A group of 25 elementary school students and 21 staffers in New Jersey received a special Teacher Appreciation Week gift from an anonymous customer who volunteered to pay for the group’s entire bill at a Tex-Mex restaurant. [More]

Sprint & Best Buy Go After Students With 1-Year Free Service Deal. Is It Worth It?
Brands love hooking in high school and college students because they’re getting those young consumers at a critical point in their lives, where they are making some shopping decisions that will last for a long time. High school and college students love free stuff because it’s free. Put those two ideas in a cocktail shaker, stir for a minute and you’ve got the new offer from Sprint and Best Buy that gives a free year of Sprint service to students who get their phones (at a price) from Best Buy. [More]

L.A. Schools Now Taking Back iPads From Students Who Dare To Use Them For Purposes Of Fun
We mentioned last week that the Los Angeles Unified School District somehow thought it could hand out hobbled iPads to thousands of students without any of these kids figuring out a way to use the device as something other than a really expensive, incredibly fragile textbook. But now that it’s realizing that the temptation to use iPads the way they are intended (and marketed) can be too great for some students, the school district is taking them back. [More]

6 Costs College Students Can Probably Skip Before Heading To School
If they haven’t already, college-age kids are probably bombarding their parents with requests for all the dingles, dangles and doodads that seem to go along with heading off to school. But there are plenty of ways to cut costs and winnow out unnecessary add-ons because let’s face it, you’re just going to end up sending extra “grocery” (read: beer) money later anyway. Snip expenses while you can or it’ll be a long four years.* [More]
Former Intern Sues Magazine Publisher, Claiming She Was An Unpaid Full-Timer
Although students gain work experience and connections from internships, the professional world tends to get the better end of the deal, exploiting talented interns for free or low-pay labor. Federal law bars companies from treating interns as they would employees, but overworked students don’t often feel as though they’re in much of a position to blow the whistle if their mentors cross the line. [More]

3 Ways For Students To Save Money
College is a minefield of financial disaster, but it also offers unique opportunities to save money. A combination of marketing forces and old-fashioned sympathy for starving students presents cost-cutting opportunities for those who keep their eyes open. [More]

Schools Slap Ads On Buses To Make Ends Meet
When you’re a cash-starved school district, just about any idea to pull in some extra scratch can sound appealing. One concept that’s catching on is turning school buses into moving billboards for paying clients. [More]

Why Students Don't Need iPads
With their portability and user-friendliness, tablet computers seem perfect for students. But before you go spending big money on an iPad for a student, you should consider the limitations of the devices. [More]

Federal Courts: Schools Can Punish Students For Off-Campus, Online Speech
In a pair of rulings by the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals earlier this week, judges sided with students who contended in separate cases that they were unfairly punished for publishing fake MySpace profiles of their principals. But the victories may be construed as defeats for student free speech, because judges’ opinions held that students can be punished for speech made off-campus and online if it is deemed to “materially and substantially disrupt the work and discipline of the school.” Neither of the cases ruled on earlier this week met that standard. [More]

Kaplan Giving Away 90 Study Guides To iDevice Users
If you’re in the market for high school or college study guides and you have access to an iDevice from Apple, Kaplan is giving away 90 different titles between now and August 30th through the Apple iBookstore. Sadly, you can’t access the iBookstore on iTunes, so you’ll have to get to it through an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. [More]

Students, Your College May Be Selling Your Info To Banks
Just in case students don’t slog through college with enough debt hanging over them, their colleges and universities have cut semi-secret deals with banks to share personal info meant to market credit to them afterward. The Huffington Post says Bank of America has such deals with 700 schools. [More]

Start A Tiny Awesome Garden
Just because you live in a small space doesn’t mean you can’t wiggle your greenthumb. WikiHow has some great suggestion on how people living in less spacious quarters, like students and urbanites, can still let their garden grow. To create the illusion of depth and space, put more eye-grabbing plants closer to where they’ll be veiwed, and put more muted plants farther away. Go vertical! Use an open structure with lots of shelves to stack lots of plants on top of each other. Start a Window Farm! Gardens are pretty, give you oxygen, and sometimes even low-cost fresh food. Do you garden in a shoebox? Leave your tips for maximizing your space in the comments. [WikiHow] [More]

Students: Don't Forget To Fill Out Your FAFSA
The federal deadline for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is midnight Central Daylight time, June 30, 2010, but state deadlines are often different and earlier. [More]

Textbooks: The Gift For The Student Who's Got Nothing
Consider buying textbooks for college students on your holiday buying list who are tough to shop for, helping them out by defraying an oppressing educational cost, the personal finance blog Poorer Than You advises. [More]

Police Drop Theft Charges Against Pub Non-Tippers
Police in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, are withdrawing charges against the two college students who refused to tip at a pub last month, says The Morning Call.

California Students Protest, Riot Over Tuition Gouging
Responding to UC regents’ efforts to slap students with a 32 percent tuition increase, groups at UC Berkeley, UC Santa Cruz, UCLA and other schools took to the streets, 1960s style, the San Francisco Chronicle reports.

Florida State Universities Launch Free Digital Textbook Program
If you’re going to school at a Florida state university, your fee burden just grew a little bit lighter: