While we haven’t reached the flying-car future of The Jetsons quite yet, that didn’t stop one SUV from crash-landing on the roof of a Giant Eagle supermarket. [More]
the future is now

In 1998, Kmart Invited Customers To Come To Kmart And Shop Online
Back in 1998, home broadband connections were rare, Amazon was only four years old, and shopping online was kind of a novel and weird concept to most Americans. Kmart was out to change that, encouraging their customers to purchase an amazing array of merchandise from the comfort of their own… local Kmart. [More]

FCC To Redefine “Broadband” As 25 Mbps Or Faster
Rumors have been floating around for at least six months that the FCC might change the definition of “broadband” actually to mean the real high-speed connections we need access to in the real world — and now it looks like they finally are. [More]

Panera Bread Replacing Some Cashiers With Kiosks — So Yes, The Robots Have Already Won
No one panic, but it appears we’re already too late to stem the inevitable tide of robot overlords waiting to take over our planet and suck out our souls via some as yet unimagined technological terror. Because clearly, adding more kiosks and taking away a few cashiers at Panera Bread is a clear sign of that impending doom. [More]

Customer Service Rep Entertains Possibility Of Future Resident’s Mail Going To Guy Living Now
On the low end of the customer service representative spectrum there are those company stooges who seem to not give a rat’s patootie whether or not your problem is solved. In the middle, there are your pleasant, efficient CSRs who can handle customers with aplomb and resolve issues tidily enough. And then, oh then, there are those CSRs on the high end of the spectrum, the ones we love the best. [More]

Finally, Breast Milk-Flavored Lollipops That Don’t Actually Contain Breast Milk
Are you one of the dozens of people who have craving a lollipop with all the flavor of breast milk but didn’t want that flavor to actually come from the mammary glands of another human? Then you are in luck, as a company in Texas has released a product with all the breast milk taste but without the breast milk. [More]

The Truth Behind “Jetpack” Billboards Is Even More Disappointing Than We’d Expected
Last week, we told you about the billboards popping up around Greenville, SC, to promote something called “Greenville Jetpack Rentals,” promising area residents that they could soon be zipping around town in the way all those futurists had predicted we would back in 1958. But as we predicted, this was just cruel viral marketing, and for something nowhere near as cool as jetpacks. [More]

Sony Decides To Not Go Disc-Free For Next Gaming Console
With the next generation of gaming consoles set to debut during the next two years, rumors abound about whether or not digitally downloaded or cloud-stored games will replace the current disc-based standard. A new Wall Street Journal report claims that, for Sony at least, the day of the disc isn’t done yet. [More]

Are Mobile Payments Going To Be Bigger Than Cash Or Credit By 2020?
There’s no doubt that mobile payments are on the rise. But do they have the momentum and provide enough benefits to give cash and credit cards a run for their money by 2020? Yes they do, says a new survey of technology experts and stakeholders by the Pew Internet & American Life Project released today. [More]