While most things about marriage have changed throughout human history, one thing remains true. No, not love: marriage for love is a modern innovation. Married couples have always been an economic unit, from ancient farms to modern condos. This morning’s Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex marriages nationwide will have important effects on the finances of married gay and lesbian couples, whether they live in a state that currently allows them to legally marry or not. [More]
same-sex marriage

America’s Biggest Companies React To SCOTUS’ Same-Sex Marriage Ruling
While it might not seem like there’s a direct link to same sex marriage and our country’s biggest businesses, even before the Supreme Court of the United States ruled today that marriage is a constitutional right for any American, many major companies came out in support of same-sex marriage, saying those rights help them do business better. Today, some of those companies — and more — spoke out in celebration of the landmark ruling. [More]

The Nation’s Biggest Companies Agree: Gay Marriage Is Good For Business
Next month, the U.S. Supreme Court is scheduled to hear oral arguments with regard to the legality of state laws that prohibit same-sex marriages. And while the issue has been politically divisive, many of the nation’s most powerful corporations — from airlines to insurance to beer to baseball teams — agree that banning gay marriage is not good for business. [More]

Marriott Makes Big Push To Get LGBT Business
With the Supreme Court and a growing number of states giving the OK to same-sex marriages, the hospitality industry is quickly realizing there is money to be made from a segment of the population that had long been underserved. Not to be outdone by smaller hotel chains that openly welcome business from the LGBT community, the folks at Marriott are spending a lot of money to try to win over these consumers. [More]

EmblemHealth Won’t Talk To Me About My Husband’s Coverage Because We’re Both Men
John and his husband, who live in New York where same sex marriage is legal, are both covered by John’s employer-sponsored insurance from EmblemHealth. But John says that every time he tries to contact Emblem about anything regarding his husband’s coverage — no matter how trivial — the company refuses to acknowledge the two men are married. [More]

Has Chick Fil-A Stopped Funding Anti-Gay Marriage Groups?
If you can remember all the way back to early August, then you’ll recall that the head of fast food chain Chick fil-A had stirred up a hornet’s nest of controversy by publicly stating his stance against same-sex marriage. The eatery came under further scrutiny by some because a non-profit funded by Chick fil-A has reportedly donated a significant amount of money to groups opposed to same-sex marriage. But an LGBT rights group out of Chicago now claims that these donations will cease. [More]

Setting Cheerios On Fire Outside General Mills Office Is Maybe Not The Best Way To Voice Opinion On Same-Sex Marriage
Whatever your opinion on same-sex marriage (and the companies whose executives may oppose or support it), you certainly have the right to express your beliefs. However, we are pretty sure that only bad things can happen if your protest involves an attempt to ignite a bowl of Cheerios in public. [More]

Berating A Chick Fil-A Employee On Video Is Not A Good Way To Get Your Point Across
As we’ve mentioned before during this whole Chick fil-A standoff thing, it’s the fast food chain’s employees who have been unfairly drawn into a cultural tug of war. For example, there’s the Tucson, AZ, executive who thought it would be a hilarious idea to post a video of himself berating a Chick fil-A staffer. Not only did he fail to effect any change, he’s the one who is now out of a job. [More]

Bloomberg Comes Out Against Boston & Chicago Mayors’ Anti-Chick-Fil-A Messages
While New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is a supporter of same-sex marriage, he says he disagrees with the way some of his fellow mayors have responded to the ongoing Chick fil-A controversy. [More]

Chick Fil-A Denies Creating Facebook Account To Defend Company In Comments
As we mentioned briefly in our earlier story about Chick fil-A, the Internet is abuzz with accusations that the fast food chain created a bogus Facebook user to go into the comments with the intention of defending the company. But a rep for Chick fil-A tells Consumerist it has nothing to do with this fictional fan. [More]

Here’s The Letter Where Boston Mayor Tells Chick Fil-A To Stay The Cluck Out Of His Town
The controversy surrounding Chick fil-A and its leadership’s stance on same-sex marriage will likely not die down anytime soon, especially now that the Internet has the actual letter sent by Boston Mayor Thomas Menino to the eatery’s president Dan Cathy. [More]

Should Wedding-Related Businesses Be Allowed To Refuse Service To Same-Sex Couples?
Same-sex marriage has been legalized in the state of New Hampshire for two years, but a bill before the state legislature could allow businesses, like caterers, florists, and dress shops, to refuse their services to these couples. [More]