Like to snack at the movies? That tub of popcorn and large soda can amount to almost a full day’s calories, two days’ worth of fat and a cup of sugars. [More]

Banish The Annoyance Of Cupcake Wrappers
Cupcake wrappers are a necessary evil at best. When you tear them off, they cling to bits of your treat, forcing you to either debase yourself by nibbling the crumbs off the insides or be wasteful and throw them away. But clever cooks do away with the tyranny of the cupcake wrapper by replacing them with something edible. [More]

Inside A "Big Food" Product Development Meeting
Where do they come up with all those great ideas to make 500 different snack foods out of the same four crappy ingredients and then try to trick us into thinking they’re healthy? This amusing xtranormal video takes you inside a hypothetical product development meeting at a “Big Food” company. It starts off slow but then delivers hit after hit as they skewer each of the different labeling and ingredient tactics food manufacturers use, like adding Vitamin D to Cheetos and saying they “support healthy bones.” [More]

Tastykake Empire In Danger Of Crumbling
Tastykake, manufacturers of numerous kinds of prepackaged snack foods, could be forced to sell or merge after a newly opened factory failed to generate the hoped-for savings. Krimpets, Kandy Kakes, Koffee Kakes, and Kreamies could all be put on the chopping block. And I don’t know if you’re aware, but those kinds of snacks do better in your tummy than on a chopping block. [More]

SunChips Canada To Noisy Bag Haters: Here's Free Earplugs
Unlike their lilly-livered counterparts to the south, Sun Chips Canada has decided to hold the line on their jet-engine loud biodegradable bags. Instead of caving to detractors, they’re offering them free earplugs. [More]

Unbearably Noisy Biodegradable SunChips Bag Terminated
18 months ago SunChips launched a new 100% biodegradable bag that, because of a unique molecular structure, sounds like a freakin’ lawnmower when you opened. After a drop in sales and a rise in consumers hating it, FritoLay is discontinuing the bags and retooling. Here is what one sounds like: [More]

Schools Put Carrot-Only Vending Machines In Cafeteria
Students at two high schools — one in Cincinnati, OH, the other in Syracuse, NY — are guinea pigs for a new program that’s trying to change the way young people look at veggies, by marketing and selling carrots like they’re junk food. [More]

Whole Grain Wheat Thins Are No Healthier Than Regular Ones
Here’s a perfect example of why you should ignore what’s on the front of a product package and go straight to the nutritional info instead. Kraft’s Wheat Thins now come in a “100% Whole Grain” variety, which you might think translates into more fiber for your digestive tract. It even says on the front that one serving packs 22g of whole grain versus 11g for regular Wheat Thins. It turns out, however, that both crackers provide the same amount of dietary fiber and fat–and the whole grain version also has more sodium and is made with high fructose corn syrup. [More]

Which Discontinued Foods Do You Miss Most?
The food business is a merciless mistress, leaving countless brands dead at her feet, some before they ever had the chance to find a foothold in the market. But as long as there are those of us who remember these deceased foodstuffs, they will always live on… even if we can’t eat them. [More]

AMC Guarantees Upsell Or Your Popcorn Is Free
Bad moviegoers, you haven’t been spending nearly enough on overpriced concessions. Don’t worry though, AMC is going to make you a promise: if they don’t offer you an upsell on your next visit to the concession stand, you’re going to get a free small bag of popcorn. [More]

JetBlue Now Selling Food On Longer Flights
JetBlue is getting into the box-o-food business on flights longer than 3 hours 45 minutes, it announced yesterday. The boxes are priced at $6 each, and there are supposed to be five different styles, including a “Wake Up” box with breakfasty food, a “Cheer Up” box with cheeses and fruit, and a “Shut Up” box that’s filled with nothing but peanut butter and saltines. (I may have made up that last one.) Fortunately for frugal travelers, the airline plans to continue offering free snacks as well, but they probably won’t tell you what to do as decisively as the boxes. [More]

"Slim Chips" Flavored Paper Chips In Stores This Summer?
Diet heaven meets ironic design joke: very soon you may be able to experience the delight that is eating those pieces of zero-calorie, hardened, flavored, edible wafer paper we told you about a few weeks ago. [More]

Yummy! Flavored Paper Chips.
It has come to this. Unable to control its urge to shove small objects of similar flavor into its maw, humanity has invented Slim Chips flavored paper snacks. They are hardened pieces of edible paper with organic coloring that come in peppermint, blueberry, and sweet potato tastes. They contain 0 calories. “Don’t get fat, just eat nothing!” says the designer, Hafsteinn Juliusson, of this concept piece which will never be sold in stores. [More]

Kleen Kanteen Sends New Bottle Cap, Packs A Snack
Omar recently had a great experience with Kleen Kanteen, makers of fine, Meg-approved stainless steel water bottles. He tells Consumerist that they replaced the cap of his bottle free of charge. They even enclosed a delicious snack for him in the package. What? Amazing! [More]

Best Frozen Hors d'Oeuvres To Give The NCAA Basketball Fans At Your House
Are there NCAA basketball people camped on your couch? Do you need something to feed them? Do you not want to miss the game? We have located a list of the best frozen hors d’ouerves from Real Simple. [More]

Customer Breaks Tooth On Godiva Sweet, Godiva Sends Gift
Carla is pretty angry at Godiva because the chocolatier won’t take her complaint seriously. She says she cracked both a porcelain veneer and the tooth underneath on a chocolate covered pretzel last October, and Godiva has told her, “We sent you an apology gift, what more do you want?” [More]

Looking For A New Snack? Try
The Daily Beast has published a short profile of Jeremy Selwyn, a web developer in Massachusetts who runs the snack food review website Selwyn started the site about ten years ago, and now he has nearly 4.5 thousand different entries on various chips, candies, pretzels, and whatever else can be combined with salt and flavored powder. Naturally I immediately checked out the “Worst Chips Ever” section, which includes an awful lot of sea creature flavored abominations. Apparently sour cream and clam isn’t a good idea for a chip. [More]

AMC Theater Chain Bans All Outside Snacks
After reporting a loss in the 2nd quarter of this year, AMC is doing what it can to increase revenue. Since the business model of movie theaters is to give all the ticket sales to the studios and scrape out a living on concessions, that means forcing more patrons to buy snacks–so it’s officially banning any outside food and drink. [More]