[Texarkana, Texas. August 9]

This Verizon Van Could Have Parked Closer To The Handicapped Only Sign
A 14-year-old tipster caught this Verizon van parked next to the handicapped only sign outside his grandmother’s house. The Verizon tech spent 20 minutes visiting a neighbor, and when asked to move, “was very arrogant and drove off.” More pictures, after the jump.

Starbucks Prefers Not To Make You Ill
Reader Patrick sent us this photo of a Starbucks that was unwilling to poison its customers. He says, ” Hurray for having a conscience!”

Excellent Spelling At Duane Reade
Submitted to our Flickr pool, an excellent sign at the Duane Reade on E. 51st in NYC.

Home Depot Thinks 'Lorem Ipsum' Is Spanish
Consumerist Flickr Pool member brylyn says, “Saw this while shopping for ceiling lights in Home Depot.”