
Reporter Caught Shoplifting Says She Was On The Job

Reporter Caught Shoplifting Says She Was On The Job

A TV traffic reporter in Connecticut was snagged walking out of a Sears carrying several items she allegedly didn’t pay for. But, says the journalist, everything should be cool, because it was all part of a story she was working on. [More]

Up-To-The-Minute Coupon Codes For Hot Sales

Up-To-The-Minute Coupon Codes For Hot Sales

The deal aficionados on the FatWallet message boards have various discussion threads devoted to providing the most current coupons for a slew of stores. Rather then dig for them, here’s a master list of their official store coupons and clearance threads. Members routinely get rid of dead coupons and post new ones, so this is definitely one to bookmark: [More]

Sears & Kmart Get Into Streaming Video Business

Sears & Kmart Get Into Streaming Video Business

To those of us old enough to remember the pre-Blockbuster video-rental boom, when just about every type of retail store decided, however misguidedly, their was money to be made in renting VHS tapes to customers, this might seem like a bit of deja vu: Sears and Kmart are planning to launch a streaming video service. [More]

Retailers, Manufacturers Agree To Reduce Amount Of Lead Used In Handbags

Retailers, Manufacturers Agree To Reduce Amount Of Lead Used In Handbags

As part of a $1.7 million settlement, over 40 major retailers and apparel manufacturers have agreed to cut back on the amount of lead used in handbags and other accessories. [More]

Sears: We Can't Replace Your Mom's Air Conditioner, So Cancel Your Vacation

Sears: We Can't Replace Your Mom's Air Conditioner, So Cancel Your Vacation

Memorial Day weekend is the unofficial start of summer, and what does summer mean here at The Consumerist? Air conditioner horror stories, of course! Janet, a senior citizen with health problems living in Memphis, Tenn., tells Conumerist that Sears is dragging out the repair of her air conditioning unit in a way that’s unacceptable considering the current weather conditions. When Janet’s daughter explained to a Sears that she couldn’t leave her alone in a roasting house during her planned, non-refundable vacation, she says the rep helpfully suggested that she cancel the vacation. Not helping, Sears. Not helping. [More]

Kmart Wants Your Dirty Laundry

Kmart Wants Your Dirty Laundry

If you live in Iowa City, Iowa, you’ll soon be able to do your laundry at Kmart. I don’t get it either, but that’s what the retailer has announced. It will be testing a laundromat addition to one of its Kmart stores in the city, and has named it Kwash. I’m assuming you’re supposed to pronounce it K-Wash, but for the first five minutes I kept reading “quash” and wondering how in the hell that was supposed to make me think of clean clothes and cheap goods. [More]

Maybe You Won't Notice The Newegg Watermark On This Sears Product Page

Maybe You Won't Notice The Newegg Watermark On This Sears Product Page

Shopping for a monitor on the Sears website, reader Ben discovered something strange on the page for the HP Pavilion 2009M. The product photo had a watermark on it. But not a Sears watermark–a Newegg watermark. [More]

PayPal + = Headaches

PayPal + = Headaches

Reader Cheryl tried to use PayPal to buy some polo shirts from Sears — and, well, we’ll let her explain it. [More]

What Should I Do With This $2000 Defective Sears Mower?

What Should I Do With This $2000 Defective Sears Mower?

Reader Edgar wants to know what we think he should do with the defective riding lawn mower he bought from Sears. [More]

New Twitter Friend At Sears Helps Reader Get New Dishwasher

New Twitter Friend At Sears Helps Reader Get New Dishwasher

Remember Bob? He had an extended warranty on his Kenmore dishwasher, and Sears decided that it would much rather send repairman after repairman to fix his defective dishwasher–and reimburse him to pay someone to wash his dishes. Between following Doug Moore, SVP and President of Appliances on Twitter and writing to Consumerist, Bob is getting a new dishwasher. A functioning dishwasher. [More]

Sears Spares No Expense To Not Give You A New Dishwasher

Sears Spares No Expense To Not Give You A New Dishwasher

Bob tells Consumerist that his Kenmore dishwasher has several times due to the same problem–caused, according to one repairman, by a design flaw. It seems that it would be more cost-effective for Sears to replace his dishwasher with one that does not randomly die. Sears does not agree, and requires that an appliance fail four times due to the same problem in the course of a year before it can be replaced. When Bob complained to Sears about his issues, they offered to reimburse him to pay someone to wash his dishes. [More]

Introducing Consumer Reports' Weekend Deals

Introducing Consumer Reports' Weekend Deals

Our smarter siblings over at Consumer Reports are really on top of things today: After some digging around, they’ve come up with a list of deals out there this weekend at stores like Walmart, Home Depot and Lowe’s to help you stretch your hard-earned dollars. [More]

Worst Company In America 2010: Sears/Kmart VS Walmart

Worst Company In America 2010: Sears/Kmart VS Walmart

It’s a big box battle! Economic powerhouse and receipt checking enthusiast Walmart VS notoriously incompetent repair scheduling and pricing error specialist Sears/Kmart. [More]

Reach Sears Executive Customer Service

Reach Sears Executive Customer Service

Jacquelyn Freeley, 888-266-4043. [More]

Sears Retracts Range Sale Email

Sears Retracts Range Sale Email

Back in November, Sears sent out an email that offered an amazing TV deal, which it recanted with a follow-up email that began with “WHOOPS!” [More]

Sears Epic Pricing Error Leaves Hundreds With Canceled Snowblower Orders

Sears Epic Pricing Error Leaves Hundreds With Canceled Snowblower Orders

A too-good-to-be-true deal that turned out to be a Sears pricing error got posted to — and you can imagine the hilarity that ensued as hundreds of people tried to order snowblowers (sometimes 5 at a time, to resell on craigslist), only to be turned away when they tried to pick them up. According to the 1000-some comments on the slickdeals thread, some people did manage to pick up their item before Sears caught on, but reader BJ was not one of them. In fact, instead of being honest and explaining the error, BJ says Sears lied to him. [More]

I Found It Impossible To Buy A PS3 At Sears

I Found It Impossible To Buy A PS3 At Sears

If Sears isn’t happy with its sales figures, it can blame itself by looking at the example of the way it treated Teresa — a frustrated would-be customer who tried and failed several times to buy a PlayStation 3 from the store. [More]

Ooh Shiny: Sears Card Gives Free Credit Scores

Ooh Shiny: Sears Card Gives Free Credit Scores

How would you like a free credit score with not very much baloney? The Sears Card from Citibank gives you just that, with no annual fees. [More]