If you see a TV that normally sells for $2,000 suddenly listed for sale at $99, you probably know it’s either stolen, worthless, or — most likely — a pricing error. You’re free to try to take advantage of that goof, but you don’t really have much of a legal leg to stand on if they realize the error and cancel your order.
pricing error

When Do Identical Products Have Two Different Prices At The Same Store? When They’re Sold At Target, Obviously
Target’s pricing and labeling incompetence is so legendary that we now use the term “Target Math” to describe a situation where any retailer baffles customers by, for example, advertising a “sale” that is more expensive than the everyday price, or where percentages are irrelevant, or when the economy of buying in bulk is turned on its ear. The latest fuzzy math from Target involves charging two different prices for identical items, including infant ibuprofen and acetaminophen. [More]

Target Learns To Round Up, Or Is Maybe Just Confused
This fan at Target has a regular price of $15.99, but was advertised in the chain’s circular as $16. “Apparently they are proud to advertise a $0.01 price hike,” writes tipster Bob. Is that it? Or has Target started to round prices up in order to make them more logical? [More]

Modell's Offers You 2 Swim Trunks For $30 Or $12.99 Each
Commenter Randomhookup would like to contribute to the problem of Consumerist posting too many of these. [More]

Sears Epic Pricing Error Leaves Hundreds With Canceled Snowblower Orders
A too-good-to-be-true deal that turned out to be a Sears pricing error got posted to Slickdeals.net — and you can imagine the hilarity that ensued as hundreds of people tried to order snowblowers (sometimes 5 at a time, to resell on craigslist), only to be turned away when they tried to pick them up. According to the 1000-some comments on the slickdeals thread, some people did manage to pick up their item before Sears caught on, but reader BJ was not one of them. In fact, instead of being honest and explaining the error, BJ says Sears lied to him. [More]