Shake Shack is a place that has burgers (example pictured here) that people in NYC seem to think are good. We have not personally tried said burgers, but we’ve yet to meet someone who has that isn’t enthusiastic about them. With that in mind, we direct you to a recipe that claims to allow you to make the Shake Shack burger at home.

Make Your Own Sports Drink
Why waste money on Gatorade when you can brew an equally effective sports drink from sugar, lemon juice, salt and orange juice? Hit the jump for the simple, inexpensive recipe.

Feed Your Family For $5 A Meal Without Going To Taco Bell
As Oregon Trail teaches us, the easiest way to save a buck on meals for your family is by clicking “meager” every time during meals until someone dies of scurvy and there’s more freshly-killed oxen meat to go around.

Seattle TV Station Offers Delicious Accidental Chicken Barbecue Recipes
Seattle TV station KIRO, like a lot of media organizations, has sponsored links on their front page. This is all well and good, since you have to pay for the camera(wo)men and the antennae and the pixels somehow. The problem is that sometimes sad news stories and contextual advertising lead to… hilarity.

What's Your Favorite Recipe Site?
As numerous commenters on our “50 Restaurants Where Kids Eat Free Or Cheap” pointed out, it’s easier to get good food at a good price with a nice home-cooked meal with fresh ingredients. Then we have the perpetual dilemma, what to make, and how to make it?

Is It Cheaper To Make Or To Buy? Six Foods Tested
Jennifer Reese decided to make six common food items and then determine whether it was better to go the homemade route or to buy from the store. We briefly considered making our own crackers last month in a fit of anger over how expensive generic saltines have become, so we’re glad someone did the research for us.

McDonald’s Employees Eat Better Food Than Us
McDonald’s employees, tired of eating the nigh-inedible offal which they slop out to customers day after day, have formed a Livejournal community dedicated to sharing with one another the culinary delights they have created for themselves with McDonald’s ingredients in a McDonald’s kitchen. Amazingly, a lot of it looks pretty good…