Readers of this site might think that Consumerist staff eat a lot of junk food and fast food. That’s not true at all: maybe the amount of time that we spend reading about new permutations of food-like substances wears down our interest. For example, there are two new weirdly tempting hybrids of existing snacks available in stores now or very soon: Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup Oreos and Oreo-filled Chips Ahoy cookies. Why? [More]

Walmart Shells 4 Ounces From A Pound Of Store-Brand Pistachios
Ernest likes to eat pistachios. He’s also a good consumer, checking unit prices and choosing the store brand of his favorite snack. When he picked up a bag at his local Walmart recently, he noticed that something was missing. About four ounces of pistachios, in fact. [More]

Doritos & 7-Eleven Team Create Unholy Snack Food Alliance With Something Called Doritos Loaded
Remember that scene at the beginning of 2001: A Space Odyssey where the apes/proto-humans realize that blunt objects like bones can be used as weapons and tools, thus setting off the next stage in societal development? This is kind of like that, but in Dorito form. [More]

Why Does Everyone Tell You To Eat Almonds If You’re Trying To Lose Weight?
A common refrain often bandied about in the general vicinity of dieters is “Instead of eating [insert junk food you really, really love] as a snack, just eat a handful of almonds!” While it might be easier for some than others to change their eating habits to lose weight, how did almonds get so popular? And is all the hype worth anything? [More]

High School Students Blow The Lid Off Oreo’s Double Stuf: There’s Only 1.86 Times The Stuf
If you’re the kind of person whose world can come crashing down when a long-held snack belief is blown into a million pieces, well first of all — don’t be so dramatic. But second — you might not like to hear that Double Stuf and Mega Stuf Oreos are not, in fact, doubly stuffed and the mega amount has been called into question as well. Maybe you should sit down for this. [More]

Bizarro Snack Time: Bacon-Flavored Doritos And Pepsi-Flavored Cheetos
The world has pretty much accepted that the next Doritos Locos Tacos flavor from Taco Bell will be the chili-lime deliciousness of Flamas. That’s only because most of us didn’t know that the Frito-Lay/Yum Brands universe also contains other simultaneously amazing and horrible flavors that are only available in Japan. Like bacon Doritos and Pepsi-flavored Cheetos. [More]

Incredibly Important Poll: Would You Eat This?
Do you feel like Double-Stuf — or even Mega Stuf — Oreos simply don’t have enough cream filling to fulfill your snack-food fantasies? Or maybe you just want complete control over how much cream filling goes in your cookie? If so, this might be right up your alley. [More]

Finally, Breast Milk-Flavored Lollipops That Don’t Actually Contain Breast Milk
Are you one of the dozens of people who have craving a lollipop with all the flavor of breast milk but didn’t want that flavor to actually come from the mammary glands of another human? Then you are in luck, as a company in Texas has released a product with all the breast milk taste but without the breast milk. [More]

I Report A Plastic Thingy In My Snack Bag, Utz Showers Me In Chips
When Kevin found a foreign object in his bag of Utz chips, he wasn’t after a freebie or about to sue for pain and suffering. He just wanted to let the company know. He couldn’t find an e-mail address, so he messaged the company using Facebook. He didn’t expect to hear back from a company VP, or to have his twist tie-filled chip bag replaced twelve times over. [More]

Irish Snack Fans Can’t Get Enough Cheese And Onion Potato Chip-Flavored Chocolate Bars
Even though this is America, we are not the top country as far as wacky and amazing snack foods go. No, that would probably be Japan. But Ireland is making a serious run at the title, since their citizens are currently going mad for chocolate bars flavored with bits of cheese and onion potato chips. [More]

Behold The Magical Potato Chip Machine
Potatoes enter a factory as dirt-covered round brown things, and leave as potato chips. What kind of mysterious magic happens to them in between? Two reporters from NPR’s Planet Money team visited a Herr’s potato chip factory to find out what happens to turn vegetables into bags of delicious oil-filled snacks, and how that process has changed over the decades that the factory has been in operation. [More]

Snack Food World Collapses In Upon Itself As Doritos Announces Doritos Locos Tacos Doritos
It was an inevitability we all secretly knew but refused to openly admit for fear of having to face the inherent existential dilemma it presents, but the fearless folks at Pepsico have decided to mess with the snack-time continuum, announcing the impending release of Doritos Locos Tacos flavored Doritos. [More]

No More Kinder Surprise Smuggling: New, Legal Chocolate Eggs With Toys Inside Available In The U.S.
If you’re a lucky and/or worldly person, you’ve experienced the tiny ovoid wonder that is the Kinder Surprise candy. It’s a chocolate egg with a plastic egg inside, and the interior egg includes a moderately cool toy. As many Americans learn the hard way while traveling home from Canada every year, the Surprise is illegal in the United States. This Easter, though, chocolate eggs hit the market that are thoroughly American-proof and legal. Meet Choco Treasure. [More]

February Food And Drug Recall Roundup – Antibiotic Pig Ear Edition
Chewy pig skins, chia seed treats, brownie mix, and herbal supplements that are a little too close to actual drugs: it’s all here, in the Food and Drug Edition of the Recall Roundup. [More]

There Is Now A Machine That Removes Unwanted Creme From The Oreo
In a world where plenty of people just continue to grumble and complain when there’s something they don’t like, it’s refreshing to know that there are enterprising minds out there willing to address life’s ills and actually do something about them. Case in point — a physicist who can’t stand the creme in Oreos. Instead of living with that snack imposition, he invented a machine to remove the stuff. [More]

Walmart Worker Treated Store Shelves As Personal Snack Pantry For 4 Years
Most workers like to take a break in the middle of their work day and have a meal or a snack. That’s a nice idea, as long as it’s your break time. You’re not supposed to help yourself to snack food from the shelves of the retailer where you work, but a woman who has worked in maintenance at Walmart stores in two different states has been caught after a seven-year on-the-job crime spree. Now she’s been charged with a felony after getting caught on camera munching Oreos. [More]

Keep These Food Safety Tips In Mind While Serving Snacks On Super Bowl Sunday
You might think that throwing some hot cheese chili dip and shrimp cocktail on the table is all fun and games, and well, it is. But you should still be careful while serving snacks this Super Bowl Sunday so as to prevent getting guests sick. There are a few tips to keep your food safe and make sure your guests leave happy and not clutching their stomachs. [More]

Pepsi Marinated Chicken Wings & 3 Other Potato Chip Flavors We’d Have To Be Drunk To Try
Sometimes it feels like every other country is having so much fun with their snacks and fast food while we’re just stuck with the ho-hum normal flavors of the West. Sour cream and onion-flavored potato chips? Fine, that’s tasty. BUT SO BORING. We can’t help but be jealous of countries like China, which has a vast array of Frito-Lay potato chips that come in flavors like “Pepsi Marinated Chicken Wings.” What in the what now? That has to be fun. [More]