They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but one online chef is calling foul when it comes to Burger King’s Mac n’ Cheetos. [More]

Create A Delicious Dessert, Win California Woman’s $390K Home
In the latest string of popular “create something, win huge reward” contests, a California woman is offering up her refurbished 1906 Craftsman home — valued at $390,000 — to the person who can come up with a winning dessert recipe. [More]

Man Reports Theft Of “Best Egg Salad Recipe In The World,” Valued (By Him) At $4,000
UPDATE: Nothing gold can stay. Especially not a shiny, perfect story about a stolen egg salad recipe.

Popeyes Pays $43 Million For Its Own Recipes
It might seem completely irrational for a fast-food company to not own the recipes that it uses every day, but that’s exactly what fried chicken place Popeyes has been doing for the last 23 years. The company has been paying an outside company $3.1 million per year in royalties for certain recipes that are crucial to its business, and recently paid $43 million for the rights to them. [More]

The Only 3 Ingredients You Need To Make Your Own Salad Dressing
If you’re like me, who knows how long that balsamic vinaigrette has been sitting in your refrigerator. And why sit around guessing when you can just make your own salad dressing with three simple ingredients: An oil, an acid, and something else. [More]

July 4th Holiday Open Thread: Foods Of Summer
Happy impending holiday! We at Consumerist HQ are taking the next two days off to eat inadvisable things, because fireworks are illegal in the jurisdictions where 75% of our staffers live, and we have to have fun somehow. So “somehow” involves bacon. Anyway, that made us think: what are your favorite summer foods, either at home or for sharing at picnics and other gatherings? Feel free to swap recipes in this open thread, or just discuss anything else that’s on your mind. [More]

Make Your Own Chocolate Syrup
If you crave chocolate syrup as a dessert topping or ingredient to make chocolate milk, you don’t need to buy it from the store. It’s easy to make it on your own, and doesn’t take much time or effort. [More]

Recycle The Pumpkin Slop In Your Freezer Into Something Edible
Flash back a couple weeks. With Halloween on the horizon, you got festive and butcher-knifed an unsuspecting pumpkin into a Jack-o’-lantern. Feeling guilty about tossing all its waste into the garbage, you stored it in a plastic container and tossed it in the freezer with hopes of one day resurrecting it in the world of tomorrow. [More]

Make Your Own Veggie Chips At Home
Veggie chips are a healthy and tasty alternative to potato crisps but they can be kinda pricey. Not to mention that the ones in the stores are often deep-fried and might not be any better for you than popping open a bag of regular potato chips. But if you make your own veggie chips at home you can have better control over the ingredients and preparation, save some money, and have fun doing it! Chow has got some great recipes for carrot chips, sweet potato crisps and even kale chips. Of course, for an even lower-cal version, it’s hard to beat flavored paper chips… [More]

Thanksgiving Open Thread And Recipe Swap!
Happy Thanksgiving! We are celebrating
Here’s mine: peanut butter fudge.

Make Ice Cream From Bananas
This recipe will show you how to make “ice cream” from bananas, a cool and cheap summer treat. The milk is optional. Repeat: optional. [Cooklikeyourgrandmother] [More]

Hey You In The Kitchen: You're Doing It Wrong
Are you holding on to some old kitchen myths? If so, this website will shock and astound you as it slap chops the truth into your face. For example, baking soda in the fridge isn’t an efficient way to prevent odors, aluminum cookware doesn’t cause Alzheimer’s, and mayonnaise–at least the commercial brands made in the U.S.–will actually help prevent spoilage in dishes like chicken salad. [More]

Make Your Own Pop Tarts!
Here’s a cool recipe for making your own Pop Tarts at home from SmittenKitchen. Sturdy crust, not soggy filling – the secret is a lil’ thickener – and, according to the author, “the buttery, flaky, no-toaster-required-to-soften-it transcendence the grocery store aisle version can only dream about.” It’s fun, it’s tasty, it’s HFCS-free. [More]

Here Are A Bunch Of Deviled Egg Recipes
So, it’s Easter. You’ve found the eggs, and now you’re like WTF do I do with all these stupid eggs. Answer: Deviled Eggs. [More]

Cook Your Own Delicious Food At Home, On A Budget
Do you want to save money by making your own meals at home, but aren’t sure where to start? Let the blog Budget Bytes help you. It contains not only frugal but delicious recipes (including vegetarian ones) broken down by total cost and cost per serving, but a guide to stocking your pantry when you first live on your own or learn to cook.