We are super-duper late in mailing out Comcast’s Worst Company In America trophy so we decided to spice it up with a disco lightshow for the award and a nice congratulatory letter. [More]
wcia 2010

Verizon Rubs Comcast's Face In Worst Company Win
For anyone who thought that mammoth megacorporations behaved anything like adults, they should just check out the Twitter account for Verizon, who saw fit tonight to have a little fun at the expense of Worst Company In America winner Comcast. [More]

Comcast: We Don't Want To Be Worst Company In America Again
After two years as a bridesmaid in Consumerist’s Worst Company In America tournament, it was finally the cable company’s time to walk down the aisle when it was handed the WCIA crown this morning. And now that Comcast has tasted victory, it’s not asking for seconds. [More]

Congratulations Comcast; You're The Worst Company In America!
After four rounds of bloody battle against some of the most publicly reviled businesses in America, Comcast can now run up the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art and hold its hands high in victory — it has bested everyone else to earn the title of Worst Company In America for 2010. [More]

Worst Company Final Deathmatch: Ticketmaster VS Comcast
Hide your children and gird your loins, because just like The Highlander, there can be only one. From the depths of the stinking swamps of mergepocalypse, come our two ignoble contenders. First, the dread pirate Comcast, known throughout the land for gobbling up all companies that are foolish enough to sail through its treacherous waters. Second, Ticketmaster, Lord of Tickets, Duke of fees, Master of… tickets. After forming an unholy alliance with LiveNation, Lord Ticketmaster has united the forces of darkness in a quest to force all people of this good land to pay $2.50 for the use of their own printers. [More]

Worst Company In America Overtime Rules
Bank of America and Ticketmaster have been within 10 votes of one another for like, 24 hours now, which is just unprecedented in the history of this contest. As of this post, they are exactly tied. So here’s what we’re going to do. At midnight in the central time zone, we are going to close the poll. [More]

Worst Company In America Final Four: Comcast VS Cash4Gold
Well, well, well, what do we have here? It’s our nation’s largest cable company and harbinger of mergepocalypse doom, Comcast, VS a certain little company from Florida. [More]

Worst Company In America Final Four: Bank Of America VS. Ticketmaster
Two of last year’s WCIA Final Four return to square off as Bank of America, who thumped Time Warner Cable in the Elite 8, goes up against Ticketmaster, fresh off its victory over Anthem BCBS. [More]

Meet Your Worst Company In America 2010 Final Four!
After three rounds of voting, 28 of the most despised companies in the U.S. have fallen, beaten and bloodied as they attempted to win the coveted title of Worst Company In America and the elegant golden poo trophy that goes along with it. Now, with just days left in the tournament, only four remain. [More]

Worst Company In America Elite 8: Cash4Gold Vs. PayPal
Here it is folks, the final match-up of the WCIA Elite 8… And it’s a doozy. Hailing from sunny Florida is the king of undervalued bling, Cash4Gold! And flying in from the West Coast just to prove they know a thing or two about horrendous customer service and questionable business practices, it’s every Internet user’s frenemy, PayPal! [More]

Worst Company In America Elite 8: Comcast Vs. Apple
This one should be very interesting, as perennial WCIA fave Comcast — who has stomped on DirecTV and United Airlines in earlier rounds — faces off against this year’s giant killer, Apple. The iCompany has gone all Little Mac on both Microsoft and AT&T, but will they be able to get in the right punches to beat the Philadelphia Kid? [More]

Worst Company In America Elite 8: Ticketmaster VS Anthem BCBS
Here we go: Ticketmaster is merging with LiveNation to produce an uber monopoly on live events. Anthem BCBS raised rates and made everyone in California angry enough that the company had to agree to postpone the rate increases. [More]

Worst Company In America Elite 8: Bank Of America VS Time Warner Cable
Things are really starting to heat up. Bank of America has already breezed through match-ups with Citibank and Walmart, and now only Time Warner Cable with their “metered broadband” stands between the mortgage giant and the Final Four. [More]

Announcing The Worst Company In America 2010 "Elite 8"!
Time to update your brackets, folks. The second round is over and the winners have moved on to the next level of competition. Congratulations to Bank of America, Time Warner Cable, Ticketmaster, Anthem BCBS, Cash4Gold, PayPal, Comcast and Apple! [More]

Worst Company In America Sweet 16: U.S. Airways Vs. PayPal
It’s a battle of the squeakers in this year’s last Sweet 16 match-up. In its first round duel with Delta, U.S. Airways won by a hairline margin of 75 votes. Meanwhile, in its war with LifeLock, perennial WCIA contender PayPal barely edged out the competition. Now the slates are clean for both companies to prove their lack of merit. [More]

Worst Company In America Sweet 16: United Airlines VS Comcast
It’s airlines meets air time in today’s Sweet 16 battle. In the far corner, wearing blue trunks and sporting a thick Chicago accent is United Airlines! Let’s give it up for exorbitant fees! In the near corner, sporting red trunks and coming straight outta Philadelphia is the Comcastic Kid! Can I get a cheer for inept customer service?! [More]

VIDEO: Hey Streets, What's The Worst Company In America?
I hit the streets of New York with a video camera, asking taxi drivers, youths, store owners and chicks eating donuts, “What’s the worst company in America?” Most people laughed and said, “Worst company?” — and then thought real hard and gave us some answers, answers which may shock you! This video has subtitles so you can watch it at work without anyone knowing. [More]

Worst Company In America: Best Buy VS Cash4Gold
Well folks, it’s the battle of the recent investigations! We took a look at Best Buy’s Geek Squad Optimization service and found that it was a big stupid annoying waste of money — and Cash4Gold… well….take a look for yourself. [More]