
Craftsman's "Lifetime Warranty" Depends On Tool Associate's Mood

Craftsman's "Lifetime Warranty" Depends On Tool Associate's Mood

Brian tried to trade in some old Craftsman tools, the ones that come with a lifetime, no-questions-asked replacement policy. Unfortunately, the Tool Associate at Sears deemed Brian unworthy of the Cratfsman guarantee and refused him. That’s why he’s the Tool Associate.

Target Employee Incompetence Freezes Nearly $800 Of Customer's Money

Target Employee Incompetence Freezes Nearly $800 Of Customer's Money

Erica, who writes Philadelphia Weekly’s Style blog, went to Target this past Saturday to purchase some new tank tops. She and her boyfriend filled their cart with a lot of other stuff too—”Ready to stimulate the economy?” she joked to him on their way to the register—and they agreed to split the cost equally. Now when I worked retail, that was an infrequent but not impossible task. When you ask a Target cashier to do that, get ready to have your debit card debited twice for the full amount of the bill, and then told two days later that the voided transactions will take 72 hours to clear.

Comcast Installer Also Installs Mud, Body Odor, In your Apartment

Comcast Installer Also Installs Mud, Body Odor, In your Apartment

He is actually still here I as I e-mail you — I hate to be mean, but the BO is so bad, I am seriously choking. He left to get some parts out of the truck and the smell is so strong in my apartment I am going to need to open all of my windows for the rest of the afternoon just to get this smell out.

E-Harmony Gives You 58 Dimensions Of Suck By Billing You For Two Accounts

E-Harmony Gives You 58 Dimensions Of Suck By Billing You For Two Accounts

Update: eHarmony has returned the money.

United Airlines Offers Drinks To "The Idiots In Coach"

United Airlines Offers Drinks To "The Idiots In Coach"

Reader Nicholas likes to listen to the cockpit channel while flying, because he says it calms his nerves. The flight attendants must have assumed that no one was turned to that station (or that they weren’t being broadcast on it), because Nicholas says he heard one of them refer to the passengers in the coach cabin as “idiots.” Whoops.

Direct Express Auto Transport Responds To Bad Reviews By Posting Reviewers' Personal Information Online

Direct Express Auto Transport Responds To Bad Reviews By Posting Reviewers' Personal Information Online

We write often about companies’ sleazy approaches to online reviews. Some companies bribe users for positive feedback. Others sue over negative reviews. Direct Express Auto Transport, however, is the first company we’ve seen that responds to bad reviews by sharing users’ personal information. Will Give You Free Pillows, But That Doesn't Mean It Has To Like You Will Give You Free Pillows, But That Doesn't Mean It Has To Like You

We love it when what’s supposed to be internal communication leaks out to the customer—it gives you such clear insight as to how a company really feels about you. In the case of, calling to complain about a missed delivery date makes you “difficult.” But hey, they’ll still send you some free pillows.


Remember the father and son team who cut in line at Walmart, then threatened an off-duty police officer with bodily harm, then were arrested? They’ve been charged with battery, and the off-duty cop has been cleared. A police investigator said, “The [Walmart] video supports [Officer] Kirby’s version of what happened.” [Indy Star] (Thanks to David!)

Father & Son Cut In Line At Walmart, Go To Jail

Father & Son Cut In Line At Walmart, Go To Jail

When 26-year-old Edward Pluhar Jr. decided to walk past the people waiting in line at Walmart’s customer service desk over the weekend, he probably didn’t expect one of the men he dissed to confront him over it. What he and his father really didn’t expect, however, was for the guy to be an off-duty police officer who doesn’t appreciate being threatened.

TechGearNow Calls You "Very Rude" For Declining Overpriced HDMI Cables

TechGearNow Calls You "Very Rude" For Declining Overpriced HDMI Cables

After ordering a TV from TechGearNow, Reid noticed two notes on his account asking him to call to confirm his order. It turns out they wanted to sell him an HDMI cable and warranty for $60, which he declined. The next time he checked his account, he saw the above note.

A Plea For Treating Employees And Fellow Shoppers With Politeness And Compassion

A Plea For Treating Employees And Fellow Shoppers With Politeness And Compassion

As you scramble to redeem gift cards and return unwanted items, we remind you that honey attracts more flies than vinegar, tart words make no friends, and please stop dropping F bombs in crowded stores.

Amtrak Strands Passengers Without Food, Water, Toilets

Amtrak Strands Passengers Without Food, Water, Toilets

About 450 Amtrak passengers were stranded in Chicago’s Union Station for almost 24 hours — without food, water or access to reliable functioning restrooms.

Furniture Store Employee Wants You To Know There's Something Wrong With Your Salesperson

Furniture Store Employee Wants You To Know There's Something Wrong With Your Salesperson

Jeff and his wife bought a couch, chair, and armoire from Basset Furniture in Rockville, Maryland this weekend, and while the actual experience was rather pleasant, they might not be going back. It wasn’t because their salesperson was rude, but rather because another employee they’d never dealt with pulled them aside at the last minute to warn them that there was “something wrong” with the woman who’d been helping them. What? What the hell does that mean? Did she sell them haunted furniture? Was she really a robber who was pretending to sell furniture to get the customers out of the store so she could finish her robbery? Was she a replicant?

Walmart Employee Hates New Trash Cans, Will Throw Yours If You Set It Near Him

Walmart Employee Hates New Trash Cans, Will Throw Yours If You Set It Near Him

Ricky had a bizarre run-in with “Larry” at his local Walmart, where he was shopping recently with his mother, who needed a new trash can. While Ricky browsed the automotive accessories counter, his mom did mom things in the silk flower department, and she left her new trash can next to Ricky’s leg while she wandered off. It turns out, you do not leave trash cans anywhere in Larry’s line of sight if you know what’s good for you.

California Tortilla Cashier Screams At Disabled Customer Who Accidentally Spilled Tray

California Tortilla Cashier Screams At Disabled Customer Who Accidentally Spilled Tray

Update: The owner of the California Tortilla left an excellent response, republished inside in full.

Proactiv Saleswoman Goes Insane When You Try To Return The Product

Proactiv Saleswoman Goes Insane When You Try To Return The Product

Amanda just had a frightening experience with the woman at the Proactiv kiosk in her hometown of Hattiesburg, Mississippi: “[Mall security] told me to come over and get away from her because she would not stop yelling, and refusing to do anything until I was out of her sight.” [Update: we’ve received more information on who to contact to resolve this issue. Check out the bottom of the post for details.]

Customer: "I Have A Brain Tumor" Apple Rep: "Not My Problem. Okay. So You Want…"

Customer: "I Have A Brain Tumor" Apple Rep: "Not My Problem. Okay. So You Want…"

You don’t have to believe everything customers say to you when you’re a customer service rep. You don’t even have to actually care. But if you can’t stop yourself from slipping in phrases like “not my problem” when you’re helping out a customer, maybe you need to try a different career. Like, say, parole officer.

WaMu's Inability To Mail Letters Costs Man $3,400

WaMu's Inability To Mail Letters Costs Man $3,400

Wamu’s fraud department has a problem sending letters. Just like another reader, Kristin, we posted about, Rob is having trouble disputing fraudulent charges on his account. He followed their every instruction, except to respond to the second letter WaMu sent out. How could Rob do such a foolish thing? Because it never showed up in his mailbox, a point, WaMu seems to think, is owing to, not their incompetence, but Rob’s general lassitude and weakness of character. Or something like that. Here’s Rob’s story…