When travelers send their personal belongings off into x-ray machines at the airport, we expect them to come out on the other side exactly how they entered. But officials at New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport say one man happened to notice his wallet come through a security screening a bit lighter than it had gone in, leading to the arrest of a Transportation Security Administration agent. [More]
sticky fingers

SeaWorld Employee Accused Of Stealing Cash, Credit Cards From Park Visitors
Everyone knows amusement parks are a drain on your wallet — all those snacks to buy, the T-shirt in the gift shop your kid’s just gotta have or she will explode, not to mention the admission price. But police say some visitors to SeaWorld in Orlando saw their money walk away in a less fun manner, alleging that a worker was pilfering visitors’ belongings. [More]

Authorities Serve 25 Warrants In Major Crackdown On Baggage Thefts At LAX
If the number of posts we’ve done on airport baggage thefts are any indication, there’s a big problem at many of our country’s airports with sticky-fingered staff. Los Angeles International Airport is no exception, with authorities swooping in last night in a major crackdown effort aimed at nipping those thefts in the bud. [More]

7 JFK Baggage Handlers Accused Of Lifting Cash, Electronics & Jewelry From Customers’ Luggage
The thing about owning expensive jewelry, watches and pricy electronics is that if any of it goes missing after it’s been placed safely in your luggage, you’re going to notice. There’s no Bermuda Triangle of personal possessions that can be blamed for vanishing items, only human beings. In one recent case at John F. Kennedy Airport in New York City, seven baggage handlers have been accused of forming their own force of nature designed to disappear valuables and cash. [More]

Yet Another Baggage Handler Behaving Badly: Man Accused Of Lifting $84K In Stolen Items
Around these parts, it’s almost sad that we’re not surprised to hear when Transportation Security Administration agents get into hot water for having sticky fingers. A baggage handler at the Minneapolis-St. Paul airport has some explaining to do to authorities, after prosecutors say he was caught on video boosting $84,000 worth in valuables from passengers’ bags. [More]

Mail Carrier In Big Trouble Because Stealing Checks Sent To Charities Is Definitely Illegal
An ex-mail carrier in suburban Chicago is pleading guilty to pilfering $275,000 in donations that were heading to a charity on his route, after being charged for stealing more than 29,400 pieces of mail in the effort. Perhaps he read his job description as “cash collector” or thought no one would be any the wiser. [More]

The Most Shoplifted Items Include Pregnancy Tests & Weight Loss Pills
When times are tough, the temptation of a five-finger discount can push consumers to shoplift — and it’s not like people are taking just flashy duds or pretty jewelry. Baby formula, pregnancy tests, vacuums and kitchen mixers — many of the most common items are expensive and are therefore being shoplifted, according to a recent survey by the National Retail Federation. [More]

TSA Screener Accused Of Stealing $50K In Electronics From Travelers
As if worrying about having your private parts groped — or being scrutinized and mocked — by TSA screeners wasn’t enough, yet another airport security staffer has been arrested and accused of using his position to pilfer thousands of dollars worth of travelers’ treasures. [More]