Reader Curt saw this sign at Home Depot. He writes:

Publix Helpfully Suggests That You Shop At Winn-Dixie
Kevin was shopping at the Publix in Birmingham, AL when he spotted this helpful sign.

Sorry Girls, This McDonald's Is All Out Of Boy Toys
[May 17, 2008. Fairfax, Virginia. Image thanks to Jose!]

Dunkin Doesn't Serve Cup O' Ice Water Or Any Variant Thereof
You gotta wonder what lead up to the creation of this sign at a Dunkin Donuts in Bushwick (a DMZ-esque area of Brooklyn being penetrated by the forces of gentrification) covering every possible angle of not giving you a cup of ice water. Maybe there were even previous versions of the sign that had to keep being tweaked as people kept coming in asking for a vessel of chilled H20. How might that encounter have gone? Let’s take a peek inside The Consumerist Miniature Theater Machine: [More]

"This Is Verizon Calling To Confirm Your Appointment. We're Sorry We Missed You…"
We found this photo on Flickr and were comforted to know that other people had not only thought of decorating their house for Verizon day, but had actually gone ahead with the plan.

FYE: No Kids Under 18 Allowed Until After 4 P.M.
The bus-eating abominable snowmen that commandeered I-95 early yesterday morning flummoxed our plans to return to New York on the Chinatown bus. As we wandered through Union Station assuring our mother that we would take Amtrak, we came across this magnificent sign in the music store FYE telling kids under 18—presumably a key demographic—to keep away until 4 p.m. As our friend took a picture, a surly FYE employee sternly warned that we were breaking the law.

CompUSA Sign Maker: Funny Or Just Dumb?
Tyson from New Hampshire writes,
On my way to pick up a replacement hard drive I swung into CompUSA first to see if I could get a lucky deal (that wasn’t marked up right before going on sale) from their going out of business sale…

Walmart Would Like You To Know That They Accept All Forms Of Debit
Ben: then the terrorists have already won

"Hoh Hoh" Says Wal-Mart
The War on Christmas has taken a sneaky left turn, with Coke and Wal-Mart mounting an entirely unanticipated attack on one of the world’s most beloved phrases! A reader, Josh, was shopping and/or protesting in his local Wal-Mart recently when he saw this in-store display for soda.

Lemon Pricing At Meijer Is Very Straightforward
I saw this in a Meijer store in Grand Rapids, MI this summmer. Finally got it off of my cell phone and thought I’d send it your way. I’m still confused by it. I believe they were actually $2 per lemon when I rang one up.
So, apparently the sign really means: “Lemons $2.00 each.” That’s a pricey lemon, we hope you did not buy it.

IKEA: It's Your Last Chance To Save Nothing
IKEA would like you to know that it’s your last chance to save on the HEJ tealight holder.

This IKEA Infographic Is Extremely Easy To Understand
BoingBoing has an infographic from IKEA that seems like a good idea at first, but then makes your brain hurt if you look at it for too long.

Phone Shop's Name Looks Oddly Familiar
The owner of this mobile phone and accessory store in NYC has found a creative way to re-use some existing signage. It’s not exactly as genius as the “COBY” brand you see on low-rent CD players and headphones, but it gets the job done.

Walmart Rolls Back Prices Negative One Dollar And Fifty-Nine Cents
Nowadays it seems like anyone can make a sign. I yearn for the olde days of sign making when you actually had to know something about signmaking to do it. Signmaking was restricted to knowledgeable guild workers. The penalty for non-guild workers making signs was death. By signmaking.

Lazy Home Depot Employees Declare Fully Functioning Saw Inoperative
Home Deport employees didn’t feel like using the saw, so they hung a sign that claimed: “saw not working.” This offended marketing guru Seth Godin:
When I noticed this sign on the big saw, I took a picture, intending to write about how important it was to have key customer service feat ures up and running. Then, a few minutes later, a guy in an orange smock walked over, took the sign down and asked what he could cut for us.