer mood this coming holiday season. They found that of the poll respondents:

How Many Earths Would It Take To Sustain Your Lifestyle?
“Consumer Consequences” is an online “game” where you enter data about your living, work, travel, energy, and eating patterns, then see how many earths would be needed to sustain your lifestyle if every single person on the planet did the same thing. It’s a relatively fun way to graphically tally up your environmental footprint, and helps you highlight where you use the most resources (and, ideally, where you can therefore cut costs).
Fraud Survey Results: 82% Less Likely To Respond To Legit Banking Emails Due To Phishing
Security firm RSA released the results of their annual online security survey, and the results are interesting. It seems that phishing and other forms of fraud are taking a toll on users.